Since I'm from Berlin (Germany) and kind of spoiled with getting from A to B without giving a shit, I'm wondering how other SteamGifters do their business. Are you just car-people or do you relax in the sun while reading a book in commuter trains? I have no idea why, but I'm curious... :D

Look at this sweet photo of a squirrel eating some ice cream.

6 years ago

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How do you get to work/school/university?

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I'm using my car, Bitch
With busses, trains and lots of love


6 years ago

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Cologne/Germany here:
To university i went by bike or tram...
No I'm working in another city so I take my car. I could prob. take a train but than it would take ~30min longer in the morning (when train is on time) and would cost me more...

6 years ago

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I just stay home - problem solved :)

6 years ago

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Where I live buses drive every 30 - 60 min. To some places. They don't drive between 23 - 5.

Also they aren't spread evenly, so whole parts of cities are without any kind of transport. Or you need to walk for 30 min to reach bus that leaves every hour. Or every two hours xD

6 years ago

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Same here, but after living here for about 5-6 years we will move to the city center in a month and then everything is in reach by foot or bike and trains/buses are available almost every 5 minutes ^^

6 years ago

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Commuter here in São Paulo, Brazil. The city is enormous and without a good transportation system, which means that the people spend more time than necessary to reach the destination.

6 years ago

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What about... walking? It's usually at most half and hour away.

6 years ago

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By the time you get there you're all sweaty.

6 years ago

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Especially in the summer :c

6 years ago

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I take the bus, no trains in my city.

I believe if we had a good-quality public transportation, everyone could leave their cars home to go to university/work. Traffic would be a lot better. 1 bus could remove, let's say, 30 cars from the streets.

The problem is public transportation in my city sucks.

6 years ago

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I commute to work by a combination of bus and train since I don't even own a car... or even a driver's license.

Damit bin ich zwar morgens etwas langsamer als Kollegen mit ihren Autos, aber nachmittags schneller. Da ich nicht über die A46 mich quälen muss, sondern gemütlich im Zug sitze.

Aside from my work commute I use busses and this here...

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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2005 entspricht dann wahrscheinlich nicht deinem Geburtsjahr, oder? :D

6 years ago

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Nicht ganz, ich bin Jahrgang 1978. 2005 war das Jahr in dem ich begann auch im Internet Igel als Nickname zu benutzen.

6 years ago

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Ah, das erklärt einiges... Ein 12-13 Jähriger der arbeitet anstatt in die Schule zu gehen hätte mich gewundert ^^

6 years ago

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I love Metro (U-Bahn) in my town, while I've reading my smartphone :-)

6 years ago

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Well, public transport's pretty good here in Melbourne. Trams are quick and reliable (enough). Buses are... less reliable...

You hear some crazy stories on public transport, though. Got to listen in to people who just robbed a store, people breaking up or confessing on the damn bus -- it's a ride.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I mean, the robbery I heard was when I was on a Frankston bus, so I don't know if I'd recommend it XD

As long as it's good music, though, you're probably not missing too much ;)

6 years ago

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From A to B, it's always by car for me, public transportation in my place just takes too long.

6 years ago

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I walk, nearly everywhere.

I can't drive ( at least, I don't have a licence...I have every faith that I could drive....shit, how hard could it be ) and my town in hella small. Pretty much everything is a half hour walk from everything else.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Public Transportation for me.

außer Fernzüge. sind nur irre teuer und meist verspätet 😜

6 years ago

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Statistisch sind die Fernzüge pünktlicher als der Nahverkehr bei der Bahn. Was in meiner persönlicher Erfahrung auch hinkommt, leider... als Berufpendler wäre es anders herum für mich besser. Aber beim Preis stimme ich Dir 100% zu.

6 years ago

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I spent around 3 hours everyday in trains (my work place is very far) and I like it. I put on my headphones and read a book, or just reflect upon my life. It's a form of meditation for me.

6 years ago

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Mostly by car, even when my destination isn't too far and cycling is an option (it takes me 10 minutes to get to work by car). My excuse is that I live in a hot country (Israel) and I don't want to arrive all sweaty, but in truth I'm just lazy.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I used to walk most places (up to 2-3 miles away), but where I live now most of my destinations are farther afield than that, so I just use my car.

6 years ago

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I work from home, so I'm going with "none of the above."

6 years ago

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I travel however I can and need at that moment. If it's not too far I walk, if point B is too then I choose public transport unless someone I know gives me a ride with a car which I don't own.

6 years ago

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bicycle or walk

6 years ago

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Basically walk. I don't like Public transport.

6 years ago

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I live a bit out of town (15 minutes drive) and there's no public transportation coming all the way out here. Taking the car is my only option.

6 years ago

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I use bus and train.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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