Whole story:


My fiance started her own company 3 weeks ago. Last week she received a mail - inside was something looking like an official letter from government, with official stamps etc - calling her to pay 195 PLN (46EUR) for mandatory registration in "Polish Companies Registry. Below was a blanket to send money via bank transfer. On the other side of sheet of paper there was written with small letters that "This is just an advertisement. No payment is mandatory. We are not government agency, but just private company".


We went with that letter to police to report a fraud attempt. 1st policeman told us it's not a fraud, because there's this text on the other side. We said we'd like to report anyway and let a court decide if it's a fraud or not. He told us we'll have to wait for his supervisor.

His supervisor comes, we tell whole story over again - he says he cannot take our statement cause it's no Police work and we should go to civil court if we want to. I take out my smartphone and google through polish law codexes and show him a point that it's not a matyter for civil court but for the police. Very unhappy he writes down a statement then he asks me for a smartphone I just googled it on. I think he wants to copy what paragraph number it is or something, but no - he puts a smartphone into an evidence bag. WTF? - I ask. "You used your company's smartphone for private matters, which is against the law.". "It's not company's smartphone! It's my private phone. Plus I bought it over 1.5 year ago while company is up for just 1.5 week!". "In this case we will have to verify it - if it's really private smartphone, not a company one. You can take it back in 24 hours". "Can I at least have my SIM card back?". "No, SIM card is part of protected evidence now". He gives me piece of paper to come back tommorow for my phone.


I go to pick up my phone. They give it back to me - batterry dead. I go back t home, charge it - and what do I see? 26 calls made while phone was there, whole internet package used, shitload of some useless shitty apps from "money-for-download" pages installed. I go back to police to report it. What do I hear? "You probably made all these calls and downloaded all this stuff right now, while changing phone clock, just to blame police". For next few minutes I try to calmly resolve this issue - but I hear that if I don't stop talking I'm the one who they will arrest for fraud on them - as I obviously try to scam them for compensation right now. The moment I hear it I break - I scream on an idiot who tells me this that he must be a moron, that the fucking Android would change all timers the moment I'd change time, and that some fucking asshole from their fucking police station is just a thief that decided to use smartphone which was suposed to be evidence to save himself some money and earn some fucking credits on some shitty website for downloading shitty aps.

Next thing I know I lie on the ground handcuffed behind my back. They take me to prosecutors and I find out I'm charged with insulting police officer (because I used vulgar language) and resisting an arrest (yeah - me fat, unhealthy nerd resisted 3 bigass muscled cops who were lying on me and handcuffing me). And I hear I now face a threat of big fine or up to one year of jail time... So yeah - that's my story - if you read up to here the GA cove is hidden right after Thursday.


OK... idk why the hell someone necroed such an old topic, you're an idiot dear sir, but as for update how things ended up:

  1. Prosecution refused to drop charges and insisted about getting case into court.
  2. Then to make the whole process longer they insisted on psychiatric evaluation - deciding it one month after the case started o.O then waiting 2 weeks for a visit to a doctor so the doctor after 15 minutes can tell that no, I'm not a psycho.
  3. In the meantime of all this bullshit going on the year ended.
  4. Right at the start of the new year prosecution suddenly drops charges because of "low level of harm towards society".
  5. Seems that it got so long, because t was easy case to booost statistics. Apparently they results are evaluated not solely on number of cases they solve, but rather on number of cases and how long they work on them. They had no case, but they were running a case anyway, so in stats they were working hard for society.
  6. I did not file a civil case, because the expenses I'd have to pay were just silly compared to almost nothing I could get. Return of my 2 days salary because that's how many days I couldn't work.
9 years ago*

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glupis,ze oddales policjantowi telefon bez zadnego potwierdzenia/wezwania jako swiadek. odezwij sie na steam to pomoge ci w tej sprawie.

i glupota: od kiedy jest w przepisach,ze nie mozesz telfonu firmwego uzywac prywatnie? ponad 50% uzycia musi byc na firme,reszta moze byc prywatna

9 years ago

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z potwierdzeniem - dostalem pokwitowanie ze zostal zabezpieczony do sprawdzeia. plus wyszlo na moje - ze telefon byl moj prywatny (nawet nie mamy kurde telefonu firmowego, bo sama firma zarejestrowana dopiero 3 tygodnie temu)

9 years ago

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No to juz,po billing i jazda skarge skladac do prokuratury o przekroczenie uprawnien!

9 years ago

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And that's why I hate cops from the bottom of my heart. Cops in my country are all pigs and dogs. Fuck them all.

9 years ago

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OMG sorry to hear that. That's the kind of people that makes the world worse.

Hope everything would be ok, good luck.

9 years ago

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"26 calls made while phone was there" here is a proof thet you are not trying to scam them (check the registry it may show the time of tha calls, it might work as evidence for you)
and sry to hear that. i always hate the cops cuz they do shit (even in my country)

9 years ago

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OMG, what a f'ed up story... Wish you the best of luck to get out of this.

9 years ago

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Just get a lawyer.
It shouldn't be hard to get to file a case and prove that they used your phone while it was with them.
Phone companies can tell when and where you were when the data was used and calls were made. The accounts can be traced if they tried to get any points by installing those apps. Sounds easy enough to prove. Just a matter of getting past these cops to the real authorities.

And in future, when you know someone is abusing their power, like these cops, just back out and come at it again with backup. Trying to call them names was a tad silly. Hell, if you had just left the rest of it out of your post, I could still have predicted what would end up happening. It was that obvious.

I hope you get it sorted out mate. It sounds like you are in for a tough few days ahead of you.

9 years ago

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Ouch, i'm sorry shit happened, still i save some hope the story is invented :o

9 years ago

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I don't know how this works in places other than America, but dude. Take this up a few levels. State or even federal.

9 years ago

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It does not work like that in PL. All I can get from court is money they used on my phone for calls and internet bandwitch. There is not such a thing here as extra compensation from government for gov official doing sth wrong.

9 years ago

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I don't know how this works in places other than America, but dude. Take this up a few levels. State or even federal.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Never, ever talk to the cops voluntarily. Unless they are arresting or detaining you, avoid them.

They are often corrupt, lazy bullies with huge egos. You making them work or, God forbid, correcting them (regardless if they're wrong or not) is just asking for some serious trouble.

Sorry to hear about your situation Zel. I would imagine a good lawyer can get the issue dismissed without jail time as you are obviously not a danger to society. You may still be stuck with a fine plus lawyer fees. Don't expect anything to happen with your cell phone misuse.

9 years ago

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Well - I guess I have my punishment for trying to be a fucking social justice warrior here. Someone tries to scam me - with all the years with internet sales I can detect such an obvious scam at sight, but a lot of ppl setting their first businness cannot - so I report to protect them (like I said - I knew it was a fraud from the moment I saw this mail). And I get punished for it, because some lazy ass doesn't like to do his work he's being paid each and every month from taxes from my freaking hard earned goddamned money -.-

9 years ago

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Yikes... that sucks hard

9 years ago

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I'm just glad most cops in my country aren't nearly like that, but it's not about the cops it's about abusing "power" which lots of people do nowadays and get away like they did nothing.

9 years ago

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Oh man, fuck them. Police are not called pigs for nothing. I was once almost arrested for standing below a tree in the rain. After the cop realized I'm not selling drugs but waiting for the rain to stop, he asked me "are bitches in this town any good, because he's new there". So, yeah...

9 years ago

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Wow... I'm just... what he fuck. That's just... depressing.

Contact the media? Where I'm from they'd have a field day over this, and heads would roll.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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go to the news.... puplic knowlege is more powerful then anything you can do

9 years ago

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Sooo sorry to hear that.
My only thought was why didn't you have that on password/draw protect.
I pray that you find a good lawyer, or somebody to help you protect your rights.
Good Luck ZEL!

9 years ago

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See if you can get national media involved in the story. Although, I'd recommend you to think twice about, what you're about to do. If the police - where you live - is out of control, then this can ruin you and your wife's future, because they will or get other people to harass you and/or damage your property.
As for the fake letter, I'd recommend getting national media involved, which may turn into a political case - hopefully resulting in more regulations towards what's allowed as advertisement.

9 years ago

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As for police - It wil depend. If prosecutors drop the charges I will not fight them, because I don't want any more troubles. Other way I have to, because doing my current work I cannot become a criminal...

As for taking fake letter to medias - won't do a thing I believe. I just didn't realize it - but several pl both in this topic and via PMs - ppl who run their companies for years, not like us for just 3 weeks - told me it's normal in poland. Some even tend to get dozen fake mails per month. And there's nothing they can do about them, cause even after report court takes 3-5 years to close a case, and until they do they are free to send these mails over and over again and just transfer all monies abroad :/ I did not know about it - cause like I said it's our first company, but sadly it looks that's how it works here...

9 years ago

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sorry to hear that, OP. but i wont miss you.

9 years ago

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... never thought I would hear this from the steam gifts forums. Sorry m8.

9 years ago

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I don't know what Poland's court system is like, but if there is a jury, I think you'll win. Good luck.

9 years ago

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There's no jury in polish courts. There's only a judge and he has one and only and final word.

9 years ago

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This is why you need to have a password on your phone.

9 years ago

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That is really some messed up stuff. It sucks you had to go through that from the people that are supposed to serve and protect the public. It's just really wrong.

9 years ago

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Dude I would be pissed... I feel you. Its so unfair how theyre just overusing their power but in court you can certainly get this solved with a good lawyer

9 years ago

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