Whole story:


My fiance started her own company 3 weeks ago. Last week she received a mail - inside was something looking like an official letter from government, with official stamps etc - calling her to pay 195 PLN (46EUR) for mandatory registration in "Polish Companies Registry. Below was a blanket to send money via bank transfer. On the other side of sheet of paper there was written with small letters that "This is just an advertisement. No payment is mandatory. We are not government agency, but just private company".


We went with that letter to police to report a fraud attempt. 1st policeman told us it's not a fraud, because there's this text on the other side. We said we'd like to report anyway and let a court decide if it's a fraud or not. He told us we'll have to wait for his supervisor.

His supervisor comes, we tell whole story over again - he says he cannot take our statement cause it's no Police work and we should go to civil court if we want to. I take out my smartphone and google through polish law codexes and show him a point that it's not a matyter for civil court but for the police. Very unhappy he writes down a statement then he asks me for a smartphone I just googled it on. I think he wants to copy what paragraph number it is or something, but no - he puts a smartphone into an evidence bag. WTF? - I ask. "You used your company's smartphone for private matters, which is against the law.". "It's not company's smartphone! It's my private phone. Plus I bought it over 1.5 year ago while company is up for just 1.5 week!". "In this case we will have to verify it - if it's really private smartphone, not a company one. You can take it back in 24 hours". "Can I at least have my SIM card back?". "No, SIM card is part of protected evidence now". He gives me piece of paper to come back tommorow for my phone.


I go to pick up my phone. They give it back to me - batterry dead. I go back t home, charge it - and what do I see? 26 calls made while phone was there, whole internet package used, shitload of some useless shitty apps from "money-for-download" pages installed. I go back to police to report it. What do I hear? "You probably made all these calls and downloaded all this stuff right now, while changing phone clock, just to blame police". For next few minutes I try to calmly resolve this issue - but I hear that if I don't stop talking I'm the one who they will arrest for fraud on them - as I obviously try to scam them for compensation right now. The moment I hear it I break - I scream on an idiot who tells me this that he must be a moron, that the fucking Android would change all timers the moment I'd change time, and that some fucking asshole from their fucking police station is just a thief that decided to use smartphone which was suposed to be evidence to save himself some money and earn some fucking credits on some shitty website for downloading shitty aps.

Next thing I know I lie on the ground handcuffed behind my back. They take me to prosecutors and I find out I'm charged with insulting police officer (because I used vulgar language) and resisting an arrest (yeah - me fat, unhealthy nerd resisted 3 bigass muscled cops who were lying on me and handcuffing me). And I hear I now face a threat of big fine or up to one year of jail time... So yeah - that's my story - if you read up to here the GA cove is hidden right after Thursday.


OK... idk why the hell someone necroed such an old topic, you're an idiot dear sir, but as for update how things ended up:

  1. Prosecution refused to drop charges and insisted about getting case into court.
  2. Then to make the whole process longer they insisted on psychiatric evaluation - deciding it one month after the case started o.O then waiting 2 weeks for a visit to a doctor so the doctor after 15 minutes can tell that no, I'm not a psycho.
  3. In the meantime of all this bullshit going on the year ended.
  4. Right at the start of the new year prosecution suddenly drops charges because of "low level of harm towards society".
  5. Seems that it got so long, because t was easy case to booost statistics. Apparently they results are evaluated not solely on number of cases they solve, but rather on number of cases and how long they work on them. They had no case, but they were running a case anyway, so in stats they were working hard for society.
  6. I did not file a civil case, because the expenses I'd have to pay were just silly compared to almost nothing I could get. Return of my 2 days salary because that's how many days I couldn't work.
9 years ago*

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First of all you run to police with a spam mail you should not even pay attention to (since you're most likely not the first one who got this email, you should probably google this first, it's always reported there already), second your phone gets misused by police and instead of going to a layer to sue them you scream on them. If you're adult you should probably know you never scream to police officer because there's NOTHING good you can ever get out of it. After reading your text it seems to me it is your fault of inappropriate behaviour.

9 years ago

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  1. Officer refuses to take a report to which he's legally obliged.
  2. Officers refuses to do so even when shown exact law fragment saying so.
  3. Officer unlawfully as it turned out takes my phone (lawyer told that they should just copy an IMEI, and send a question to my mobile operator asking if it's private or company pjone).
  4. Officers missuse evidence and use evidence for personal means.
  5. Officer wrongfully accuse me of fabricating evidence (changing phone timer and downloading apps myself), threatens me to take legal actions in order to intimidate me from demanding my rights.

"After reading my text it seems to you it's my fault"

9 years ago

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And what did you learn from this? All mail is junk mail and fuck the police I hope.

9 years ago

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The ratchet government and the crooked cops with the clear initiation of force on the innocent. In their book you're always wrong cause if not you're facing prison or the end of a gun barrel. I'm sorry to see how things turned out.

9 years ago

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This calls for another Blitzkrieg!

9 years ago

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Wow, that suck m8. I feel bad for you.
In my country cops are usually quite trustworthy luckily

9 years ago

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Any updates?

I've read that you've already been to a lawyer and that you've been told not to worry too much.

9 years ago

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Been to lawyer, he calmed me saying that there is ery big chance that the case will get dropped on prosecution level without even sending it to court, and even in worst case scenario with it going to court there's basically no chance for jail - I have no criminal record, and jail for this is only reserved for people with rich criminal records. So worst that can happen to me is fine or community service.

On monday my lawyer send an official mail to prosecution asking to drop the charges because of "low level of harm towards society" and me being under "heavy emotional stress (because of all false accusations etc) at the moment of commiting crime".

No official response yet, hence no official updates until I will know anything for sure. But I hope it will just get dropped.

9 years ago

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I hope you do. Will you press charges against them after that ?

9 years ago

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Don't think so (if the charges are dropped, if they're not I may because if I win against them it could be important in my court case). There is not such a thing in polish law as big money compensation for gov official doing something wrong to you. All I could win from them is monetary compensation equal to my actual monetary loss (cost of used internet transfer and made calls, my daily salary, because I lost 1 day at work because of them). Cost of a lawyer to lead my civil case agains them would be several times bigger that what I could get from them. And worst thing that could happen to officer is that he would get reprimand or got denied promotion - but then there's always a risk that they could then just take revenge on me - I live very close to this police station, so they could follow me and ticket for whatever bullshit they would see, constantly coming to my home and check it because they got "annonymous tip about some disturbances" and many other. Generally if my case doesn't end up in court, but get dropped in prosecution - I have very little to win and a lot more to lose if I decide to press charges against them.

9 years ago

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I see. I was suggesting having them sanctioned, not trying to obtain a monetary compensation.

You're right, moving on might be the best thing to do, maybe better not take the risk to have them take their douchebag moves to the next level.

9 years ago

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as Sarif say before, i think drop it is the wisest option here. Never mess with Gov, law, and authority, it a big messy stuff, that only cause more harm than good

9 years ago

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What did you do?! What did you DO!?!

9 years ago

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No but seriously. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

9 years ago

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This is seriously pissing me off. Anyways, I hope you'll sort this out.

9 years ago

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any update with the case ? Zel

9 years ago

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here is some - no official update in topic yet as I don't want to make it Edit upon edit upon another edit and officially nothing changed in my situation so far - if it gets officially changed towards any side (court or dropped charges) I will update OP, until then don't think there's a point to make updates "Been to lawyer. Been to hearing. Sent official letter. Still got no answer to official letter." etc

9 years ago

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Best of luck dude, holy shit. That sounds bad.

9 years ago

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Best of luck dude, holy shit. That sounds bad.

9 years ago

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Best of luck dude, holy shit. That sounds bad.

9 years ago

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The fraud attemp is against the company, therefore the use of the phone was a company matter. The seizure was therefore illegal.

9 years ago

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Shitty story, I'm sorry to hear that.
Your mobile network will have timestamps of the calls that you (assuming European telecom laws are fairly similar across the board) should be able to request - your local clock won't affect those.

Good luck!

9 years ago

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Don't let the man keep you down! Fight the power!

Also, any update?

9 years ago

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prosecution didn't agree to drop charges so I will go to court at the beggining of next year.

9 years ago

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Good lord. Don't they have better ways to spend their time?

9 years ago

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Well, apparently they results are evaluated not solely on number of cases they solve, but rather on number of cases and how long they work on them (they are evaluated based on "we're currently dealing with XYZ cases, it takes ZYX manpower, we should get donated YXZ monies from government"). So basically such a cases aree bliss to them - they do not have to put any serious work into them, yet they get paid as they are working the case - for example last week they decided - after over a month (!!!) that they would like expert witness psychiatrist to examine me if I am mentally stable and don't have serious anger management issues. Why do they want to do so for such a trivial case? Because they will get paid extra, expert will get paid, they will be working case longer earning more money - everybody wins except for me.

9 years ago

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Mój kraj, taki piekny
Próbowałeś napisać w tej sprawie np. tu? http://forumprawne.org/ Tam będa bardziej obeznani co robić w takich sytuacjach. Bo to serio podchodzi pod nadużywanie władzy.

9 years ago

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Shit like that would give me serious anger management issues. It'd make me want to start punching myself in the face, Tyler Durden-style.

9 years ago

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oh my....

9 years ago

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Corruption all around. Keep us updated on this.

9 years ago

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my fucking country so beautiful... just thieves and liers in police and government...

9 years ago

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F the Police
You expect them to help people for trivial matters? They only exist to protect corrupt politicians, rich people, drug dealers and general illegal matters. The guy who took your phone is a douche. The courts are in it too. Just let it go or you will lose money on shitty lawyers, court fees and generally waste your time further. A few years ago I got pulled over for overtaking an extremely slow car when the double lines ended on a road at a clear intersection, the road was totally clear but i couldn't do anything about it, they stole my plates and my license, had to cough up 500e and couldnt drive for 1.5month during my holiday :( Not once in my life have I seen a helpful cop.

9 years ago

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Cóż, przykra sprawa. Rozumiem, że telefonu nie mogłeś "sformatować" i np. zmienić nr itp. Ciężka sprawa i zapewne długo będzie się wlec. Jedynym dowodem jest tutaj telefon, w którym są daty, godziny dzwonienia, gdzie i tak zapewne Ci z góry coś wymyślą by wygrać sprawę. Życzę powodzenia!

9 years ago

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What the fuck dude?!?!

9 years ago

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Are You still criminal?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Looks very criminal. Maybe he's got laptop in prison cell, like Breivik or something xD

8 years ago

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Now I'm sure there is some kind of event around here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Just where to find it D:

8 years ago

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such necro
much wow

8 years ago

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He was probably right though, the police aren't really the people to goto about scam advertisments.

8 years ago

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wait what, this was one year ago

8 years ago

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I would tell you to get a laywer but after seeing how stuff works there i'm guessing you would probably be ripped off ( again).

8 years ago

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How...why... I hope that not all of the police in your country are like that.

8 years ago

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