Even the most generous one here has it so it's not that rare. Me myself have 2 :)
Edit: Or maybe here is the most generous?
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I have one, out of 377 giveaways. It's the only time I've ever gotten an invalid key from a bundle. I reached out to Humble support, they refused to help, and the person who won the key ignored my requests to delete the giveaway, despite my good faith effort to resolve the issue.
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Well, it has never happened to me, but, if it we're to happen, I'd be celebrating since I'd be in the small amount of users that have had a giveaway marked as not received in the specific month: https://imgur.com/ZVkYyaJ
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By the looks of it, it's not public information, but you're kinda making me think about it as well.
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I only have problem with the 'awaiting feedback' thing
it worries me they might have used the key without saying it, I generally give them time to mark as received. however when its around a year and they keep being active and never marked as received I just am forced to request a new winner, even if its just making more pain in the behind for the mods
I do my best to contact the winner tho, I had already tried by several methods with one but no results
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If it's just a few I usually assume they just had some really obnoxious POS winners like those people who post on your Steam profile "Where my game?????????????" 5 minutes after the giveaway ends.
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Add as a friends on steam to send a replacement key with a comment in their profile on why I am adding them if I'm able. If they keep rejecting my invite, a message on a game they've given away. If still no response, an email.
After that, they are permanently blacklisted and I move on.
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I almost never check for this, and if I will notice this by chance - there will be no reaction from me at all - there is nothing wrong about it, it's just a part of life.
Only exception to this rule - is profiles where all, or almost all giveaways are "not received". Usually I encounter those when there is a giveaway for AAA game from recently joined user, and I want to check if it's legitimate. In this case I won't spend points on said giveaway, sometimes I also will blacklist the creator.
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It is clearly a ratio thing for me: if a member has gifted hundreds or even thousands of games and has a few "not received" I wouldn't mind. On the other hand if the giveaways made are 20 and the not received 15 I'd get wary.
Conclusion: You'd be still on my whitelist Ekaros even if a couple of your giveaways would go awry :)
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I only ever check for these when someone makes a big GA for a recently released game or a big unbundled game and I have never seen them around. Not to blacklist or report or whatever. Just to know if it's trustworthy.
If it's someone who has a history of those or has quite a few for the number of GAs they made, I tend to just ignore their GAs;
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i am one with a non received from long time ago :) guy hasnt been active since would probably delete it but guy cba
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I don't even usually check for received/not received, although as some others have said with AAA and expensive unbundled games I generally do. I don't blacklist based on "not received" but I probably would if someone had a large percentage of not received games (in comparison to how many they had given away).
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As long as they are continuing to give games that are being marked as received, I don't care at all. The only issue I would have would be if someone is intentionally creating fake giveaways for expensive games to try and trick people into whitelisting them and then not noticing when it doesn't get sent. I would think the user would just delete these type of giveaways before they end though because then there wouldn't be a trail on their account for other users to see. Support could still see, but I don't think they would notice unless someone reported it and a user would only be able to see if they checked the GA archives for the entire site and looked for the deleted GA for that specific game.
Having a few not received giveaways on your account is not a big deal at all.
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100 received and 1 not received non issue
100 received and 10 not received ... maybe a bad batch, maybe didnt know about regio locks ... could happen to anybody ... and i mean i had deleted two giveaways ... one for claimed game, second one for wrong version
1 received and 100 not received well ... mot likely blackllist because there could be a chance that his giveaway wont work and i dont really want to wait to enter another giveaway with the same game if the ga gets deleted
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As a lot of people have already mentioned, I think it's about the ratio. If its just a few 'not-received' in many giveaways, it's no big deal.
It could very easily be a missed region lock, which would make it difficult to replace as the product also likely has restricted cross-regional gifting even on the Steam store.
But if there are many 'not-received' as compared to total given away, it's likely more than just a couple of those minor issues.
I don't think I've ever seen someone on the site with more than a few 'not received' giveaways to be honest. So most of the time, in my personal opinion a small fraction of 'not received' as compared to total giveaways are not a big deal.
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Really couldn't care less, unless the user has over 50% not received giveaways, then I'd get a little wary.
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Meh. If a key doesn't work, then it doesn't work. Some sources or old keys can't be guaranteed. I don't even look at that stat in a user profile.
I have very specific criteria for my blacklist, mainly, I hate hassle and I don't want blatantly obvious fake profiles.
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I won't judge others on that. But sincerely a big red mark on my profile might encourage me to leave if i can't find a way to fix it or if it becomes a chore to try to please someone - because actually if there is a problem here, it can be a long hassle when there is already enough trouble in real life.
For example recently the bus simulator dlc, i stressed a lot realizing that people could take part while already having the dlc on their account, and by anticipating a long series of potential annoyances, so i was very lucky that the winner didn't already have it and was nice enough to not annoy me for the sake of it. So i was very hesitant to gift it here. This and potential region-locks that i don't know how to discern well.
(in practice it encouraged me to gift more to whitelist - 200 people that i hope they are nice and wouldn't be a hassle - and discouraged me to gift to lvl<3, while in reality i think that those who can't afford games are lvl0 and it bothers me a lot to exclude them)
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To be honest, I always think that there was a key that had been used, the one making the giveaway asked, and the winner was being unfair and refused to let the giveaway be deleted
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I never had it happen myself and only deleted a giveaway 1 time since it had a region restricted issue I didn't know of (well, 2 times but 2nd time was an error on my side and deleted it before it ended)
I personally won't hunt them or be an ass to them, only thing I can think of is if someone has a lot compared to how many they did send, else... well... stuff happens and I usually don't even check that stuff I guess.
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Well not received feedback IS a red flag, but that doesn't mean it's a bad user necessarily.
It's more lie a case by case thing, I check the account in it's globality and see if there is more redflags, but if there is a limited amount of not received, I don't really care.
Unfair winners exists, and they can be really difficult to handle when they don't want you to delete, because they assume you have something that belong to them.
I think there should be a way to report that kind of behaviour really, but since the mods have a hard time with many things, it's not going to happen in the near future.
Tho I don't believe it will resolve everything, and it would be abused the same way as the other party is doing right now.
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Why you are here actually: pOKDy
So when you see a user profile with Not Received feedback what do you do:
Do you immediately black list them?
Do you never whitelist them?
Do you never accept them when recruiting to groups?
Do you immediately kick them from all the groups you are admin of?
Do you hunt them down and berate them on Steam? In giveaway comments? In forum threads?
Something else?
With recent PSA I was actually wondering what is the true reaction and result for thing that you need to go to user profile and hover over for...
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