To my liver, i was, maybe rightfully so because of my drinking, worried about it for some time, which i couldn't check for way more then a year, because you know, finances, but also a bit of fear.
While sometimes i also had periods i was also taking a few glasses during normal days, more over i was one of those weekend binge drinkers (and don't think thats any better then drinking a few each day), playing TF2 and just having my 90's retro dance music on.

Never judge anyone doing so, to each their own and we all got our reasons, but i wish i was more educated and warned 20 years ago, you might think even small amounts won't matter much and while that offcourse also differs per person and heck even studies say small amounts are good while others will say small amounts are bad.
But don't forget in the end you are basically just giving poison to yourself, if anyone just reading it, don't put yourself to it, even if you got problems, stress it might help short term, but long terms effects will be alot more problematic for you, atleast inform yourself about it.

Yesterday i had my echo done and it looked the same as a couple of years ago, though my blood values showed my liver had to work a little extra, but while it might be different for each person there is a good chance on a full recovery if i just stop completely, and i been doing so for 15 weeks and no desire to go back to it (and thankfully for me personally i don't have these urges others might get).

Getting some wellfare and a jobcoach hopefully that will be able to help me out, although the moment i had an appointment her mother passed away so it's probably take another couple of weeks.

Posted a little reply here to give a small idea on what my drinking habit was, if anyone is interested.

Also did you know? The liver just doesn't filter out poison, it handles the melatonine (natural hormone that makes you sleep), filters out stress, and probably alot more, so be gentle with it. :)

Not much, but hey it's something.

5 years ago*

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Could´nt resist, but huzzah to your decision! :)

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5 years ago

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Thank you. :)

5 years ago

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I won't touch alcohol. My dad almost drank himself to death before he finally checked himself into a treatment facility, the doctors there told him his liver was on the verge of shutting down and if he'd waited even another week it would've been too late.

5 years ago

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That's really a close call, how is his liver, did it recover, how long is he sober?

5 years ago

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He did recover, and he's been sober for almost 30 years.

5 years ago

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Good to hear, and good of him. :) Through a bad way but his mistake did help you not to make the same.

5 years ago

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Yes, I'm a very big proponent of learning from the mistakes of others. I do it whenever possible not only so I don't make the same mistakes, but also so what they went through has some meaning.

5 years ago

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Oh my. As someone who loves booze, that post hit home with me. Even if I think that I might drink less than you did. Anyway... I'm happy to read that you will most likely have full recovery and, wow, being booze-less for 15 weeks, congrats.

No, I don't have a drinking problem, never had... but I do indulge over the weekends, rarely on week days. Because I love the taste. Aaaaand let's be honest, getting a nice little buzz is fun too. Especially when you're listening to music and/or gaming. Usually it's a 750ml bottle of strong beer on both Friday and Saturday night. Although I've been more keen on white wine on Fridays for the past 2-3 weeks. Yeah, the whole bottle. But I mix it with sparkling flavored water. ;) can you guess what I'm drinking right meow? :o/

5 years ago

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And I think that's the difference. I, too, love beer - I drink beer almost every day. But I love beer for the taste - if I could get non-alcoholic beer that tasted the same, I would. A bomber on the weekends is basically two bottles - even accounting for strength you're up to 4 beers for the day. I'll might have that on Friday or Saturday if watching shows or movies.

But the key, for me, is that enjoying the beer is the goal, as opposed to getting drunk. I hate getting drunk. I think I may have gotten drunk once in the past decade, and regretted it. I have gone to beer tastings with friends where I was the designated driver because I could trust myself to stay sober. I love to unwind with a beer, but I don't need it. I quit drinking for 3 months when I realized I needed to lose weight in a hurry (damn those calories!).

If you're drinking just to enjoy the taste, I think that's fine. If you're drinking because you feel you need to, or you want to get drunk, or something along those lines... that's when you may have a problem - and you really need to take a look at your life to find the source of that problem so that you can fix it, because alcohol certainly won't.

Also, a whole bottle of white wine? By yourself? Yikes! Though, I admit, it never occurred to me to mix it with carbonated, flavoured water. Though I stand by my yikes statement. :)

5 years ago

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If you think a bottle of wine is already much (which you are totally right), i am not gonna say what i had. :p

No but yeah 0,0% beer tastes like tasteless lemonade rather then beer, and even that would give me the same upset stomach as alcohol did in the end, (which i only had with alcohol drinks, not with lemonade, not with milk, so dunno what it's in the 0,0% ones that's also in normal beer what causes it).

Further totally agree with what you said.

5 years ago

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Even without alcohol, what did upset your stomach was the hop. It's a perfectly normal reaction, because unfiltered and unfermented hop in high quantities will induce the same symptoms of a hangover.

5 years ago

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A whole bottle of wine seemed like a lot. I looked it up, and now I see it's the equivalent of 3 12-oz bottles of strong, 10% beer - which is still considerable, about 6 bottles of regular strength beer, but I can see occasionally drinking that much over the course of an evening. Though I think it would make for a somewhat unpleasant morning the next day. :)

5 years ago

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When you have a pretty robust constitution, or are on the verge of becoming (or already are) an alcoholic, it's very easy to drink insane amounts. In the past i was capable of drinking bottleS (plural required) of wine before eventually passing out. The last time i got heavily drunk, i had 3 liters of cheap 12% Faxxe beer in one evening.
I also found out that quality alcohol will get you drunk faster, but with a much less heavy hangover, while cheap discount alcohol takes a while and the resulting hangover will be quite bad. It was the first reason i've decided to cut my daily drinking.

Well, that and the fact that alcohol and cannabis do not mix together really well.

5 years ago

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Yeah, drinking for me is mostly a sensory experience. Take one of my favorite craft beers, Péché Mortel (French for Mortal Sin)... you don't chug that. It's sooo good, I like to let it linger on my tongue for a while, just to really let the taste sink in. <3

That said... I'm kinda surprised to see people go WTF at the idea of drinking a bottle of wine. It took me 5-6 hours to finish it. Anyway... wine on Fridays won't turn into an habit. I'm more into craft beers. And the reason behind the sparkling water is that it kinda turned the wine into a cocktail. Tasted much better. It's a pity I didn't had some fruit juice, I would have thrown that into the mix.

5 years ago

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It just seemed like a lot. But now that you mention it, it's about 25.4 oz of 14% alcohol, which is about 3 12-oz bottles of a 10% imperial beer. That's certainly still a lot of alcohol, but put in those terms it seems a lot more reasonable to drink over the course of an evening.

I haven't heard of mixing wine with sparkling water or fruit juice, though. That's new to me. But I'm much more into craft beer myself, as well. And Peche Mortel is delicous! I also love Founder's Breakfast Stout, which is along the same flavor lines.

5 years ago*

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Thank you.

Yeah exactly on Friday/Saturday, just unwind a bit, it even opened me sometimes to just go singing (to much chagrin of people around me because i sometimes even did till late). :p
I used to love mojitos (and Lidl also had a red bottle with blood oranges) 4 euro for a 75cl bottle, which i divided over 2 days so i drank some bottles of beer with it (about 12 for 2 days), and sometimes even wine on top of that, offcourse gradually you add 1 more bottle 1 more glass) but i always been a big drinker as in not just alcohol i can drink/chug tea all day, or even lemonade.

At one point though i didn't even get a buzz anymore (did get the hangovers though) so yeah then you are just used to that liquor, i would still rank top 3's in TF2 (so good reflexes), and then some moments also wine (evenings) or beer (in the summer when it's hot) on normal days (though not months long, more weeks) but yeah you drink less then i did, though some might even say what you drink is too much.
You know i always said oh yeah maybe it is a little bit much what i drink but not THAT much, not like i always been drinking every day, but the more i keep reading this, writing this, and some already going yikes when you say a whole bottle of wine, yeah what i did was just too much and i should have slapped myself for it.

On one day Lidl stopped selling them (and maybe that's also a good thing for me, if it ever came back it be tempting) so i went to just beer (and wine) apparently they still sell it in Germany, but for me it's too far anyway.
We got 0,5cl cans of 10% (or maybe 12) beer, loved the taste of it but boy 2 of those could really knock me down and fall asleep, was really a few times i tried those.

I am in my mid thirties, maybe you are still young, and hey whatever works for you, not gonna preach, i mean each person is different, look at the rolling stones what they done with drugs and booze and still rocking (although mick runs a few miles around each performance) and for some 1 can be too much. or like me, you will just start feeling it more once you get older,

I agree on Timo's comment above, atleast inform yourself a little more about the amounts you are drinking now, what it could do long term and then decide if that's still worth it for you rather then saying to yourself i'll be fine and then find the consequences when you are 20 years older and it's too late, and that's so totally not worth those buzzes you get now, trust me. ;)

5 years ago*

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Hi Lugum
I met with an old friend last week, a very nice person I didn't see in the past 3 years because of geographical distance. We are both in our 40's (me being closer to 40, him to 50). I know this guy since more than 15 years and some friends in the group were classmates at teenage.
He is the second biggest drinker in my past or present relatives. About a year and an half ago, he has a very severe pancreas attack (the kind where 2 people on 3 die).
If I had to bet on his ability to stop drinking in one day and stay sober forever, I wouldn't have invested a penny on his success, because I know how hard is his addiction. None of the friends in the group would have taken a different bet.
Well, it happens that he didn't dring any alcohol in 18 months. He is happy with alcohol-free beers and it seems that getting close to an early death helped him realize he loved life more than he thought.He is ok now and his health is not in danger any more
TL;DR Stopping is possible, and you seem less addict that my friend was. After 15 weeks you did the hardest part : congrats, you really deserve it !

5 years ago

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Just a little heads up, an alcoholic (i mean, someone with the actual pathology, not just someone that drinks a lot) should NOT quit altogether, as this will cause the withdrawal syndrome and can lead to death due to delirium tremens.
When in doubt ask for help in a treatment center, who will eventually provide treatment with benzodiazepines and intensive care to make sure that the withdrawal will be as less risky as possible, and to intervene when needed.

5 years ago

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Absolutely. In my friend's case, the quitting happened in hospital under medical supervision, in a context of emergency (pancreas attack).

5 years ago

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Thank you, and for the inspiring story, very good he came to the insight of needing to quit, and thankfully sometimes in life we get those second chances, we can embrace it with all we can or throw it away,

And yeah geographical distances can suck not being able to see your friends, had 2 in england, 1 in america, 1 in Australia but even here in the Netherlands which i didnt see for more then 5 years because distance sometimes (and other issues) i don't have a car, public transportation from here to there is just hell) and she doesn't like to drive long distances.
When you got supporting friends it can make things so much easier too sometimes. :)

Do you drink yourself?

5 years ago

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Yeah, someone said "hell is other people", I would add supporting friends are heaven :)
For your question, no, I'm lucky no to have problems with alcohol. I like to drink some beers, wine and good rhums from time to time, but only for occasions, at most once a week. I love water :) Story was different when I was younger, but it was most about being a serial party guy, I didn't have to "quit alcohol" when I got older and less interested into partying. That being said, I can't claim to be addiction-free either, but that's something I won't discuss there :)

5 years ago

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Nah, I'm not young. We're around the same age. ;)
As for the amount I usually drink per week (my two bottles over the weekend), it's fine. Well, that's what my gp said last February when she asked about my alcohol consumption. Sure, there are occasions where I'll drink more (vacations, parties, family gathering), but that doesn't happen often.

Fun fact: I kinda collect beer glassware. :3 I must have around 15 of those now. There's a glass for each type and I just love to have an appropriate glass for the beer I'm going to have. ;)

Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience!

5 years ago

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I still indulge in some heavy drinking, at most once per month when there is some special occasion. As long as you don't find yourself drinking to sleep daily, or drinking just for the hell of it, i'd say it's fine to get drunk sometimes. Maybe not healthy, but not that different from eating an entire cake in one sitting once in a while.

5 years ago

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Congrats! Your liver loves you for it! :)

5 years ago

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thank you. :)

5 years ago

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That's great, congratulations! Keep it up, seriously! As you said, alcohol can only mask a problem, it can never solve one. And if you feel no desire to go back to it, all the better.

I hope the job coach works out well. Good luck to you!

5 years ago

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thank you. :)

5 years ago

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Keep on that healthier path. Glad you also don't have to suffer extra addictive personality traits to make it more difficult.
You can do it!

5 years ago

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thank you. :)

5 years ago

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Congrats! Keep up the good work :D

5 years ago

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thank you. :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Thanks. :p

5 years ago

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To tell the truth everything is a poison and liver job is to gether that poison and then get it out from our body.

Well I like to drink from time to time with friends or when we do a BBQ or meet for pizza and beer and movies.

I had problems with my liver not so long ago while my body was weak because of the pneumonia I had at that time. I'm 32 and my liver was enlarged and fatty but doctors checked and it was not because of alcohol but because of food.

Since than I still drink but I ditched potatoes, fat meat and pasta.

I also take pills (Essentiale Forte) that helps me to regenerate my liver (liver regenerate by itself but these pills enhance the effect and helps to keep it clean).

I can also recommend to watch a movie or 1-2 episodes of your favorite series each day and work out during that time to enhance the speed of digestion and liver regeneration. Dumbbells are great for that because you can watch a movie and occupy your brain with what you see while your arms will do all the work in the meantime.

5 years ago

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It is poison, but the liver isn't just filtering out poison, it handles the melatonine (natural hormone needed for a good sleep), it filters the stress, so if you keep giving it poison till it starts to struggle more and more, it will also impact those other things (and probably alot more).

5 years ago*

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Gongrats on being sober! Keep up the good job.
Yeh, alcohol is a very silent killer. It's poison and so damn addictive. I should quit drinking again too. But it's hard to not fall back every time with panic attacks. Unfortunately it is the perfect temporary cure for panic attacks, but they also make them worse in the long run.

5 years ago

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Thank you.

Yeah they make them worse in the long run, maybe talk with someone? Or get some calming meds for the attacks (some will say you can form an addiction to that, but that's for you to decide).

Hope you find the strength someday. :)

5 years ago

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I have been in therapy quite a few times and recently signed up again with "het GGZ". But they have been completely useless so far.(they have actually been complete assholes, but I am keeping it nice :P) But this month a new psychologist will open a new practice nearby, so I am going to try my luck there.
I do also have meds (benzos). But as you said, it is up to me if I get addicted to them too. As I am kinda prone to getting addicted I play it safe with the meds and I simply don't take enough. I really don't need another addiction.

Yeh, some day soon I will work hard on myself again. I was doing amazing up until a week ago so I am not giving up just yet :)

Keep up being nice to your liver! You are doing great!

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5 years ago

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I am dutch, been to "het riagg" like 20 years ago, i definitely know how all those institutions are. ;)

Dunno what city you are from, or even feel a need for contacts, and right now i am just pennyless, even then can't go saying lets have a beer either.
But i dunno just throwing it out there. :p Because how my life went i basically got few left, if you got problems many will just abandon you, like someone saying how are you? And they expect a positive answer or else if you are honest they go like oh so not in a mood.
Anyway i definitely hope that new psychologist can help you, and you can definitely do it, and quitting will just go with it's ups and downs until you stay on top of it. ;)

Thank you. :)

5 years ago

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Yeh I know you from the forum and that you are Dutch :) I indeed don't know many people who are satisfied with these kind of government sponsored institutions :P I have had better luck with private clinics.

I live in de randstad sorta near The Hague. Yeh, most "friends" abandoned me too. My panic decided to also give me a nice dose of agoraphobia and most of my friends decided to not stick around. Luckily I still have a good friend left, and a nice brother and father. :) I am not ready to meet new people yet, also can't work yet etc. 1 step at the time. But you can add me on steam if you want a chat some time.
In all honesty, I don't think psychologists can tell me much more that can help me. But they can give me my weekly kick in the ass that I need to get out more :P

5 years ago

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Who is even satisfied with our government these days… ;) They cut down on mental Healthcare (and so much else) and so many that need it will just roam the streets freely.

I come from Woerden so semi closeby, but offcourse yeah 1 step at a time, and am also blessed with my parents otherwise i'd be on the streets.

I know that feeling too, when you are all talked out, i got adviced to have someone to talk with also, to adress past stuff but i am like that's behind me you know, i need to get the future straight.

It's really simple as with alot of things, you don't know till you tried it. ;) Might work, might not but atleast you tried that, hope it will work out for you.

5 years ago

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So, let's get the future straight! :)

5 years ago

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Have you tried this guy yet?. His audio course is pretty helpful. Bit pricey though, especially if it doesn't work for you. I'm borrowing a copy from a friend for now as I am a little leary of 'free trials".

5 years ago

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I recently bought this book
I still have to read it but the reviews sound promising. Thanks for the link, I will bookmark it for later.

5 years ago

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That looks good too. My understanding is that practicing certain thought exercises is key to changing the thought processes that make panic attacks happen. Good luck to you, I wish you well and I think you can overcome this.

5 years ago

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Yeh, I have done the "exposure" thing quite a few times. I was working on it on myself again too. It works, but it is so difficult because you basically have to go look for a panic attack. I wish you the best of luck too if you are struggling with something similar. Otherwise, have a nice day, and thank you again for the link :)

5 years ago

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I'm not familiar with that technique. The ones I was referring to are more about understanding what is happening physically and mentally during an attack and employing new ways of thinking about it to minimize the strength and duration with the goal of reducing the symptoms to a negligible level. I am, and thank you for your good wishes. You have a very nice day, yourself :)

5 years ago

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Ah yeh. I have done that too. I think you are referring to "Cognitive behavioral therapy".
"Exposure" is basically exactly what it says. You expose yourself to difficult situations, situations where you are likely to get panic attacks. You start with the "easier" situations and from there on you go to more difficult situations. It works, but it is really not much fun :P.
You can also have a look at "EMDR" therapy. I have heard good things about it for people who have panic/anxiety disorders.
Good luck and take care!

5 years ago

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Apparently, you can regrow your liver if you cut some of it off.

5 years ago

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Yes it's even possible for a living person to donate a piece to someone else.
But there are limits.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago*

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Thank you. :)

Hope you find the courage some day / luck with whatever has to come for you.

5 years ago

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Congratulations. I never got to drinking alcohol, probably in part because after an epileptic attack in my teens I was forbidden to drink for quite a few years, so didn't get the habit.

5 years ago

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Thank you. :)

Well atleast something "good" came out of it, did the attacks disappear?

5 years ago

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I only had one. But got treated for it for several years.

5 years ago

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I hate people that cant put down the bottle.
My parents divorced not long ago due to step father drinking. My uncle and aunt that I visit often also like to drink and at times they like to take it over the top which really is annoying. My grandfather has history of heavy drinking.
I just hate when people around me start acting obnoxious because they have had one too many. Cant stand people in public who obviously have no sense of shame, going around blabbering with everyone while being drunk, thinking they are very charismatistic.
I know people who could get drunk and still be more polite then a sober person and I have nothing against when a person like that drinks.

Im not against alcohol as such. I, myself drink and enjoy it. Just yesterday two of my best and oldest friends (twins) had their birthday. Had a bunch of beers and some shots. But as far as everyone can contain themselves (including myself) I dont have problem with that.

Though I am glad that I feel ashamed of myself if I open a beer when Im alone at home. At times it happens when I watch a movie or choose to play games all evening. But never I have ever drank strong booze alone.
In my experience people I drink with mostly are calm and decent people who get only more friendlier when drinking. And I dont see myself saying no if at social gathering I am offered good whiskey or beer if Im not designated driver.

But Im glad you are taking step in a healthier direction and hope it holds ;)

5 years ago

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it's tricky, if a (grand)father is/was an alcoholist, chances are higher he passes it on, one person can get obnoxious with alcohol, others not so, really depends on the person. And just plenty obnoxious people too that are sober. :p

Thanks. :)

5 years ago

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Congratulations. Sounds like you are on a good path. I can't give up my little 4 oz of wine with dinner habit, though I should probably try at least once in a while. I take milk thistle every night and get as much turmeric into my diet as I can - these herbs are thought to support liver regeneration.

5 years ago

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Never heard of it, might be good for me, but usually stuff like that is hard to get or expensive, any special reasons you are on that diet or precaution?

5 years ago

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No idea what a good milk thistle supplement would cost for you. But my impression is that European doctors in general are much more aware of the benefits of herbal treatments and even prescribe them in many countries, than American doctors (who prefer to just push big pharma on their patients). So it may not be a hard to find or expensive as you think. No particular health problem presently but having been ill in the past has made me more conscious of my health in general, so I've learned a bit about diet, herbal medicine etc. I'm not on a special diet, just try to cook with turmeric, because it has so many health benefits - i.e. Indian food, which I am very fond of anyway.

5 years ago

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Hey went to the doctor again (a different one) and what i was not told before at all in like years… that while the echo proved okay, my liver enzyme levels were still twice as it should be and for a long time... So like the car looks fine on the outside but the motor is still putting in some extra effort.
I was shocked to say the least (and worried while i don't really have symptoms that possibly could be hepatitis apart from some fatigue) and since i already stopped drinking alcohol, don't smoke there seems to be little i could do so it reminded me of this and i am going to try that Milk Thistle. So thanks again.

Found this, hope it's good.

5 years ago

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Sorry to hear that. But I believe with some healthy eating habits and supplements you can reverse this. The liver is amazingly resilient and self healing when given half a chance. One thing that comes immediately to mind that you can do besides giving up alcohol is get sugar(fructose, corn syrup etc all of it) and most carbs out of your diet. Sugar metabolism puts a huge burden on your liver - just like alcohol. If you google that, you will learn a lot.

As for the supplement that you found, I can't tell you much even with google translate because the description does not have much info. If you look at the "Supplement Facts" on the link below, you can see the kind of info you are looking for. A standardized extract at 80% made from seeds (that's the only active constituent so it should say this). It also tells you what the fillers are (cellulose, mag stearate etc) which are not great but very common and good to know. If you can find a supplement without them, that's even better. Also, I don't see much bang for the buck with you supplement. 60 caps vs. 200, same dose. I don't know how these things go in Europe, but milk thistle isn't gold and that doesn't seem like a very good deal to me, though I haven't compared the currencies.
Anyway, I did read that in Italy doctors prescribe this and it's a very popular supplement there, so maybe you would have better luck looking there. Here's the link. Good luck.

5 years ago

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I already cut down on sugar a bit, a few weeks ago (i used to drink a bottle of ice tea, coke whatever a day), and them some cubes in my teas, which probably led to diabetes (and could also cause higher liver enzymes? and/or vice versa)..
Now i drink water/tea (no sugar, been doing that for years) and lemonade (with lesser sugar, zero ones are too expensive and money is an issue to change some more diet stuff i want to change, like eating more nuts ,but they are also expensive.

Apparently also asipirin (paracetamol) can make it elevated..when it just seems so innocent, and on a bad day (like a hangover) i would take 4-5...

I can't find anything about % on any site, what i can translate is it's filled with rice concentrate, just all stuff so it's okay for vegetarians. It's already ordered btw, so just as well have to try it out, if it's not working can always look for something else, and diet is more key, i hope nor really plan having to take such things the rest for my life, though if it helps your life quality yeah it's worth it.
Like my dad had cancer and we read about how ginger helps, he recovered and he still takes a capsule a day.

But going abroad you either pay alot for shipping (it won't fit through your malbox) or you can't pay with the methods they give (i don't have amazon pay).

5 years ago

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Lemon juice in water is a very good idea for your liver. It's being researched. But adding sugar is not so great as it is just burdening your liver at the same time that the lemon is trying to cleanse it - counterproductive. There's nothing innocent about paracetamol/acetaminophen - it's not aspirin, which is not processed in the liver. Paracetamol is processed in the liver and is notorious for causing liver damage especially when taken in conjunction with alcohol. Glad to hear that you aren't doing that anymore.
I guess I don't know how the EU works. I figured it wouldn't be difficult to buy from other countries. Hope what you bought works out. I should've realized that Amazon would be a good resource for you, so I searched a page and this is what I got. Lots of products, info and customer reviews. Might come in handy when you reorder.

5 years ago

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Amazon itself, amazon pay it won't work, they refuse to add PayPal when so many people ask for it, so you need a credit card and that's not really a thing to have here in europe, more an american thing. ;)

I would eventually want a piece of software called Launchbox too you can only pay with amazon pay, you can buy gift cards through PayPal and go that route, but you have to choose the right country but it doesn't say anything about transfer to a person if that works.
Also who knows if such sites aren't shady (if you sell a $10 card for the same amount in euro, where's the profit for them?).

5 years ago*

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Do you mean can you load a gift card to your own account? Because I absolutely can so I would think you could too. Amazon won't let us use Paypal either, but just about everything else including checking accounts.

Actually, I rarely use Amazon to buy vitamins and herbs etc. but it is a good source of info and customer reviews. You can always search for other sellers if you find a product you like (I saw several on that page that looked good). There are lots of reputable online merchants in the US who offer better discounts, coupons etc on the same products than Amazon does. (And also many that are bogus and will sell you products at 3x the cost of what they should be and/or products that are ineffective - because they can, as we have no regulation for that here - and I'm sure if you do either.) I would think that you also would have such merchants in the EU, but it is hard for me to find them because language and google is stupid.

5 years ago

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Nice job putting yourself back on track. Lot of people are ruining themself with this crap and realize this when it's too late, so big up for your dedication. For me it had besides health problems bigger impact on my psychic side of life. I used to drink to get more calm and to chill out but I wasn't able to understant that those problems really started when I started drinking more often. Terrible hangovers which I still have and work rutine were a great help. When I drink a little too much I can still drink the next day just to delay the hangover but with work these stupid ideas got reduced a lot. Anyway, keep it up. It's always great and inspiring to read something like this. Good luck! :-)

5 years ago

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Thank you.

Maybe find someone to talk with about the underlying problems? (and yes i know it's not for everyone, wasn't for me either, especially when you got issues there is little that could be done about through just talking).
Hope you find some way, some day to start your road to recovery too, you can do it. :)

5 years ago

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Congrats on giving up alcohol, Lugum. I wish many others could see that enjoying life does not require inebriation; our culture around the world is so fixated on alcohol, it is tough to even get people to listen to considering temperance. I am certain that the benefits of occasional small doses is still overpowered by the poison that alcohol is. The benefits can be obtained from other healthy sources. Good for you.

5 years ago

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Thank you, and yeah research on that moderate drinking is very divided, usually they don't take into account the way people live, their diets etc, they just see "improvements" so it must work, and as you said you could get the same benefits from other stuff that's natural, like fruits and vegetables, in the end it's just legalized drugs (because governments get so much taxes from it) / poison

5 years ago

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