Please don't discuss right or wrong here, there's many other threads for the discussion. Please don't fire on opposite opinions.

I bought 2 Borderlands 2 4-Packs in the holiday flash sale (also AKA a pricing glitch). They refunded me only one after they fixed the price. And I thought the reason they didn't refund the other one pack was because I've opened the 4-pack (but keys were never given to me). I was wondering how they will handle the opened packs, so I've given them a chance, I didn't raise a PayPal Dispute, I waited patiently.

Today, I received another email from PayPal saying that they've refunded me the other pack -- the opened pack. No surprise to me actually because I was one of the canceled IGN prime discount owner.

But, as a customer, I feel I was cheated. I don't know if it's legal in England and Switzerland, but I know it's illegal in some country, and totally illegal in my country -- even their TOS says anything to support this behavior -- Once a merchandise has been labeled a price for whatever reason, and a customer has clearly ordered without cheating the system, the merchant has made a contract with the customer and the contract is protected by law, no matter the order is fully, partially or not paid, both of the merchant and the customer has the responsibility to fulfill the contract, anyone is prohibited to refuse to pay or fulfill unless the merchant and the customer have made another agreement upon canceling the order under a fair condition at their own wish. It's not worth it for me to pay for a lawyer to handle this case, but I really feel I was deeply cheated.

Now they have made their choice, they refunded my opened pack to let me know they choose to ignore and to refuse to fulfill the order, to let me know "I am just a customer, a customer is nothing and they can do whatever they want".

So I'm here, not to discuss the issue, or to say or hear voices regarding they are right or wrong. They refunded the opened pack to me today without making any agreement with me or sending any notification, just like I'm not a customer. They can refund yours at anytime, too, just like you are not a customer either. They used us to finish their false advertising joke this time, they can make bigger jokes tomorrow. They ruined our holiday, held our money for their own use without paying, played us with shame. You can walk away and pretend nothing happened, but if you are sharing the same feeling as mine, you can raise a PayPal Dispute before they actively refund your order. It's just a very little thing, you loose nothing doing this, but you can act like a customer honorably.

You can choose yes or no, you can also choose do something or nothing. It's up to you. They have made their choice, you can make yours, too. It's all up to you. Thanks for reading.

Again, please don't discuss right or wrong here, there's many other threads for the discussion. Please don't fire on opposite opinions.

1 decade ago*

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"Please don't discuss right or wrong here, I don't want to be told I'm wrong"

All I know is this sudden outburst of people who think they're some unified force to protect the sanctity of gaming is obnoxious. WE HAVE A VOICE FELLOW GAMERZ.

Whatever. I'll just be over here not buying the things that piss me off instead of being a drama queen.

1 decade ago

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Miller4, I fully support your point of view

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You guys need something more important to do with your time than complain about this. You got your money back. But please, keep pretending you will somehow do something about this, by all means.

1 decade ago

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The only ones who support GG, are the ones who wanted to buy the packs but for some reason couldn't.
The actions of GG are just wrong, I invite everyone who was victim of this fiasco to spread the word,
so everyone stops using that untrustworthy website for good.

1 decade ago

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The only people who are "victims" are those who have not received keys and have yet to receive a refund. YET. They are working on it. They have a small staff and a huge fire to put out. Give them some fucking breathing room.

1 decade ago

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What about this: Reasons why people are upset with GamersGate

6 - Things that could have happened after someone thought they'd bought the games:

  • Friends also bought the games in order to play together
  • Money was spent on extra download quota to download it all
  • Money was spent on PC upgrades to play the games
  • Money was spent on DLC
  • Games were not bought elsewhere while on sale (lost opportunities)
  • Individual games previously bought but not activated in some way were given away or traded
  • Trades of some kind were half completed pending the keys

Aren't people having the above issue victims too?

1 decade ago

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No. That's greedy people making as many excuses as they can to justify their demand that GG fulfill their obviously mis-priced orders.

No one has had keys revoked. If you jumped the gun and bought DLC, upgrades, made trades, etc etc before you had the keys, that's your own mistake. When you're taking advantage of an obvious error, make sure the transaction is going to be honored first. That happens when you have the keys.

1 decade ago

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I gifted someone before I even knew they were out of keys. By the time the person was able to receive the gift, the keys were gone. When I gave it to them, there were keys. So am I expected to be psychic now and know they didn't have enough keys?

1 decade ago

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You should be prudent and not jump the gun when there's a shitstorm going on around the fiasco.

I'm not sure on how the gifting system on GG works. You can reveal the keys and then still gift it someone? That doesn't seem right.

1 decade ago

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You can send 3 gifts from the 4-pack, and keep the other one key in your GG shelf. Nothing doesn't seem right.

1 decade ago

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There is also someone Money was held by them and thus don't have enough balance to buy another/the game when it on sale in another store. Although it's not listed in the above list.

1 decade ago

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Boohoo, I don't have enough money to buy video games. I better sue someone!

If you're trying to spend the last $30 in your bank account on a video game, you need to adjust your financial priorities.

1 decade ago

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So when someone needs to adjust his financial priorities finally, GG should cancel his borderlands 2 4-pack order and refund the money? Is that the reason GG doing this?

1 decade ago

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You're not making sense to me anymore. I've said all I wanted to say. I'm just tired of seeing all the crying about it.

So you didn't get your toys on a mis-price. Move on. Grow up.

I won't be responding in this thread anymore. Just like you wanted.

1 decade ago

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+1 to that

1 decade ago

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but it IS likely that they WILL revoke already provided keys, thats what theyre hinting at. and if we traded those keys or bought dlc for those keys, AFTER GAMERSGATE PROVIDED THEM AND PROMISED THEY WOULD HONOUR THE DEAL, then yeah... i dont feel people are in the wrong here, gamersgate is. they should NEVER have said they were going to honor partially filled orders. I feel I did everything right here. 30 dollars was not an insignificant amount, big deals during christmas sales is not unheard of, so i felt the deal was fantastic but legitimate - AND i waited until gamersgate said they were going to fulfil the incomplete orders by supplying missing keys, before i did ANYTHING with the keys i already had.

1 decade ago

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"When you're taking advantage of an obvious error, make sure the transaction is going to be honored first."

Uhhhhhh...So what you're saying is it's okay for international companies to lie to consumers and we should wait until we have the product rather than take their word for it? Yeah, that's the safe route, I suppose, but if a company can't even be honest with it's customers about something like this, then they deserve all the hate despite whatever they do. Sorry I'm such a greedy asshole for taking them on their word, bobofatt.

Statement issued by GamersGate: "Due to an error in our system the price for this bundle was incorrect and lower than it should have been. The bundle offer has therefore been taken down and it is no longer [available] for purchase.

Because of the high demand on this bundle we have ran out of serials for most of the titles. Unfortunately, we will not get new serials until middle of January next year.

If you want a refund for this bundle, please contact support at

  • simply submit a ticket; there is no need to create an account or log in."

That's the exact statement verbatim. I'm not sure how that can be interpreted as anything other than them saying they are going to honor the sale.

1 decade ago

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Not your personal army.

1 decade ago

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you got your money back, what do you want more

1 decade ago

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^Exactly. You knew it was an error. You shouldn't be entitled to anything more.

1 decade ago

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They are legally allowed to back out of their deal if they cannot supply their end of the agreement. Moreover, by refunding you, they've effectively nulled the agreement so even if you took this to court, the judge'd just throw it out immediately.

1 decade ago

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I like the bit how you created a thread and then said you do not want people to discuss it. I LOLED pretty hard:)

1 decade ago

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Solved in four words:

Easy come, easy go.

1 decade ago

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little high little low

1 decade ago

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Anyway the wind blows

1 decade ago

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This is just like when the PS3s got mispriced last year 2011(I think) on amazon. Within a few hours the orders were voided and refunded.

1 decade ago

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Big difference between a few hours and 5-6 days later, especially considering that there were statements which strongly implied that orders would be honored and that refunds would be voluntary.

Most people, myself included would be MUCH less upset with Gamersgate, perhaps not upset at all, if they had admitted they had made a mistake with the pricing and gave a refund within a day or two tops. Beyond that is egregious, especially when we were lead to believe that we would get keys mid-January. Also at issue is the insulting and disrespectful way they treat their customers, their refusal to deal with individual questions and complaints, their continued failure to give a clear update on what is happening for those that have partially activated bundles, and their failure to refund all parties that had orders cancelled at one time.

75% or more of my anger towards them is because of their sloth, incompetence, and arrogance exhibited in HOW they handled the situation and not the fact that they cancelled orders or gave refunds in the first place.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by FatSackMonk.