Alright, to the point, my computer's acting funky. I can play highly graphic intensive games for hours on end with NO problems, never once has it happened while playing one. But i idle on the desktop, surf the web just casually or whatever, pretty much anything that isn't graphically intensive, sometimes either my video drivers will crash and reload, or my system will lock up completely.

 I built the bloody thing and have no idea what is going on that would cause this specific problem.

I'm running

Gigabyte model Nvidia GTX 560 TI GPU

Gigabyte model M68MT-D3 Motherboard

Corsair 2x4 Vengeance DDR3 RAM

Corsair TX750 V2 PSU

AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Processor

  Anyone with special technical knowledge would be greatly appreciated, this problem is getting incredibly annoying.

                     Thank You for reading;
1 decade ago*

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which Nvidia driver version are you using?
I recall there were big issues with drivers some months ago.
Since I am using almost a similiar card (GTX 550TI), I can only suggest to use the 314.22 driver which is running just fine for me (320.xx drivers are really bad).
I have had also a lot of issues with newer drivers than the 314.22 including the error where windows says video driver crashed.

1 decade ago

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yea im using the 550 ti myself. only reason i haven't downgraded to 314.22 as i regularly play bf4 and have a satisfactory workaround for my daily use.

edit* beyond this revision is about the same time ive been having the issues - just to help define the issue

1 decade ago

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ive been having the same issues (with shittier hardware all around)

I believe its an issue with the latest graphic drivers (and by latest i mean the last like 9 versions.. sigh) and how they correspond to Firefox and chrome. While web browsing they try and go into a more idle state which causing a hanging issue with web browsers (I've looked into it in the past and as of that, i don't remember the same terms and exact names of the problem). In turn theres a 50% chance the hand comes back or it BSODs (atleast for me). My solution was to plug in an old spare monitor and have 2 screens at all times so it doesnt ever automatically go idle. There was a way to turn off the idle feature(and even delay) in the registry but it wasn't effective for me. Basically, your only solution is patiently wait, find a better optimized browser (which i havnt)or find a workaround(as i have). Otherwise, maybe its time for an upgrade hahaha

1 decade ago

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Hrm... well thats most disconcerting, i was afraid it was something like that, ugh guess I'll needa try pluggin my other monitor in and see if it has similar results you have. I had hoped switching to my HDTV with a nice HDMI cable as my monitor goin 1920x1080 (other monitor only goes to 1600x900) would keep at least a little extra load on it but guess that was just hopeful optimism since it didn't change a thing, well other than looking a lot prettier. Thanks x.x ♥

1 decade ago

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try the 314.22 Nvidia Driver.
I promise you won't have the driver crashes and problems while browsing anylonger with this much more stable version.
(plug in another monitor to avoid this errors is no solution for me!)

1 decade ago

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Do you mine bitcoins?

1 decade ago

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I'm using 331.58 atm

1 decade ago

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using gtx295 no problems since

1 decade ago

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I've had a problem like this with certain drivers before. The newest ones from nVidia work perfectly fine for me though.

1 decade ago

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Like everyone else, it sounds like a driver issue, I had the same problem before. Do install new drivers but do a clean install yourself of them. This will make sure that nothing else is in any way of interacting with it.

Clean Install

1 decade ago

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Damn, think i may ♥♥ this community. You ask a question and you ACTUALLY get HELPFUL responses... friggin' try askin' somethin' on the steam forums about anything yer lucky if you get so much as a "GTFO". Thanks everyone, was starting to worry there might be something wrong with my hardware, but seems like it's a very common occurrence. Least i know what to focus on now... damn you Nvidia! make drivers that work D:<

                            Thank You Everyone,
                              for your advice and insight.
1 decade ago

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Had the same issue, I solved it with setting User Account Control Settings to never notify. In user account settings in control panel. I don't know if I've named the settings menu's correctly, because my windows is not in English. :P

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Deminatrie.