I disagree with disallowing them, I'm missing HIB1 and would love to get my hands on it. However, the amount of points they are generating have made it stupidly easy to enter legit giveaways lately. Generate 0 points, costs points to enter, maybe? I don't know what the answer is but we've had numerous threads about this since Frozenbyte.
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Yeah but we've had this for all HIBs since the site launched. Plus, people are entering them so there is still a market for them - 3s included. I think some people cannot purchase them - either too young to have an account with PayPal or the payment methods are unavailable in some countries. I still disagree with disallowing them :)
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Currently Humble Bundles are enjoying two special privileges that makes them advantageous over every other single game or bundle. I explained what are those and how they can be fixed in detail there.
What I'm asking is them to be made equal with other bundles immediately, or them to be stopped until such balancing is implemented. Otherwise I know the pain of missing one (I was missing HiB2 until recently).
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I don't think we need to disallow them, plenty of people want them. We just need to stop them from generating points IMO.
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I'm against disallowing HIB 2/1 because I am still missing of them. I am, however, for disallowing HIB 3. And no, not because I am not missing it. Because you can buy it. You can't buy the other two. You can buy HIB 3 and get HIB 2, although I don't have $5 laying around. (yea, seriously, not kidding, I've got €0.11, lol)
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Right now you can buy HIB2 - it comes with a purchase of HIB3 at an above average price (when I bought it this afternoon that was $4.47 or so), and comes with all of the already bought HIB3s regardless of price, hence the sudden influx of HIB2s.
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Usually people read posts before replying to them...
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I do agree that HIB 2/3 should be disabled. But not #1 or Frozenbyte, and HIB3 should only be disabled until 2-3 months after it ends.
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Disabling until the end of the sale period or zero points really.
I imagine a lot of the people entering for them don't really know what they're even entering for, just like the dozens of people would enter for DLC for games they didn't own.
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Think about what you're saying. You say that posting the bundle should generate 0 points. Well, basically, it does. Every user gets 10% of the entry cost in points when the giveaway is created. 10% of 10 dollars (the cost to enter) is 1 point. You're complaining about 1 point for every entry, saying it should be 0 points. Is that really worth fighting over?
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It is not just a single point when dozens of Humble Bundle giveaways are created everyday. If you disable your filter for a second and look, you'll see all pages are filled with Humble Bundles with one or two other games each page. A lot of users are abusing the free (vs every giveaway being mod checked first) system the site is deigned with good intentions to generate unlimited points.
No one is "fighting over" anything. There is a saying in my native tongue which roughly translates as "Shall the snake who doesn't touch me live a thousand years.". Most of the users are adapting this thought, as long as they think this abuse doesn't hurt them directly they can't care less. But they don't realize this is undermining the site as a whole. It is the same with a country that constantly prints new money to pay of debts, with each batch reducing the worth of that said money more and more, until the point that a million of that money can hardly be equal to a single unit of others.
This is reducing the value of all the giveaways by both reducing the worth of points they generate and by allowing everyone to enter every giveaway. Steamgifts is deigned to be a place where you gather points for a couple of days to be enter the giveaway of a game that you really want, this abundance of exploited points causes everyone to enter every game just to spend all the excess points, no matter if they ever plan to play that game at all. Reducing the chance of those few people that really want the game to a fraction of a thousand.
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Thank you for jumping to conclusions on my usage of this site. I see it as it was originally created only. No filters, no modifiers. Not only because I don't know how, but because I don't want to. I want to see it all. So, I see every one of these bundles.
But I still think that your argument is moot, and this is why:
Currently there are 7 pages of giveaways. 10 giveaways per page. Even if every one of those was Bundle 3, that would only be 70 points generated. That's really not a whole lot of points in the scheme of things. Not when it takes 10 to enter that giveaway.
Also, as is pointed out below me, there are easily over a hundred people signed up for these bundles by the time they close. So clearly a lot of people want this set. If they are entering only bundle 3's for right now trying to win, and using the hypothetical that there are 70 giveaways for that alone, they could only enter 7 of them.
So you say that creating lots of these giveaways is cheapening the worth of the site because everyone is getting all these points, and can enter everything. But it's not. It's only 1 point per giveaway created. You can't "enter every giveaway" with that few points. Trust me, I've been trying to win things all week, but haven't been getting enough points so I have to try to be very strategic about where I use my points. As I'm sure others are also. Sure, if you don't want any of these bundles than it might be an abundance of points for you, but for those that want it, of which there are clearly a lot, it's not. This is pennies in the jar.
By any chance where you around during the portal giveaways? When portal 2 came out, and people got a copy of games that most already had, they put them up on here. You could hit your max of 300 points in one day. I, personally was entering things I didn't care about, just so I would stop hitting my max. THAT cheapens the site. When you get a lot of games going up that are worth more money, and people really are hitting the max.
This, what you're complaining about now, is minimal.
Another thing, the bundle ends in just under 5 and a half days. Then, 90% of these will go away. And then where will point generation come from? There are very few new giveaways created as of late, most of them being this because it's the "hot thing" right now. But then what? What will there be left on the site by way of new giveaways?
It's a fad, it's going to pass. And it's not really generating as many points as you seem to act like it is anyway.
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"Thank you for jumping to conclusions on my usage of this site."
When did I say anything about that?
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" If you disable your filter for a second and look, you'll see all pages are filled with Humble Bundles with one or two other games each page."
I believe that's what he was referring to, judging by this "Thank you for jumping to conclusions on my usage of this site. I see it as it was originally created only. No filters, no modifiers. Not only because I don't know how, but because I don't want to. I want to see it all. So, I see every one of these bundles."
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skzorak got it exactly. You posted saying that if I "disable your filter for a second and look, you'll see all pages are filled with Humble Bundles with one or two other games each page." That's jumping to conclusions and assuming that I have changed anything. But I haven't.
Also, are you going to just ignore the rest of what I posted?
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From the saying you translated and your inert experience with countries printing off money to pay their debts, I am guessing you are Turkish echoMateria... :)
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If you disable Indie Bundles, people will just go back to listing one of the games separately and adding "Also includes Cogs, Crayon Physics, And Yet It Moves..." This is because people are idiots. So instead of the front page being filled with Indie Bundles, it will be filled with Cogs.
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That's where strict modding comes in. As I said in various other threads, we need more mods with the ability to shut down, or disable giveaways until the problems in them are fixed. Current site design only allows CG to remove a giveaway once it's created and he can only do so much.
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Disable HIB's? Maybe disable Fortix, DLC's and another cheap stuff? What's the problem? Install SG Enhancement Addon, and ignore HIB's. If you want smth cardinal, then maybe all CD-keys for Steam should be banned?
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I assume you are just being lazy about reading what you consider to be a big column of writing and responding to what you saw most others' replies are about. Please be smart and read what you are responding to next time.
This thread is not about my personal tastes, I already have the filter and I don't see the Humble Bundles if I don't disable Greasemonkey. This is about the users that are slowly, but surely, killing the site. And most people not seeing this shielded by their filters and greed.
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Why disable Fortix and DLCs? They are legitimate purchases which people who do not have them may like to win. Or are you saying that a $1 free contribution isn't enough to qualify as giving something away? Why not $2? Surely a person giving away a $2 is cheap too, right? Where do you draw the line? The HIB things are different since they can be exploited, but with Fortix, someone spent that dollar so that somebody else could have a (god-awful Qix clone) game.
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Disallowing of HIBs is another bad idea. I agree there are too many of them. But look at a number of entries. Many of them. So it means hundreds of people missed them and still don't have those HIBs. So why not to make a restriction: 1 copy of HIB 2 or HIB 3 (not HIB 1; it's very rare) per user? Or maybe 2-3 copies of HIB 2 or 3 on the site for ALL users totally per day? For example, some people create 2 HIB 3 giveaways and thus others won't be able to create HIB 3 giveaways within 24 hours?
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They already have this system in place. There is a max of 3 copies per user for any HIB submission. So if you have 3 HIB giveaways, you cannot make anymore.
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lol, i don't care what you pay, the reason i say 5 dollers is because most people SHOULD have that kind of money, but if you pay under a doller, you are costing the humble team money, thereby being part of the reason they will one day stop... thus ruining everyone elses fun, worse than piracy!
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And transaction fees, but I guess MtGox paid for those and for all other costs and fees we still have aeronhibby, witnessgame and ExpiredPopsicle, so it's totally fine, if you only pay 1 cent.
This doesn't have anything to do, with being better (or thinking of being better), but the common decency to not donate the absolute minimum amount of $0.01, which actually costs them money. I'm ok with people paying $1 or $2, if they really can't afford more, but paying $0.01 is just plain rude.
And don't tell me you can't afford $1 or $2, because you're sitting in front of a computer, which is connected to the internet and even the electricity for doing so costs probably more than that.
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Why make that specific to HIB? Limiting the number of concurrent giveaways of -any- game would do the trick. People wanting to give away a maxed out game could still do so. As soon as one of the other giveaways for it ends. This would both solve the pointfarming and promote creativity in choosing which games to gift.
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That might solve things, but what would happen if there was an incredible deal?
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Actually, they receive 1 point, but yeah i get what you're saying.
I came to the site a bit more than two weeks ago. Not only did it have 3 times more games, but there was VARIETY. Sire, there were a couple of portals and half-lives, but all in all the selection was great. Now we have like 2 games (packs) to choose from, and a shitload of points to spend... on nothing.
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Well I figure the reason for the variety before is because there were good games that had been recently on sale for low prices. The Steam Summer sale had just happened.
There hasn't been many great sales on Steam lately, and the biggest and (potentially) cheapest deal around right now is the Humble Bundle. So I guess that's why there's more of those.
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Well, at this moment, i'm looking at the 1st page. There are NO OTHER gifts than HIBs and Frozenbyte bundles.
This is madness!! Madness?! THIS IS STEAMGIIIIIFTS!!!
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This Humble Bundle gifting madness needs to stop. I'm sorry, but limiting them to 3 copies per user is not the solution, not by long shot. Powers that be need to stop staying indifferent to this abuse.
Is this how you want to see this site being used, is this why you made it, spent all this time on improving it?
If not, why are you letting this behavior persist?
Please, oh please do something; this has to stop, now.
If a giveaway generates as much points as it costs in cash and you can buy a Humble Bundle at $0.01, then they all should generate 0 points. You pay more to them because of good will not because you want to boost your points at Steamgifts.
If a bundle from Steam costs as many points to enter its giveaway as the total cost of all games that it includes (example) and not how much it did cost when it was in a deal (like humble bundles), then all Humble Bundles should cost that many points to enter their giveaways.
I know the site does not have this implemented yet, but I beg you, either implement this, or disallow them to be gifted.
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