Hi SG, we're rolling out some updates to our trade section in the next 24 hours. These changes are mostly geared towards the separation of trades to SteamTrades.com, and improving on the feedback system. No major changes to the core of the trading system are happening in this particular update and the site will still maintain the familiar discussion based format. However, like most users, I'd like to see improvements in that area in the near future. Below is the upcoming announcement to be listed on SteamTrades.com, highlighting some of the more noteworthy changes.

User Reputation for All Steam Users

To help SteamTrades continue to grow as a leader in Steam user reputation, our site now allows reputation to be written for every individual with a Steam account. To leave a review for a user, simply visit our homepage and search for a Steam user using their Steam ID, Steam vanity name, or Steam profile URL. Once forwarded to their SteamTrades profile, you'll see an input box at the bottom of their profile allowing you to leave a review regarding your trading experience together.

Replies to Negative Reviews

If a user has left a negative review on your profile, SteamTrades now allows you to write a public reply to their review. This way you can better inform users visiting your profile about why that review exists, and at the same time it provides you with an opportunity to share additional details the user might have excluded from their review. Below a negative review on your profile you'll see a Reply button, which you can click to add your reply. Please note, replies are only available for negative reviews.

Negative Review Voting

To help improve the quality of negative reviews and to help remove negative reviews that do not meet our standards, we added a voting page, where users can vote on negative reviews from others in the community. Using the guidelines listed, users can vote on whether a negative review should be allowed, or whether it should be removed from our site. Reviews will be automatically removed if decided on by the community.

User Profiles and Safety Check

User profiles now contain a safety check. This data is updated hourly, and helps you to be aware of any Steam infractions a user may have against their account (such as VAC or game bans). As well, user profiles show when a user registered on Steam, when they were last logged into Steam, their Steam level, and their game count (if their Steam account is public). Combined with our user reviews, this data can help you better determine a user's overall reputation before trading.

Design and Interface

Our entire site has been redesigned and recoded with a wide variety of improvements. The changes allows for quicker replies, and overall faster load times. Our database is now separate from our sister site, SteamGifts. Users with previous trades or reputation have been automatically moved to our new site. However, with separate databases, this will mean usernames on SteamTrades may differ from those on SteamGifts, and suspensions on one site do not affect usage on the other. For that reason, profiles on SteamTrades link to Steam IDs, rather than usernames to help avoid confusion.

7 years ago*

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why exactly are SteamGifts.com and SteamTrades.com being separated? I mean, why do we need to track 2 websites instead of just 1 as was previously? That info is kinda missing in the topic description... and I'm unhappy with it.

7 years ago

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would also like a little more info.
sick of just sending people to mods replies, not that i don't believe them. but somethings can be misinterpreted which could cause misinformation. would prefer more official response to point to rather then a mod comment in the middle of a mass mess of comments.
no offense meant to mod/support

7 years ago

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I'll try to explain. 90% of users on SteamGifts never used the trades section. I'm a believer that every feature a user doesn't use, negatively affects their experience. For the 10% of people that used both sites, there were advantages to having them merged. For everyone else, it was simply overcomplicating the giveaway site they were only here to use.

It has a few other advantages as well. One site can be better tailored towards gifts and the other trades. As well, we want to push the reputation platform on SteamTrades as the primary source of reputation for Steam users, and it simply makes more sense to do so under the SteamTrades domain, rather than a subsection of SteamGifts.

7 years ago

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While I agree with most of what is said and a lot of the changes I feel like sometimes having options that can be defaulted to the SG only user while changed to suit other users may be beneficial; at least on certain features.

Also I believe it would be easier to have a discussion board on steamtrades for suggestions if the sites really need to be split (although it could already be planned, I'm not sure)

7 years ago

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I understand, I really only used one or the other at a time and never really both at the same time. But wouldn't a generic header link from one to the other just advertising the sister sites be better for both? Not any actual database linking any longer or any of that. I fully understand why they are separate, and prefer this as well. But I think for new users they may join one, then decide the other actually may fit their needs better, but otherwise may not of known of its existence.

7 years ago

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I'm getting used to the new site and really like the look. It feels clean. But is there a way to block users so they don't come up in searches and their comments don't appear in your messages? Because I've already run into someone infuriating who I'd rather never see again, but I can't find a block feature on the profile section.

7 years ago

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As a feature request: Is it possible to track your own messages the same way you track the others' ? It's hard to find out who you sent a trade request/message to..Is there a way I am missing?

7 years ago

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Is there a way to see all the reputation someone has given (instead of received)? I don't even see it for your own profile.

7 years ago

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While you can't see it for others, they implemented a feature to see all the feedback that you left: http://imgur.com/a/uLy44

7 years ago

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Well, that's.. something.. even if I have to check each individually (which isn't what I want) but somehow I missed that button. At least it links directly to your feedback you left.

7 years ago

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It's a good thing that all the feedback you left can be accessed via one link in the first place, but I agree with you that it shouldn't require to click on each user's rep individually. Maybe something of similar function could be add for sent messages since it's hard to keep track of all your trade requests.

7 years ago

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This information used to be there on every user profile the last time I checked (a few days ago), it was on the bottom left under the "SteamTrades" info. There was a number: "Reviews received: 250, reviews left: 265" (or something), but it has now been removed -.- It showed me at one glance how much rep I was "missing", which I found useful, but it's gone now.

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7 years ago

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When will you implement a more robust search function in the trade forums?

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7 years ago

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Is there a way to kinda force close threads of users that are obviously inactive? I think Menaxerius' thread and MidnightMeteor's thread are known to a lot of traders on steamtrades. Even though they haven't been online for 10 months their threads keep being bumped by users who don't take the time to check the OP's activity.

7 years ago

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Yes, it's definitely possible to automatically close topics from users that are inactive. They could always reopen their topics when they return. We'd just need to decide at what point a user is considered inactive. 3 months?

7 years ago

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3 months sounds like a good cut off.

Also, when are we getting a more robust search function? :D

7 years ago

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Yeah, 3 months is period of time that came to my mind right away. I think that would be reasonable, but this can be determined in a survey or such. And as you said correctly they could simply reopen their thread(s) whenever they feel like trading again.

7 years ago

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3 months sounds fair, and it'd at least help minimize all the old (inactive) threads getting bumped where people don't notice someone hasn't been around in months.

7 years ago

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Did you completely separate the comments from the gifts/trades now, so that they are counted separately? I ask because I just noticed that my comments count on Steamgifts has declined by several hundred and was wondering if that was the reason.

Also, while I'm at it, this has probably been brought up before, but I find the popup confirmation after you click "mark as read" for messages and after bumping your thread unnecessarily intrusive and annoying (see attached image). The Steamgifts site does not show this popup for messages and works well without it, so I was wondering why it was implemented for trades. Personally I would like to see it removed, or at least disappear automatically after a second.

Can I request something else? Can you please show notifications for new reviews received in addition to messages, and also if previously received ones are changed (from positive to negative, etc.). Thanks for the great work :)

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7 years ago*

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The sites were completely separated when SteamTrades went live. However, a copy of the SteamTrades comments remained in the database here, and I removed them this afternoon, so that explains the decrease in your comment count. It'll be a few more days before all the leftover trade related code is removed from SteamGifts.

I'll see about removing the mark as read and bump pop-ups, I've seen a few users ask for changing them.

7 years ago

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Thank you for the clarification, that explains it.

Also good to hear you'll look into removing the pop-ups. Thanks again. \o/

7 years ago

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Would be nice to have a link of some sort in our SteamGifts profile that lead to our SteamTrades profile. A lot of people are having trouble locating me on there. I mean its not so hard for ME to copy and paste their steam profile link into the search and ta da, there they are but for others they cant seem to be bothered or dont know how to do it. And also that sounds like a lot of extra leg work for something that should be as simple as a click. I like seeing how many giveaways ive entered and didnt win but i much prefered my the trade ratio that was clickable.

7 years ago

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How is the game count calculated?
Because Steam says I have 6124 games, while Steamtrades says I have 6527.

It this is supposed to reassure people that they have the right account, it might actually confuse them.

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7 years ago

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It's pulled from the Steam API, which as you noticed, might differ from the count on profiles.

7 years ago

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The API result:

  • does count F2P (Free on Demand license) games which don't count toward your profile's game count
  • does count some DLCs, videos and tools which don't count toward your profile's game count
  • does not count certain games that cannot be detected by the Steam API, while do count toward your profile's game count
7 years ago

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thx u kill steamtrades!

when SERCH button will be add?

7 years ago

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Will you consider adding option to delete threads? I have bunch of empty threads I would like to delete...

7 years ago

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Hey guys! I only have a bad "revenge" rep in my profile and as you can see, more than 85% of users who took the survey (almost 100 users) agree that it needs to be removed. I even opened up a SteamReps case and the account of the guy was banned.

When and how I will see my bad rep removed?

Thanks! :)

7 years ago

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I ran out of reviews to vote on again 😣 Does it get refreshed?
On a more serious note, how are we handling general non-trading discussions now that Steamtrades is separate. Will we get a /General forum on SteamTrades or something? 🤔

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7 years ago*

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What happened to the pop-up message when we bump a thread? It was one of my favorite features from the new site, it was great to get a visual confirmation :(

7 years ago

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i hated it ^^

7 years ago

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I found it incredibly practical when I'm on mobile, the moment I got the message I just closed the tab, now I need to go back one page to make sure it was actually bumped or if my 4G conection just had one of its usual hiccups.

7 years ago

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Can't use search in trade post, a little not good to use.
Sometimes, may want to know is there someone already give the post creator same offer .

7 years ago

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can u make this erea little bigger? its still takes only half of monitor

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7 years ago

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I hope that you are like me and have a sarcastic sense of humour - that thing takes up soooo much space on the screen - I'm guessing that they have a massive monitor and run at a high res. - and forget that the rest of the world might not be (if not sarcastic, then I appologise :)

7 years ago

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Nah, it really needs to be bigger. All those constantly changing trade threads under it just mess up the perfect tranquil and clear opening screen composition.

7 years ago

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and maybe change the half the blue area to a lovely shade of pink, so as not to be sexist over colour application :P - or just land on a white screen with really small box areas and a little tag in the bottom left that says 'guess monkeyboy guess' - God I need some sleep, couldn't manage to sleep last night :( & I am paying for it now :(

7 years ago*

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no, that's not enough.. it's gotta be the rainbow to cover LGBT as well.. pink n' blue doesn't cover everyone these days still.

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7 years ago

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I'm all for rainbows :) - rainbows make most people smile - apart from presidents who don't like everyone to be different of course - they are scared of things that are different (giggle - sorry could't resist - trying to push away the sadness with rainbows and humour)

7 years ago

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Hi is there a link on profile here that sends me directry on that persons profile on steamtrades?

7 years ago

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not anymore. if you don't mind using scripts for features, here is a script to add that button.

7 years ago

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My only gripe is that the message system is now separate as well,. it should be linked somehow.

And going back to someone's SG profile is a bit of a hassle now.
Also, that search button above the bump trade button is,. akwardly placed - i press it half as often as the one i try to press.

7 years ago

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Um, i didnt want to post a new thread but what happened to the sales page on the site?

7 years ago

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Check it here.

7 years ago

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What are the requirements for negative rep to be removed by the system?

7 years ago

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Revenge or fake feedback or no explanation.

7 years ago

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I'm actually asking how many votes are required?

7 years ago

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They're never going to tell you that.

7 years ago

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how mush in % is required to remove negative feedback? i have one on 81% with 100 votes and still not removed

7 years ago

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A friend of mine got his negative feedback removed today. He had around the same amount of votes, I think.

7 years ago

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mine also got removed, thou we need to know the ratio

7 years ago

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I think up until today they weren't getting deleted yet.

Mine had been sitting at 92% (100 votes) for over a week and just disappeared today.

7 years ago

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Same here, 96% for days (out of 100 votes) and it got removed today.

7 years ago

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The more negative reviews I read to vote on, the more I understand why so many people never wanted to poke SteamTrades even with a really long stick.

7 years ago

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lol, that's so right.

7 years ago

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itleast some do bother reading them, otherwise i mostly get idiots voting Yes on fake rep...
thou one got removed

7 years ago

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I just realized 2 negative feedbacks I had are removed after 17 days of voting. They got the required percentage to remove. Thanks everyone who believe in me. <3


It's good to know that we don't need to worry about false negative feedbacks of impersonator's victims if we have evidences. I've still 1 negative feedback written by my friend and its purpose is to warn new traders against impersonators. I don't really want to keep that negative feedback, because some traders don't undersand English very well and they may think it's a real negative feedback. I can remove it, and get crystal clear positive feedback. But then I'll be in radar of impersonators and new traders will get scammed again. Changing avatar is with warning note not a good solution too. Why don't we have a note area or something like wall in our feedback page to write these warnings or useful notes? I'm out of idea how to solve this to be honest...

7 years ago

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I just got my fake negative rep (which was on my profile for over a year) removed. Thanks cg, great idea!

7 years ago

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Any chance of an advanced search function? For example, if you try to look for a game like The Culling you'll find games like Culling of Cows instead. If there was a way to "-cows" and focus on the one we were looking for it would be more productive. Maybe instead of using just words, if you let people pick the picture/store gift (like steamgifts uses when making giveaways)? That would really help the [h] [w] lists immensely.

7 years ago

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