Thanks for all of the feedback on the recent changes. Overall, I think they're working well, and the last user poll on the forum seemed slightly in favor of the new point system. However, it's pretty clear any modifications to the point system will result in some heated debates, and I highly doubt any solution will appeal to everyone. Nonetheless, I would like to make a few more adjustments after talking to a wide range of people and reviewing comments the past week. I was thinking about making the following changes in the next couple of days...

  1. Switching from 5P to 6P every 15 minutes. There is no right answer here, because some users found they still had too many points, and others believed they were too limited. I would like to raise it a little though, and I'm leaning towards 6P every 15 minutes, which will give users an extra 96P per day (576P compared to 480P) to join a few more giveaways.

  2. Decreasing the point cap from 500P to 400P. After further thought, I think 500P is too high for the point cap, and it evens the odds a little too much for the once a day casual visitor compared to users that visit two or three times a day. I want to lower this to 400P. If we switch to 6P every 15 minutes as mentioned above, users would reach a 400P cap after 16.6 hours. This means a once a day visitor would be able to spend 400P, while a more frequent visitor could spend 576P. I think that's fair, it would give more regular users 44% more points compared to someone that just stops by once a day. I think it would be appreciated by more frequent visitors, and they only need to visit twice a day to get that benefit.

  3. Switching the maximum number of points to enter a single giveaway back to 100P instead of 50P. I'm fairly indifferent about this change since it would affect a small number of giveaways. Users also seemed relatively split in a recent poll, but they voted in favor of 100P, so I'll side with the vote in this case.

6 years ago*

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I like the new system and this change looks good. I would like to see some statistics after a few months. For example, average entries per giveaway before and after the changes .

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Yes, we need an update on those stats to see the before and after the change.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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This is an extremely bad idea. SteamCompanion used this system. In effect, it is an extreme point reduction and creates uneven micromanagement battles between users.
Imagine x users entering a giveaway with 1 ticket each. They each have 1/x chance of winning. Now what if they used 1000 tickets each? They still have exactly the same chance of winning, but they all wasted each others' tickets. Somewhere in between, they have to optimize their choices between each other and all the other giveaways on the site. In most scenarios, random people will lose and a lot of tickets will be wasted. If you allow tickets to be banked, this gets even more out of control.
In order to optimize your chances, you'd enter a thousand different giveaways with 1 ticket each, anyway. But then you might as well make the other system where every giveaway costs 1P each and nobody is allowed to enter multiple times. And that's already a pretty bad idea.

6 years ago

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In order to optimize your chances, you'd enter a thousand different giveaways with 1 ticket each, anyway.

Noo, because not everyone wants 1k different games on the site, people are different? What if I only want something with 5 copy and *gasp* won't use the 1k tickets to enter stuff I don't want to, but 200 on each? Take that, "optimalizers", who always approach the situation from the - how can I optimize my wins, and I'm sure everyone else will do that - direction. Getting boring.
Also, people are already using up more than 10% of their daily points to enter a single 60P AAA game, for fractions of a percentage chance to win. And then why you treat users as a homogenous mess, not thinking people? Like why would use up my 1k tickets to enter to a giveaway that already has 1000 person's 1000 tickets in, giving everything I have for 0,1% chance, when I can enter for another game I want with a better chance? People aren't stupid, you don't need to learn game theory to not completely fuck your chances over

6 years ago

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Good idea! Not sure if it's feasible, but it would really give more chance to people who really wanna play a game, which is always great! :)

6 years ago

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I'd personally like this idea, as I enter such a limited number of giveaways that I don't think I've been below 400 points since the last round of changes (and routinely sit at 500), so having a better chance to win the few games I really want would be nice. Having said that, I can see a huge outcry from people that like to enter a ton of giveaways if that was implemented.

6 years ago

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I slightly prefer the new point system, there are pros and cons but for my personal taste the pros are a bit more than the cons.

About the new changes that you proposed:

  1. The switch from 5 to 6 points is quite irrelevant for me but I vote yes.
  2. Completely agree to lower the point cap to 400. 500 points are too many
  3. I also agree to raise the maximum number of points to enter a single giveaway to 100P. Actually I don't understand what is the purpose of this limit, I would remove it completely.
6 years ago

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Why is it always one step forward with (at least) one step back.

Increasing the point cap to the daily influx amount was the only fully-positive part. Reducing that again is bad for numerous reasons.
One of the main "selling-points" of the last change was to combat bot-usage. In that regard solely the cap is the relevant factor, if set right, point-influx hardly matters. Filling up once per day is optimal so normal people who sleep 8h and work/school another 8h at least don't have to worry about losing out on any (now valuable) points.
I still see some using bots and lowering the cap will only increase that again, negating the whole reasoning of the first change. Also I dearly miss any real action against botters.

Also the argument of favoring active users with that is a crabwise effect.
Not the active users get an actual advantage (they still have the same points whether checking every 1h or 12th hour) but instead average, regular users get penalized.
Users visiting more often still have the benefit of catching low-entry flash GAs.

Anything below 24h is too low for a cap. New 576p amount filling a 500p cap at 20,8 hours is just about ok enough.

Thus resulting in: Do _not_ lower the cap again

Increasing the point-influx constitutes the step forward then. For determining the right amount it never made sense to look at how it was in 2013/4 being 4 ancient years ago. The situation has changed significantly in terms of bundles, user numbers and made giveaways.
As a proponent of balanced solutions the time-frame of the past 2 years is a lot more apt to be taken as a basis, also almost fully encompassing SGv2's lifetime, which introduction has altered many areas, making previous references unsuitable.
Point amount ranged between 20-30k per month with a few "flood"-months (due to cheap high-cv bundles) of 35-45k. These "flood"-months were the problem, the average otherwise was not.
It could have been easily solved with an upper-limit at 30-32k, or reducing the dynamic generation value to some degree.
Now with the static system the balanced optimal choice would be the average of those 2 years at roughly 26k per month = 864 per day = 9p per 15 minutes.
That composes a compromise for more active users to spend on forum events, puzzles and long trains while still accommodating the less spending ones compared to previous spikes of 1500-3000p per day.

What the radical 70% reduction has led to instead is that many users now micromanage points and entries, making it more work than fun (except for those few liking optimization task)

About polls:

last user poll on the forum seemed slightly in favor of the new point system.

Not the one I saw.. but the issue is that the change had a mixed effect because it contained good and bad parts.
Cap increase was received well, heavy point reduction far less. Also lowering bot-advantage is obviously seen positively.
Again: lowering somewhat was good and needed, but instead of a balanced approach of around 30-40% reduction, it went immediately into an extreme of 70%.
Doesn't need a fortune-teller to know this will cause heavy negative reactions.
Also a small step by step lowering (like 20% per month) would have allowed to slowly get used to the new conditions instead.
Either option would have resulted in a significantly more favorable response over-all.

Also it's very weird to read that a poll of 52% for reverting max-cost back to 100P instead of 50P is supposedly "enough" to take action while the other poll being at considerably higher rates negative towards the overall changes is getting ignored. Applying the same logic for both everything would need to be reversed. (Note: With that I'm not saying to fully return everything to how it was before, instead that should show that #3 isn't actually in need of any further changes atm)

Why listen to me at all?

All of my 5 previous predictions for the initial change came true.
E.g. High demand games didn't become easier to win, some of the people frolicking about better chances for themselves aren't even in an actually better position then before.
Those who now (following the stated goal of being more selective) focus on high-tier games like HB-monthlies end up even worse as entry counts there didn't drop enough compared to fewer possible GA joins.
Most notably however low-demand/bad games got easier to win. Farmers and collectors are happy, but that is the opposite of the formulated goals of the change.

I'm not just taking a stance for myself with any of that. Many or few points, I can 'work' with both. It's not about me but a balanced result over-all intending to benefit most, hurt the least, the majority of users.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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I agree on #3:). I thought it was strange to lower it to 50.
I have no opinion on 1 and 2 - I always have points.

6 years ago

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Can you please start putting high priority towards fixing point refunding upon giveaways deleted prior to ending. A lot of people agree that this is a major issue now that points are scarce, and as I understand it shouldn't be that hard to implement, right? Also, it was promised ~2 years ago by now.

I disagree with 2. as I really don't understand why people should be rewarded for checking more often than 24 hours. 24 hours seemed very reasonable to begin with. People who frequent the site still get rewarded as there are many flash giveaways and events they will catch anyway.

6 years ago

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Hi DanZDK, refunded points for deleted giveaways is coming soon. Expect the change within the next day or two.

As for #2, in the past couple of years, users visiting multiple times a day would have 2.5-10x more points to spend than once a day visitors. This lowers that to 1.4x more points. It's not 1:1 as you're asking, but I think it's equally as reasonable.

6 years ago

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Hi Cg, I just disagree with the premise that more frequent visitors should ever get more points.

A brother and sister would receive $100 and $10 respectively in pocket money per month. The boy got more because he had more things to spend it on (mostly junk food). Obviously unfair the daughter complained. Now the parents set it to $14 for the son and $10 for the daughter saying that is more reasonable even though it's not 1:1. Seems fair?

If aiming for fairness, I don't understand why 'close enough is good enough'. I thought the 500 cap with a rate that meant hitting it in just over 24 hrs was a perfect fit. Don't get me wrong, it'll make virtually no difference to me personally, but I don't see why frequent visitors must get an advantage over a once-a-day visitor. (They already do in terms of flash GAs and greater ability to manage entries anyway)

All in all, the changes you are making are great! Just playing devil's advocate here a bit to test your reasoning.

6 years ago

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I like the recent change. I think it's good that participants have to be more selective in spending their points.

  1. (No) I don't see any need to backtrack on this.
  2. (No) Personally I'm fine with this, because I'm able to visit the site regularly throughout the day. But I am sympathetic to those who are not able to visit regularly and think the disadvantage should be minimized as much as possible.
  3. (Yes) Points value should be relative to gift value, I don't see any reason to cap this.
6 years ago

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I still maintain the points system itself isn't the problem people view it as much as is the one-hour giveaways. No matter how many or how few points I get, having to check the site once an hour to make sure I'm not 'missing out' is a much larger hassle than point management. I'd really like to see a 6 to 12 hour minimum set for giveaway length.

6 years ago

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That's an evidence if he really want people to spend less time to enter GA on SG ... (maybe it's not really that in fact)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Yes, I like this line of thinking, too.

6 years ago

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How about to increase points per 15 minutes depends on your CV lvl ?
By the way thank you any way for your new idea, realy nice

View attached image.
6 years ago

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High level users already have enough extra opportunities to win stuff - not just through access to higher level giveaways but through groups they have been able to access, through friends and whitelists they have developed, and through their understanding of the site and its systems. Higher level users that choose to exploit the site do so with extreme proficiency - the last thing they need is more advantages. People that got to higher levels trying to be generous probably wouldn't use the extra points.

It's an idea that sounds fair and like it might be rewarding people - but in practice I don't think that would be the effect it would have.

6 years ago

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My biggest issue with lowering the cap is the weekly rush when a new humble bundle or humble monthly gets released. If it's got more than 2 or 3 attractive games, with all the flash giveaways in the first hour you can run through those 500 points pretty quickly.

6 years ago

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bump for pinned 📌

6 years ago

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What about trying to fix steamtrades and stop trying to fix something that is already ok? I don't really care about the points, since I have 500 points most of the time, so don't think I'm complaining about the new point system. The thing is that steamtrades is kinda abandoned by support - and don't tell me that I can't talk about steamtrades here, since there's no other place to talk about it. There are so many changes that need to be implemented on steamtrades, but I haven't seen the slightest change so far. Instead, you keep caring about.....points?! You made the steamtrades site, is that correct? Then try to put some changes for the steamtrades site on the to-do list.

6 years ago

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Tbh I thought that steamtrades is mostly dead as we can't store gifts in inventory and can't send them to regions that are too pricey. And that group buys etc focus on bundle splits, so people don't resell them on ST anymore.

6 years ago

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Still lots of keys to trade. That mad the bulk of it before too.

6 years ago

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I think the recent changes are fine and your proposed changes will improve things further. Good thinking! :)

6 years ago

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I like the new point system and think it should stay this way. Good that the cap was decreased again. Not sure if a higher point regeneration was really necessary. A slightly dynamic system would have been nice maybe but it is fine the way it is. And it is easier manageable.

Maybe do something against point banking a long lasting giveaways? You could block the ability to remove an entry after the initial 24 hours. This would make some people think more before entering giveaways they are only interested half-heartedly. And 24 hours is enough time to reconsider an entry. While there still might arose some problems they will be a minority and can completely be covered by the support.

Other than that use the data available at your hands. And give the system enough time to get a hold. Much of the unneeded backslash at the moment will die out with the time.

6 years ago

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  1. Fixed point generation is very incompatible with the fact the GAs aren't created at fixed rate, and also the durations of GAs differ greatly, as well as the "entry value gap" of 1P...50P is still too great. Should go back to the dynamic system, but add limits to it instead trying to find optimal fixed rate because there isn't one.
    -Maybe 5P/15minutes is actually good minimum at all times. But when there is higher than average creation of new giveaways occurring, the point generation system should react by generating little bit more entry points temporarily, but not without limit like before. For example, the rate could go up to 15P/15minutes, but not higher so it doesn't go over the top like before.
    -Temporary higher point generation should only apply when higher than average number of GAs get created that have short duration. With short I mean something like 1...36 hour long GAs. GAs that are going to be open for longer time shouldn't trigger accelerated point generation because the points fill up many times during that time anyway.

  2. If my suggestions in 1 and 3 would be realized, I think the point cap could then be reverted back to 300P as it was before.

  3. What should really be done is to allow GA creators modify the entry point value so it's not forced to be the Steam Store price. I have posted about this idea before so instead retyping or copypasting again, all the details of the idea (+ great follow-up idea by Shindo) are here:

6 years ago*

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Regarding letting GA creators modify point value for entry, wouldn't you just get tonnes of groups and other organised users setting all their relatively exclusive GAs to really low points? Seems to me it would upset the balance in terms of public vs group giveaways way more in favour of groups. A lot of people already complain that it's unfair how people can build a lot of CV in small groups to take advantage of in public level-restricted giveaways.

6 years ago

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I would set low entry point requirement to majority of my GAs regardless is it group or public GA. I don't like that being the issue why somebody ends up missing the chance to win from my GAs. Setting the other things like level requirement and duration, or making puzzle or sgtools rules are the better ways to restrict who can enter I think. Particularly with puzzle and such GAs, it's a nice reward for the solvers that the entering of the GA doesn't fail or disgust in the end due to high entry point requirement.

I agree that the group and other private GAs are another thing waiting for adjusting:

  • There is already the 5 user entry requirement for earning CV from group GAs which is quite effective I think. If that would be raised to something like 10, I think it would make some users make more public GAs. This would have no effect to those who are already at level 10 or otherwise don't care for the chance to enter public GAs anyway.
    • I know this change would make many group-users angry though because this would mean tons of lost CV - unless this is implemented so that the 5 user entry remains valid for the old GAs, and only apply for new GAs. Changing this would likely cause lots of shakeup in the giveaway groups with some users giving up maybe. That's why I have better idea:
  • SG should show and make use of real CV calculation of public and private GAs a 'la Sgtools (but keep the overall real CV calculation also as it is now). "Making use of" would happen by adding 1 new option to the GA creation page: in addition to overall CV level requirement setting as it is now, we could optionally set requirement regarding the ratio of public and private CV (in case of public GAs only).
    --For example: let's say some user has $2500 real cv from public GAs and $3000 real cv from private GAs. Then public CV alone grants them level 8 but overall they are level 10. The actual setting on the GA creation page could be simple checkbox/switchbox:
      • CV level requirement is based on: [public only CV] or [overall CV]
        description: "public only": allow users to enter based on the public giveaway CV only,
        "overall": allow users to enter based on their overall CV level.
6 years ago*

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For proposing changes all the time why is it you never make any polls?
1 & 2 are fine as they currently are while 3 should have always stayed at 100.

6 years ago

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I think a lot of the backlash over the change was because it happened on Humble Monthly day, so people went from getting 200 points in 15 minutes to 5 points in 15 minutes. I say give it some more time during slower periods so people have time to get used to it before deciding that 480 a day is too few.

As for the point cap change: Wasn't one of the major reasons for the new system to make it so you didn't have to visit multiple times a day? Why go back to encouraging multiple visits a day (and bots)?

6 years ago

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I only enter giveaways for games I want, so I had plenty of points with the previous system as I do with this system, therefore I have no complaints about either the old or new system. But, I have a suggestion which I bet won't be popular, but I think it would be beneficial:

If you want to do 6p every 15 minutes, which is 24 points per hour, give everyone a months worth of points at the beginning of the month, then let the budget how to spend those points over a month. People will quickly need to learn how to plan a budget. If they blow all of their points at the beginning of the month, they lose out on giveaways later that month. Bots would be easier to spot if they blow all of their points in one day, and smart giveaway creators would plan their giveaways to start at the middle to end of the month to avoid bots and weed out people that didn't budget their points properly.

6 years ago

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Giveaways are the definition of unexpected events, though. You can't plan a budget when you have no idea when there will be expenses.

6 years ago

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I told that to my cat when she needed the vet. This monthly plan sounds too much like real life...

6 years ago

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most people will spend all their points in a week, then cry.

and you know they will complain ga creators are bad because they don't make their giveaways last 4 weeks.

6 years ago

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Not using the max anyway. There might be a point where I could be at 0p but meh. They could go to 300 daily and I would still be ok with It.

6 years ago

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I think 500P is too high for the point cap, and it evens the odds a little too much for the once a day casual visitor compared to users that visit two or three times a day. I want to lower this to 400P.

No problem, however, if willing to incentivize user visits without feeding too many bots and other enter-whatever-is-in-sight types, IMO the system should be designed in such a way to encourage somewhat hard choices about what to enter: IOW pick the games you want the most, rather than spend the points as they come. OTOH if users run out of points too often, it becomes kind of a grind and micromanagement.

Lowering the point buffer and tweaking the supply, while providing some official form of long-term point storage, could be the best compromise, as it gives the incentive to visit the site to store points (when nothing particularly appealing is being given away), while the reduced point supply would limit whatever-in-sight entries. The point storage is already possible (just use long GAs), so it's nothing that hasn't been already happening for years.

Just my 2 cents.

6 years ago

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I'm pretty happy because I don't enter much these days due to backlog ^^
I won 2 game I really want last week ^^

6 years ago

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You're missing #4.

  1. Increase the minimum giveaway limit time from 1 hour to something longer (maybe 6 hours)

I personally am not in favor of #3.

6 years ago

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Let's be honest: the amount of game giveaways that exceed $50 cap is statistically speaking very small, and even then the cost of most AAA games is $60, so that's a 10 P difference per entry. There's pricier software of course that sometimes gets bundled (or that some kind soul may decide to give away), but let's be honest: these are trade tools that are really wanted only by a relatively small portion of the userbase. They are already pricier on Steam for a reason.

Sure, once in a blue moon there's a single key massive package; it's just those are so rare that it's statistically negligible.

6 years ago

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500 points is over 9000!!!!

6 years ago

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Agree on all counts.

6 years ago

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I just hope that you could further increase the Point Restoring Rate. Certainly I agree that it should not as fast as before the recent changes, but I have to say, the rate after last change falls too hard, 5 Points per Quater is toooooooooo slow. There is not enough points for me to join at all! Steamgifts is the most important everyday website for me to visit. I could assure you I log on SG almost every an half hour to see if there is any new game roll I could join. I appreciate your encourgement of the frequent visitors with another 176P, but I would say I hope you could give a little bit more to encoure us frequent users. Thank you very much!

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by cg.