So, one fine day, the world is going to see its last humans, and may even end itself too. How do you think it'll happen?

EDIT: We are talking about the end of humanity here, not the end of the Earth. It could be that we spead our nets wide and outlast the end of the planet. Or, we just kill our ourselves tomorrow. Editing to preserve the rigorous and highly scientific nature of this forum poll.


7 years ago*

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How will humans' time on Earth end?

View Results
Nuclear War (~2017-????)
Environmental Unsustainability (~2000-2100)
Disease Spreads Uncontrollably (Any time is good)
Solar Expansion (~4 billion years from now)
Asteroid Bombardment (Any time is good)
Entropy Finally Corners Us (~100 trillion years from now)
Whatever My Religious Book Says (Date recalibrated to save face every few years)
Dolphins Evolve Opposable Thumbs (~Eons)
Potatoes Evolve Opposable Dolphins (~Megaeons)
I Wake Up (~Whoa)
Other (Paved over to build a new bypass, voluntary extinction, someone unplugs it, etc.)

Just wait till I grow up and you'll see! You'll all see, muahahahahaa (laughs in evil)!

7 years ago

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The world will never end (other than the solar expansion eventually....), but humanity will end a lot sooner and greed and hunger for power will be the downfall.
Already see it happening with Trump. All he is doing is writing bills that will make him richer, and cuts funding to those departments he can't make money off, but are crucial for a future on the world like global warming.
Money and power will be useless if there is no world left suitable for human life.

But tbh.... it would be pretty good for Earth to get rid of the infectious virus called humans.

7 years ago

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Solar expansion. The sun will eventually swallow the earth. Humans would be long gone by then, but don't forget that the world will still be there even without humans. The end of humanity isn't the same as the end of the world.

7 years ago

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I tried to accentuate that exact point with the title of the poll, since such is our arrogance that "end of the world" tends to be synonymous with "end of humanity." Have you read "The World Without Us?" Might like it.

7 years ago

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When someone finds this failed science experiment in a clean-up and shuts the power off to the simulation we are living in.

7 years ago

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I would say nothing is going to happen to the world. Its just a big ball floating in space. As Carlin told "The planet isnt going anywhere. We are!"
And I agree with that. Of course if we dont blow it up by using nuclear weapons. But being very pessmistic about stupidity of common man Im not sure wether to rule it out or no.

Talking about humans.. well, we will probably destroy ourselfs. We are somewhat out of place on this earth. Humanity is powered by greed. Nothings wrong with money and having set of rules to follow. But humans somehow even the most delicate and beautiful ideas can ruin by their egoism and greed. Maybe its byproduct of having the huge gap we have in societies. If we would live the same and everyone would have the same set of mind we would probably evolve much quicker and live in prosperity.
But hey - as long as we have radical terorists, socipathic world leaders who care only about power, countries that live in filth and poverty while others live in golden houses we cant even hope about saving ourselfs.

I`m going with solar expension. Because humans are unpredictible. We could be gone tomorrow. All thats needed is one stupid move. Solar expension - thats unavoidable. It WILL happen. Wether we are there or we arent this beautiful sphere we call home will disappear. Along with anyone whos left.

7 years ago

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Ten million years of targeted asteroid flybys to boost us into the orbit of Jupiter it is then.

7 years ago

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or there will be AI takeover, mankind will be obsolete and exterminated by the nano-robots.

7 years ago

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Nuclear War, Aliens or AI. I do however think that the end of this world won't be the end of mankind.

7 years ago

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Alien/AI overlords should have been its own category for sure.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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What no zombies in the poll? I guess technically that would fall under disease but zombies are their own thing. So I'm going to say that some madman is deliberately going to create a super zombie virus to destroy the world. It starts with humans then spreads to all living organisms. Everything starts eating everything else. Earth becomes Planet Zed.

7 years ago

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Can't believe I forgot the T Virus.

7 years ago

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I voted for- someone unplugs it.

7 years ago

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Our world will end when we do

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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What about... Aliens? Or the Earth swallowing itself? Or. Oh, right, having to much trash and kicking the Earth that way out of it's solar rotation thing and drifting of into space and freezing and stuff? :]

7 years ago

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How : Crispr / Cas9 gets out of control
When : way too soon from now... :-(

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Man, if I ever wake up and realize this all was just a dream...

7 years ago

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A cow will eat the flat earth from the turtles back

7 years ago

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Maybe humanity will destroy environment partly so heavy, that humanity can't survive, but the planet and many, many other lifeforms will life long after the last human being died.

7 years ago

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Something like a big big meteorite hitting the earth.

7 years ago

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a cosmic cataclysm will probably do, the technological level we have achieved so far excludes any escape route. every option of escape from such a disaster is atm purely fictional.

even a large scale nuclear war will, tho i find unlikely it will ever happen. nuclear weapons exist (theoretically) as a deterrent for war against other military superpower. if one decides to use it against another, this would imply mutual destruction (see mutual assured destruction theory). this unless (((someone))) decides to go full samson option and shalom everyone. for now the human self preservation instinct seems to prevail.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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I've read somewhere recently that the probability that we live in some kind of Matrix is much higher than the probability of life developing all by itself ^^
In that case world may end when the simulation is shutdown.

7 years ago

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Some are not world ends. it's only end of some spicies on earth. Not the same ;)
So for or world, it's solar expension. No matter where human will be (somewhere in the space or all dead by anything)

7 years ago

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The poll's title is asking for the end of humans, though.

7 years ago

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I haven't seen it ;)

7 years ago

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Other- Donald Trump.

And isn't saying the end of the world in any of these contexts wrong? The end of the world will only come when the planet is no longer here. Otherwise, it's not the end of the world, it's the end of humankind.

And on a couple of side notes- 1 and 2.

7 years ago

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