SteamGifts Tools is a tool in a form of a website that lets you do some interesting checks to steamgifts mechanics:



  1. SG Dark Grey Userstyle by SquishedPotatoe thread
  2. Old (deprecated) ones:

User Scripts

  1. SGTools Helper: Help you create giveaways with SGTools typical options and marks protected giveaways on steamgifts giveaway page
  2. Links to user profile: Awesome userscript made by SilentGuy that adds links to the common sgtools checks on a user profile. See his thread
  3. Links on giveaway's winners page. The script will add a link next to each winner's 'Request New Winner' link in your giveaway's winners list, so that you can easily check them for non-activated and multiple wins
  4. ESGST: An all-in-one script to rock your Steamgifts experience. It integrates to and gives quick access to several SGT functionality from inside steamgifts website.


  1. Check real cv value (as we had in steamgifts v1) and it's level translation with a detailed log of every game contribution and how they add up to the final number.
  2. Check real cv for your won gifts, so you can compare with your send gifts.
  3. Check if a user has activated all his gifts, useful if you want to check a little bit the winners of your giveaways.
  4. Multiple Wins. Checks if a user has won and marked as received the same game more than once
  5. Last Bunled Games. List new additions to the bundle list of the last 7 days with a minimum of 50 entries, showing the game (with a link to steam), the date since the game is considered bundled and the date when it was added to the bundle list.
  6. Create, manage and enter giveaways with more advanced and complex filters than the ones in steamgifts.
  7. Deals and their bundle status


  1. Since CG don’t give us an open API, all requests have to parse your full profile to check your sent games, this will take some seconds (more if you gave away tons of games!), so please be patient.
  2. The site uses a cached bundle list, so if you find a recent bundle game that gives you a full value instead of the 15% one, just wait until the next cached bundle list is ready. Cached Bundle list auto-updates itself every 6 hours starting at 3:00AM GMT (3am, 9am, 3pm, 9pm).
  3. The tool will search steam API to get the real cost for packages that has its point value truncated to 50 in steamgifts, but if the package is no longer available the tool will use the points as CV (50$).
  4. It may sound obvious, but the tool can't check not activated gifts if the profile is private.

This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Infractions applied, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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hey knsys i am not sure if i should report this to you but there is a former winner of my giveaway froma year ago who decided to mark as not received as of yesterday not sure if he is trying to fool sg tools or such hence i was wondering if i should report this to you as well as he did mark as received and has it in his library

7 years ago

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Sure, just write me the name on an old giveaway or add me to steam. I'll check it's history of marked as not received to see if he is trying to bypass some checks.

Also you should report it to steamgifts support

7 years ago

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The First Tree is reported as non-activated in my profile but is not released yet so it doesn't appear on account.

7 years ago

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Changed release date, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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New year brings new options on custom rule creation:

  • wishlist_date: Date when the user wishlisted giveaway's game. It doesn't work with packages, steam don't allow users to wishlist them.
  • num_wishlisted_games: Number of wishlisted games on steam
  • owned_games: All games owned by user, you can query for ownership of certain appid.
  • num_owned_games: Number of user's owned games on steam as reported by steam api

Those options have been requested several times, so now you can start using them on the custom rule section. Some people may need to re-synchronize with SGTools before they can enter giveaways with this kind of rules, but in less than 24 hours everybody will be able to enter without a manual resync.

PS: New stats generated

7 years ago*

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I have a question about the date operators, is it allowed to add only the date, or the hour (and minutes and seconds) is required too?

Example for wishlisted game before Oct 5 2016:


Or do I need to apply this format to the custom rule?

wishlist_date<date('2016-10-05 00:00:00')


7 years ago

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You can use only dates, and you really should in this case because Steam only reports days (and no hours) for wishlist time.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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I'm very happy to see this set of enhancements and will create a few GAs with such rules later today. This is beyond awesome!

Thank you so much!

Edit: Couldn't wait :-)

7 years ago*

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And now waiting for the entered giveaways one. :3.

7 years ago

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Hi knsys,
May I ask for a little time of yours to look into this thread? I think this will be a nice addition to the SGTools family. (I have tested the Steam Web API mentioned, it works)
Thank you.

7 years ago

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Steam web api is being extensively used in SGTools, I know it well :)

If I understand it well, you want the ability to check if a user owns a certain game right?

7 years ago

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Yes, and if possible, maybe not just one game (app), but all games within a bundle (sub). Better if we can input the five characters giveaway ID in the URL and SGTools will automatically fetch the game/bundle being given away. I think this is very similar to the "not activated" function (only in reverse, it checks if the winner does NOT have it). Of course the winner(s) will be anonymous, so we will have to input that manually.

7 years ago*

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Added to ToDo list, thanks for the suggestion

7 years ago

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Some new filters joins the custom rule pool:

  • wishlisted_game_date filter: It lets you check for wishlisting date of any game, not only the one you are giving away
  • real_won_public, real_won_private, real_won_group filters: Were missing and some people asked for them in the past
7 years ago

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Go go!

7 years ago

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They changed the release date from 01/01/2017 to 24/01 so I updated it on DB and now it won't check it until 25th.

Thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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Infraction to report


First time I've used SGTools on a giveaway, so hope I got everything right! (;-.-)

The user passes the requirements, but seems to have entered via the normal SG link rather than the SGTools generated link. I did not distribute that link to anyone. Had stated that entries needed to access the giveaway through SGTools in the giveaway description.

If you need any more information, or I've missed something, please let me know.

7 years ago

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Infraction applied, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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Invalid entry in GA:

7 years ago

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Infraction applied, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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Hm, I was thinking about making a sgtoos projected GA and now the site is acting wonky... something wrong? (Pending on browser I see nothing of 500 errors etc)

7 years ago

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For me the page isnt loading... maybe it's in maintenance the site?

7 years ago

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It should be working again

7 years ago

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Oh, yeah, I noticed it seemed to be back up, but then we were visited by exneighbors followed by my sis and nephews (who are still here) so I still have not gotten around to making my GAs.
Thanks as always :-)

7 years ago

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(ΰ² _ΰ² )

View attached image.
7 years ago

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It's working again. :D

7 years ago

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ahhh, good.. i didn't send keys to recent rulebreakers. xD
hated sending them blindly not knowing, but did so anyways due to it being down.

7 years ago

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You always have 7 days to sent the gifts buddy.

Speaking about myself personally: I do like to expedite the sending of my gifts but in my early SG giveaways someone, a friend, pointed out that I really should do a thorough winner check. Steam, SG, SGTools they can all go down/have maintenance. But when down I myself would rather wait to send the gifts until the site is back up and I can check my winners.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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i killed the task (notice the ^C in screenshot) with a count arguement its good enuf though (when it gets a response at least)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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ahh okay, i see. learn something new everyday! =)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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That tool always rejects me due to "Unactivated gift or account is private". But why exactly am I rejected? I have 2 not recieved gifts. First one from guy who send 0 gifts The other one from guy, who send only part of keys from bundle giveaway - 4 years ago it was OK practice to check such gifts as received, but due to hearing with moderator I had to switch to unreceived.
So what, due to 2 gifts that I did not recieve I am now locked by SGtools?

7 years ago*

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Sync with sgtools then try again.

7 years ago

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there been SGT page screenshot

  1. As it states, I have different versions of this one.
  2. Checked, I have all listed DLCs in my library
  3. Game it states as not on Steam anymore I have in my library (and it is on Steam, maybe switched api). The other one is DLC for game that is no longer exists on Steam as it is replaced with HD version.
7 years ago*

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None of those things listed will stop you from passing sgtools. It's only a problem if they show up red. Note that syncing with sgtools is not the same as syncing with Steamgifts.

7 years ago

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Oh. Thank you. Just tryed few links to SGTools, sync really fixed problem.

7 years ago

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Cached Bundle list auto-updates itself every 6 hours starting at 3:00AM GMT (3am, 9am, 3pm, 9pm).

you answered my question before i asked it ^^
3hr & 10mins away. from the update.. xD
dropped 10% ($100CV) finally, want to see if all were included or any bundles still need adding to the list

7 years ago

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Hey, I think your site has issues detecting multi-wins with high-volume giveaways.

Was recently alerted to a multiple win (, which I am now attempting to remedy. They were both set to "Received" until today, but your website has always shown "no multiple wins" (

7 years ago

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As you can see in the screenshot, there is no way to know if you marked the first one as received or not, because SGTools cannot access the giveaway to see it and the data provided on the profile is not enough (your name doesn't appear as received or not received).

This is a known limitation, that only CG can fix.

You can check out my suggestion thread from a year ago.

7 years ago

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Thanks. I bumped the issue. Here's to hoping it gets noticed!

7 years ago

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Hello. Can you unban me on sgtools?
Around 1 year ago my friend give me a link for private ga. We both thought it was a public "private" ga but not, author used sgtools for it.
And after it sgtools show me "You were caught trying to cheat the system or entering a sgtools protected giveaway without permission.". But I didn't cheat.

7 years ago

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Hi rzndsa,

You are not banned for entering a private giveaway without using sgtools. That is penalized with an infraction (a strike), not a ban.

You are banned for Missuse of giveaway feedback, trying to bypass multiple wins marking as not received some of them. This is penalized with a direct and unlimited ban.

PS: Yes, you cheated.

7 years ago

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Anyway, thanks for your answer.
It was worth a try ;P

7 years ago

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I have two questions about custom rules:

  1. Is there a limit to the length of the rule (in characters)?
  2. Is it possible to add comments to parts of it?


7 years ago

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  1. There is no maximum length for the rules, well in fact there is but is way more than you will ever need
  2. No, there is no support for comments right now
7 years ago

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I used this site on myself and it said:
DLCs Wins that appears as not activated
Minion Masters - Premium Upgrade (2016-12-03 18:10:00)

even know I have activated it on my account, is there something going on?

7 years ago

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There is nothing wrong on your account, is just Steam Api not reporting dlc's as usual. You have nothing to worry about, that is why the dlc's in question are hidden by default. And if you read the text, it's specified there:

DLCs Wins that appears as not activated
Steam API has problems identifying some owned DLCs, so the following ones are probably activated!
7 years ago

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I have a strange one - I won a giveaway on 6/1/17 for Chicken Shoot Gold. It is showing on my account that I haven't activated it - which came as a bit of a surprise when I used SGtools to check - so I checked and I have activated Chicken Shoot 2 on 6/1/17. Now I don't think I noticed this at the time (as the gold edition includes Chicken Shoot 2). - Is it possible that the giveaway was listed incorrectly or is it that chicken shoot gold is actually just chicken shoot 2?
Due to this I'm showing as not having activated a key when I did in good faith :(.

7 years ago

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Chicken Shoot 2 was given away for free, so you should mark it not received, and post a comment explaining why. Then sync your account with Sgtools.

7 years ago

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Chicken shoot gold is not chicken shoot 2, so the giveaway creator gave you a key for a game that was not the one he created the giveaway for.

You can check other winners of chicken shoot gold and you'll see that they don't flag the unactivated rule.

7 years ago

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Thanks - sounds like that is whats happened - i'll do as suggested.

7 years ago

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The link to the actual tool is buried. You might want that on top.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the remind, months of updates has really buried it down. Moved to the top :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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What do?

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Did you try a SGTools sync?

7 years ago

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Yea i synced today, and i have this game since november 7 or something

7 years ago

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Nov 9th you mean (otherwise you activated before you won it xD)

It shows you clean and having all your wins activated though on my side, so i'd just try sync'ing both SG Sync & SGTools Sync one more time cause that normally fixes those issues.

7 years ago

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Like D3m4n I checked you on SGTools and you are showing all games activated.

7 years ago

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So maybe it fixed itself or the maker of the tool fixed the bug huh?

7 years ago

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I think the SGT sync did it actually.

7 years ago

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The problem is, i won this game 2 month ago and activated right away, and had no problems till this week, and now its gone again, after syncs i was getting same message again.

7 years ago

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you were probably still viewing a cached view of the page after a sync.
if it ever happens again, sync, then try 'force' refreshing the noactivation page (ctrl+shift+r for most browsers) instead of a regular refresh. xD

7 years ago

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shift f5. i dont think it's the case

7 years ago

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I and other users had this problem also a few times, when Steam is down and SGTools does a sync during that Steam downtime it can sometimes happen that you show a false positive, non activated game. The SGTools sync solves that problem.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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And a very nice and pleasant use of them Archi! ^^

7 years ago

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not with a style it isn't.. 2x header ads feels like overkill to me. xD

View attached image.
7 years ago

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It should not display 2x banners.

The only reason it could do that is adblock failing to work properly.

7 years ago

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it looks fine if i turn off squishedpotatos dark theme that only happens with that theme turned on. but i know it's not actually coded that way at all, so it's fine with me. xD

edit: i thought i had disabled ublock origin for, but then i remembered that was in my windows install not for my linux install.. so it was actually a combination of ublock trying to block it with dark them enabled. (and still even then only on the occasional pageload)

7 years ago*

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I'm only seeing one header here and one side banner. :-)

7 years ago

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me2 on some pageloads, that only happens every ~4th pageload, and idk where else but specifically "sent" pages (real cv sent)

7 years ago

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I haven't had/seen a double one yet here, I'm using Firefox.

7 years ago

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yeah, i think it takes a combo of a few things. chrome + ublock origin trying (but failing) to block ads + squished's dark theme.. and even then it only occasionally happened.

nothing really to worry about, was really just a joke. ^^

7 years ago

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Maybe it was a happy hour banner. ^^

7 years ago

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I just added a Custom Rule creator, to ease the creation of custom rules with a fully-featured GUI that allows you to create rules and groups of rules and move them around as you please.

You'll find it in the edit giveaway page. Note that this is still in beta, let me know if/when something breaks!

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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This will make life easier for most of us that create SGTools giveaways! ^^

Thank you very much Knsys for your continued support and updates! :3

7 years ago

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Thanks for the efforts you've invested into this. I like the idea, but at this stage find this GUI more difficult to use than the previous solution. Specifically I have two issues:

  1. There's seems to be no way to compare two parameters, e.g. num_sent >= num_won
  2. The online help that previously explained the different parameters is missing. Is it located elsewhere now? There's an information "i" button, but one has to manually select a parameter for it to be visible. I can't find a way to go over the documentation of all parameters or search through their descriptions.
7 years ago

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GUI is just a help for non-experienced users to be able to use relatively difficult custom rules easily. The target is not people like you, who has been already using it from the start (in fact I created custom rules for you).

It lacks some edge cases, like the one you mention on 1, but in the end the GUI writes a normal custom rule, you can change it there or simply keep using the rules as before (gui-less).

About the information, it's true that it's only visible on the "i" button at the moment, I'll do a toggle when I get some time to show the old version.

7 years ago

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You can now access the old variables, operators and types information. Just click on "show/hide variables" on the bottom part.

7 years ago

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Thank you so much! I'm really glad to see this info back :-)

7 years ago

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Hi knsys, I tried to create a region-locked GA protected by SGTools today. But after I create a region-locked invite-only GA, SGTools says the giveaway is not private. Could you please check if this is a bug or actually a limitation of this tool?

7 years ago

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Unfortunately it's not possible to protect region-locked giveaways with SGTools.

It's not a limitation on SGTools per se, it's a limitation of SteamGifts itself. SG doesn't display any information of the giveaway just a notice in the lines of "you cannot access this giveaway because is not of your region".

7 years ago

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ok I see. Could you please add this to the list of known limitations?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Is SGTools having issues? The "Check Requirements" button simply isn't doing anything for me at all right now (I've tried two separate GAs).
Here is an SGTools protected giveaway to check.

7 years ago

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It's working fine for me, maybe you disabled javascript?

7 years ago

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clicking on button Check requirements add to browser log this string:
TypeError: check is not a function onclick() d9b3d77d-e3de-11e6-a31e-fa163ee2f826:1

7 years ago

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Are you sure you are not blocking javascript? The error message suggest this.

What browser are you using? I just tested it on Chrome and Firefox and it works.

7 years ago

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errors probably caused by old version of firefox 43.0.4
i tried newer version 51 and Check requirements working

7 years ago

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Using Pale Moon x64 (more secure version of Firefox) and my Javascript console says this when I try checking:
non activated wins
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement

SGTools protected giveaway when I click the "Check requirements" button
TypeError: check is not a function

It works on Chrome though, so it leads me to believe the dev for Pale Moon screwed up JS code somehow.

7 years ago

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Using Pale Moon // you have latest version of browser or outdated like mine?

7 years ago

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27.0.3, the latest one.

7 years ago

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It should be working now on Pale Moon. It didn't support "let" keyword from ECMAScript 6.

7 years ago

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wow, working on firefox 43
^_^ thanks for fixing

7 years ago

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Also have this problem, but the current version of Pale Moon has been working perfectly fine on sgtools until today (or possibly yesterday). All other areas of sgtools currently working except the check requirements button. This leads me to question if anything was changed on sgtools end recently ...

7 years ago

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is there a way to fix the issue without updating FF to newer 51 version? everything was fine up until yesterday.

7 years ago

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I'll have to check why is not working.

Can you paste me the errors on the console?

7 years ago

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hope this is it:

SyntaxError: missing ; before statement | sgtools.js:8:9290
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement |
7 years ago*

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