SteamGifts Tools is a tool in a form of a website that lets you do some interesting checks to steamgifts mechanics:



  1. SG Dark Grey Userstyle by SquishedPotatoe thread
  2. Old (deprecated) ones:

User Scripts

  1. SGTools Helper: Help you create giveaways with SGTools typical options and marks protected giveaways on steamgifts giveaway page
  2. Links to user profile: Awesome userscript made by SilentGuy that adds links to the common sgtools checks on a user profile. See his thread
  3. Links on giveaway's winners page. The script will add a link next to each winner's 'Request New Winner' link in your giveaway's winners list, so that you can easily check them for non-activated and multiple wins
  4. ESGST: An all-in-one script to rock your Steamgifts experience. It integrates to and gives quick access to several SGT functionality from inside steamgifts website.


  1. Check real cv value (as we had in steamgifts v1) and it's level translation with a detailed log of every game contribution and how they add up to the final number.
  2. Check real cv for your won gifts, so you can compare with your send gifts.
  3. Check if a user has activated all his gifts, useful if you want to check a little bit the winners of your giveaways.
  4. Multiple Wins. Checks if a user has won and marked as received the same game more than once
  5. Last Bunled Games. List new additions to the bundle list of the last 7 days with a minimum of 50 entries, showing the game (with a link to steam), the date since the game is considered bundled and the date when it was added to the bundle list.
  6. Create, manage and enter giveaways with more advanced and complex filters than the ones in steamgifts.
  7. Deals and their bundle status


  1. Since CG don’t give us an open API, all requests have to parse your full profile to check your sent games, this will take some seconds (more if you gave away tons of games!), so please be patient.
  2. The site uses a cached bundle list, so if you find a recent bundle game that gives you a full value instead of the 15% one, just wait until the next cached bundle list is ready. Cached Bundle list auto-updates itself every 6 hours starting at 3:00AM GMT (3am, 9am, 3pm, 9pm).
  3. The tool will search steam API to get the real cost for packages that has its point value truncated to 50 in steamgifts, but if the package is no longer available the tool will use the points as CV (50$).
  4. It may sound obvious, but the tool can't check not activated gifts if the profile is private.

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This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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The Digital Deluxe includes the Tomb Raider reboot along with Rise of and a bunch of DLCs.

That is what you should have gotten from the win. If you didn't, you should contact the gifter, and they should probably get Support to change it to the correct version they gave away.

7 years ago

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Finally found the problem :)

7 years ago

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Happy to help, hope it can get sorted.

7 years ago

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I'd like to create a couple of giveaways for someone else's SGTools-protected train. Any best practices / recommendations? Specifically, do I need to create a separate SGTools filter, or can my giveaways just be linked as regular wagons?


7 years ago

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There is no way to add wagons on a protected train, and it's the intended behavior of the train.

So unfortunately, there is no easy way to just add them and having them protected by the original giveaway creator. The best practice is to create another gate and he should link that gate at his last wagon.
If you use the same rules as the original entry gate, it should be 2 quick clicks to get in the new wagons.

7 years ago

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Cool, I'll it as you suggest. Thanks!

7 years ago

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Hi, Im having this problem. But I have the game on steam

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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like sighery said, i think you activated goocubelets, but not the algoorithm version that it was labeled as. from what i can tell you own 1 & 2 according to your library, but not The Algoorithm. -- or that one just doesn't register (like sigh. also said)

7 years ago

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But when I try to register the key, it say that I already have the game

7 years ago

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and then it trys to install what game precisely? i'm not saying this is your mistake, i think it was the creators mistake in which game he/she meant to give.

7 years ago

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GooCubelets :c that giveaway ended 6 months ago

7 years ago

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i'm honestly unsure what the proper procedure is under that circumstance. it could in theory have the giveaway game changed, or could delete, or even just mark it not received if it had been done originally. i'd personally send a trouble ticket in and see if you can get permission to change the feedback to not received since you realized it was the wrong game given to you several months later.. post a few screenshots of you trying to activate the key from the giveaway key-field, and explain everything in the best possible details.. that's easiest on everybody (doesn't require an admin anyways), and if the gifter wants to correct it later, you two can work something out.

7 years ago

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Im going to try that, Thanks for the help

7 years ago

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np, gl

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Submit a support ticket for changing the giveaway's game as suggested. Is the best approach in this cases.

7 years ago

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Hi knsys can you please consider adding a bottom for a self sync with sgtools?

7 years ago

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There is already a button on the main navigation bar.

Home -> Synchronize

7 years ago

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they may possibly mean on the sgtools helper script.. though i personally don't see why it would be needed there, but i suppose it couldn't hurt either.

7 years ago

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then why does it take several of those in order for it to actually not flag me as a cheater of some short?

only very rarely sgtools worked straight up on opening a sgtools protected link?

7 years ago

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That's up to Valve, I can't do anything if their api is down.

7 years ago

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doesnt steamgifts uses it too? steamgifts never had me waiting for 15-30 min to get it to work

seriously please take this into consideration, i can find some time to help you test it, if you need me

7 years ago

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Steamgifts has a cached version of all your owned games and whishlist, SGTools doesn't (it may have it in the near future).
Apart from that, SG doesn't use that list much, so even if it is not up to date nothing happens, while it does matter in sgtools for rule checking.

That being said, you must be really unlucky to always find the Steam Api down. It does break several times a month, but it's not that common.

7 years ago

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Not activated Gifts on account
Spaceforce Rogue Universe HD (2016-09-13 08:50:00)
in my information

but i received Spaceforce Rogue Universe (2016-09-15)

7 years ago

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Then you received the incorrect game from the giveaway creator.

Ask him to provide you with the correct game or tell him to fill a support ticket to change the giveaway's game.

7 years ago

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since oct 14, he join the army
he takes two years to return
plz change that's giveway ;(

7 years ago

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I can't change anything in steamgifts, I'm not a support member. That's why I told you to fill in a support ticket to ask them to change the giveaway for you.

7 years ago

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Seems like RealCV calculation is some cents bit off

Site hows $500.05, but I'm still Level 5, so it's probably something like $499.99 :(

7 years ago

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Hi there!
I won the game "Sparkle 2".. I activated that in my profile, but sgtools show as im not activated.
In steam the name of the game is: "sparkle 2 EVO"
Can you do smthing about this? :) :(

7 years ago

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You were given a different game (the free game "Sparkle 2 EVO") from the giveaway creator. Contact the GA creator in the comment section of the GA, tell them its the wrong game and that they should give you a working key for "Sparkle 2". Also, you should mark the game "not received", as you didn't receive the named game.

7 years ago

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well, ty for the help, i will try to contact the creator :)

7 years ago

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Glad I could help. Have a nice day :-)

7 years ago

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Hi Alex! I have a problem with South Park: The Fractured but Whole. Sgtools says that I haven't activated it but it is activated in my account. Please, check it when you have some time! Thanks! ^^

7 years ago

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Same issue here

7 years ago

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Fixed, they changed the release date, so SGTools thought you must have it activated by now.
Moved release date to mid 2017, now you are clean!

7 years ago

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If you have more than one custom rule, how to separate them? Just a space between them or comma? I'm trying for these:

7 years ago

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Either use OR or AND, depending on what you want to achieve (I assume AND in this case).

7 years ago

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Thanks!! Is it like this?
(real_sent_nonbundled/real_sent_cv)>=0.5 AND (real_sent_region_free/real_sent_cv)>=0.75

7 years ago

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Yeap :-)

7 years ago

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Thanks again! Its working

7 years ago

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I've now used SGT once and I've got the taste for it, I want to use it in future giveaways I've got planned but I want to use more options, I got SadisticChicken to pretty much fill it out for me as I'm a total idiot with things like this(ratio = math = unhappy Ally).

Anyway, I'm rambling, I want to add a ratio for "public" GA's but I don't want to fuck over the puzzle makers who obviously do a lot of invite only giveaways, how(if anyone does) do people incorporate public/private CV ratio?
Also, is there any way of seeing a potential "played time" of entrants wins and setting an according rule?(including 2 hours idle time, give everyone the benefit of the doubt)

7 years ago

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How do people incorporate public/private CV ratio?

The one time I used that rule for an event I used real_sent_group/real_sent_cv<=0.X. That way it doesn't distinguish between Public and Private as long as there are less than x% group GAs.

It isn't currently possible to make SG Tools checks regarding playtime or percentage of wins played. Some people asked about it so there is some interest but as far as I understand it might not be technically possible with SGT.

7 years ago*

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Thanks a lot, thats really useful info! Bookmarked for future giveaway, if it fails Ima stab u up boi!

7 years ago

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I'm way too adorable for that :D

View attached image.
7 years ago

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What Sundance said is correct.

Use the relation between group giveaways and total giveaways to exclude percentages of group giveaways (the other types are public and private, and that's what you want).

For played time, there is no option to do that, at least for now.

7 years ago

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When attempting to enter SGTools-protected GAs I lately get the message "Your account is flagged as having some unactivated Wins or your profile is Private." However, if I check for unactivated wins on the SGTools no games show up as unactivated, and my profile should be non-private. Any ideas what is happening?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Damn, I somehow never noticed that function. It did the trick, thanks a lot.

7 years ago

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Guys, plz help. I recently permanently deleted some shitty games from my steam account. Some of those was games that i won here a long time ago (and activated, of course). BUT now after deletion i keep recieving "Games wins not activated" mark. Any chance to fix this?

7 years ago

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"undelete" them from your account by going to Steam support and typing in the game names. Then choose the option that states something like "game is not found in my account library"

7 years ago

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Reactivate these

7 years ago

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The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (which I won on SteamGifts) is showing up in my Steam library, but doesn't show upon my games list meaning SG Tools says that I have an unactivated game. Thread I created with screenshots can be found here.

7 years ago

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Added to whitelist, thanks for the report!

PS: Home->Synchronize to update your cached values

7 years ago

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Please remove The Walking Dead: A New Frontier from the whitelist now, since the Steam API now detects the game (thanks to this change).

7 years ago

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Done, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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I'm having nothing showing up in the deals section, has this been superseded?

7 years ago

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I just checked it and it's working, maybe one of the syncs failed and left an empty list of games.

7 years ago

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Yep working now, thanks :)

7 years ago

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Sorry to ask here but I don't know who to ask really... Making a giveaway and I want a custom rule for no region locked giveaways. I'll put a buffer of like 10%! If someone could tell me what to put that would be great :3

7 years ago

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real_sent_region_free > 0.9*real_sent_cv

should work for you. The filter checks if the real CV from region free giveaways is at least 90% of the total real CV.

7 years ago*

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Thank you very much! Will use this next time :3

7 years ago

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Hello. I have tried a couple of times in the last 3 hours to enter protected goveaways, but I get a message saying that I either have non activated wins or my profile is private. None of those is valid though. I've tried checking myself for non activated wins and I came out ok. What can I do?

7 years ago

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I'm currently having the same issue. I have my profile public and all my wins activated, but SGtools think otherwise O.o

7 years ago

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Steam was down, please synchronize on the SGTools site.

It's under the upper left tab "Home".

7 years ago

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Awesome, that helped. Thank you!

7 years ago

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You're welcome! :3

7 years ago

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thanks again lol :D

7 years ago

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lol ^^

Since Steam was going the way of the dodo bird yesterday I'm also getting this question from my Steam friends as a lot of them are active on SG.

7 years ago

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Steam was down, please synchronize on the SGTools site.

It's under the upper left tab "Home".

7 years ago

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It seems that deals section is down at the moment. Is it something that is known? Or is it just down?

7 years ago

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I think there's an inconsistency with custom rules. It seems level>=7.4 is not the same as level>=7.40. Is this intentional? I think both should be identical.

7 years ago

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Can you detail me the difference in behavior? I can't see a reason why it should be different either :\

7 years ago

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It was a wild card invite, similar to 170..180 && num_won in 144..156 && level>=7.4 && level<=7.7 but with different numbers (which unfortunately I didn't save). The intended user couldn't pass, until I changed level>=7.4 && level<=7.7 to level>=7.40 && level<=7.70. Does this make any sense?

7 years ago

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It doesn't make any sense either :\
Maybe old cached values that happen to be refreshed when he tried later?

Otherwise I'll need a similar case to debug it

7 years ago

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I think it depends on whether or not SGTools rounds or truncates. If it rounds:

level>=7.4: ~ 7.35+ 
level>=7.40 ~ 7.395+
7 years ago

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One invalid entry on giveaway 5f6e1ea5-c64f-11e6-a3ca-fa163ee2f826

The user only has a single friend on Steam who joined that same giveaway a minute before. I think it's safe to assume that's the source of the leak. (And possibly an alt account.)

7 years ago

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Applied both infractions, thanks for the reports! :3

7 years ago

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In my last SGTools train (a83ffb89-bfbd-11e6-8fd3-fa163ee2f826) I had 9 invalid entries on the train entry GA and still 5 of them at the other parts. How does SGTools determine this? Does it check in a database if the users had ever been logged visiting the SGTools site leading to the giveaway? Since cookies and cache wouldn't be reliable.
I'd like to know this to weigh on blacklisting these users. And sorry if it has been already explained, I didn't check all pages. If you don't want to go too much in detail, I'd also understand.

Oh, and of course, this is also a report. ^-^

7 years ago

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SGTools stores in the database every step that a user does on a SGT giveaway page. When you ask for invalid entries, it simply compares all Steamgifts giveaway's entries with valid entries from the SGT giveaway page.

Every entry that is not recorded as a valid entry on SGT database is flagged as an invalid entry.

Unless you've directly given them the url, they are trying to bypass the system. If you want, I can issue infractions to them, just tell me here and I'll proceed.

7 years ago*

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Thank you for the explanation! Yes, please proceed then.

7 years ago

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Infractions applied, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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Mmm, I have these gifts on my Non-Activated list but I'm not really sure why:

Block Blowout and Barnyard Mahjong 3 finished recently and have already delivered, but I've never even made a POSTAL giveaway, I don't even own that game.

7 years ago

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Those are the games that you won but aren't activated on your Steam account, not the ones you made a giveaway

7 years ago

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So having giveaways with these automatically forbids me from using SGTools? Because I looked into some of SGTools' requirements and I get the pop-up message of Non-Activated Gifts.

7 years ago

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Mmm, I have these gifts on my Non-Activated list but I'm not really sure why:

As pizurk said, those are games you won here and didn't activate on your account. You should read the FAQ: "if you win a game, it must be activated and redeemed to the Steam account used during registration".

It seems you won the same games you did giveaways for. There's no rule against that, as long as you give away a second copy you buy yourself, and activate the copy you won.

7 years ago

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hello i cant seem to be able to join trains says that i havent activated a key or my profile is private, there was an issue with one of the keys i won(couldnt activate it cuz it needs the base game(dunno how i was able to enter cuz it should be hidden),wrote a few time tot he guy to reroll it in the end i bought the base game and activated the key) but it keeps givin me this yes i synched...

7 years ago

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Syncing with SG is not the same as syncing with sgtools.

7 years ago

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oh shit,ty vm santa!

7 years ago

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Hi. I was wondering... Since SteamGifts got a setting letting the user to only display giveaways for products that run on his/hers preferred platform (i.e. Windows / Mac / Linux), would it be possible to implement the same for SGTools Deals?

7 years ago

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Right now I don't store that kind of information for a game (platforms), I'll add it to the todo list thought!

7 years ago

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Nethergate: Resurrection was claimed by a user but it's showing it's not on SGtools.

7 years ago

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Maybe that user didn't activate it? I need more info :)

7 years ago

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"Deals will show every deal that is above or equal to 50% discount, since they are the most notorious and the ones that interest most to people."

Bug: I'm not sure why but after a certain page it just stopped displaying Steam Deals and was only displaying GamersGate & Amazon.
Feature Request: Being able to filter the deals by website & Bundled Games (for when you only have access to Steam Wallet cards, or coupons on other sites.)

7 years ago

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It should display deals with 50% or more. It can fail to gather some, since Steam is unstable and can fail to deliver the whole information (and the problem gets worse during sales).

I'll add it to todo list :)

7 years ago

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Thank you. Trying to find games to give away that won't be instantly marked as "bundled" is difficult enough. When you only have access to Steam Wallet Cards, it becomes even more difficult.

7 years ago

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