Hey guys,

Hopefully this doesn’t turn into a hostile discussion. The objective is just to raise awareness. Please keep the negativity to yourself.
If we all change a little, the world would be so much better.

Unfortunately not everybody thinks about what goes on with the environment behind the scenes. Our behaviours, including the choices we make can be disruptive or worse destructive to something else (it/they). I believe most don’t think or understand the consequences that their decisions or purchases in life has on the planet and other species.

While growing up I made the same choices as everybody else, regardless of what they implied. Part of it was culture, or family traditions, which does make your opinions very narrow.
I’ve always been a person that identified with nature, although I was never much of an outdoor person. Even then I thought I was doing enough. Sadly it couldn’t be further from the truth.

You’ve probably heard recently on how the Amazonian forest is on fire. This is critical. I am frustrated because, the news only went public after 3 weeks of it happening and still going. Covering it, or in fact ignoring it is not the solution. You’ve got to understand that what is destroyed won’t grow back. Entire species of plants and animals are at risk. This one is tied to deforestation due to all the meat consumption around the world. Absurd amounts of animals are killed everyday to support our addictions. To grow more and more. To put into perspective, If your pet, dog or cat would be treated or killed like many animals do every single day, you would be happy with that? It is ok to kill cows or pigs, but not your property right? Finding mothers losing their sons every day is such a sad thought.

This is not the only issue by all means. A grave issue has been happening with the coral reefs. We lost 40% of it already, FOREVER! For those of you who don't know, these are critical for all ocean life. Ultimately if affects us too, of course.
At least with this problem now, it could be an opportunity to once again bring awareness to everyone.

Unfortunately a big culprit is the greediness of these companies that think having more profit is more important than the environment. Since when did we come to that? Are they telling me that money (which is a virtual thing), is more important than survival? Why would money matter if we are all sick or dead?
Remember, the power is within the people, not the business, neither the politicians!

Loving animals, also means being more responsible, to what makes them happy and grow. It is their environment too. They must not feel, that we are intruders. Nature is precious to all!
We need nature as much as every other specie in this planet. Those that appreciate forests, or the ocean, then this will resonate very quickly.
Nature gives, without asking anything in return. Sure, we all use resources from earth, but we must respect it!
Furthermore, entire species are in constant danger of being extinct all the time. 99% of the currently threatened species are at risk due to human activities, unlike unpredicted past events, that caused mass extinctions. The impact is unknown, but certainly devastating. Each animal plays a role in the ecosystem and consequently the food chain (which we are a part of).

More than 3 years ago I’ve made a pretty big change in my life. It started with my diet. Reducing all the meat and fish... and eventually becoming vegan. Everything else made much more sense. My health is better than ever, my mind is clear. I feel better knowing that I am doing something good at least. Eventually I started reducing my footprint. Reducing waste as much as possible. My lifestyle changed a lot, along with my decisions. It is a fun and long journey, and not a difficult one if you are willing to give up some of your time to implement it.
A whole-food plant based diet is a dramatic improvement to my health, as well as the environment. Considering all the facts, specially meat consumption being one of the most devastating to the environment, I am happy I've made the change. Just wish I had made it long ago.

We should all ask yourselves... is this the best we can do? just let corruption govern? thriving at the expense of others? when will it end? why do we allow the greedy companies to command what is the best for us? do you want to live in a world where everything is degrading... animals and nature dying, pollution is the norm, diseases are the norm, lack of biodiversity, medicine stagnated, etc? eventually we will be dead too. No matter what, we cannot survive without it!

This is a call for your HELP... to protect the planet we all live on!
I suggest you mark on your calendar (at least once a month) something from the list below that you are going to change towards this goal. Even the smallest thing counts.

Things to get you started (in no specific order):

  • Reduce dairy. Start with plant based mylk. It is estimated that 75% of the world population is lactose intolerant.
  • Stop buying real leather. There are plenty of alternatives, including many fake materials that look real.
  • Reduce meat/fish consumption on a frequent basis. Start with once a week. Our tastes are doomed, however you will slowly appreciate other flavours from earthly foods.
  • Reduce plastic waste. One consequence is microplastics:
    • Bags - buy a reusable one and carry it with you, always!
    • Straws. This is a devastating problem to water species. Purchase glass, metal or bamboo straws, and always carry them with you.
    • Bottles of water - I recommend buying a reusable bottle of water to carry with you at all times.
    • Purchase or make bigger quantities of shampoo/shower gel, or even better, change to soap.
  • Switch to an electricity provider that uses 100% renewable energy for your home. The emissions from fossil fuel-based electricity generation account for a significant portion of world greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Similarly, don't buy cosmetics that contain microbeads. They have been banned in many countries, but check first.
  • Treat nature with respect. Don’t throw garbage to the floor, unless it is decomposable.
    • Separate your batteries and electronics from your other trash.
  • Don’t buy from companies that test on animals or exploit the environment!
  • Strive to buy and use earth friendly materials like metals (steel, aluminium), glass, cotton/natural fibres, wood, natural oils, paper, carton, etc. Bonus points for compostable. See the difference. Avoid too much plastic.
  • Be conscious of your purchases big or small. Enquiry on what is made of. Avoid materials or chemicals that damage the environment. Be curious!
  • Do not flush any materials down the toilet that can be dangerous to marine life.
  • When eating out, make sure you put your left overs on the appropriate garbage cans. This will ease the recycle process. In some situations, it makes sense to ask the restaurant to put it on a container and bring it home.
  • Make use of public transports, specially trains or trams, but if you drive, switch to an electric car.
  • Avoid anything that use unsustainable palm oil. Here's a list of companies and their respective score.
  • Tentatively buy used, or at least more durable goods.
  • Try to use your possessions for longer to reduce consumerism. There are plenty of ideas for repurpose. This is called upcycling. Otherwise read bellow.
  • Sell or even better give your goods to someone else, so they can make use of it. Don’t throw it away! You can also exchange it, when buying a new product (some companies do this).
  • Buy organic if you can (but don't obsess over it). However make sure you look out for companies that belong to associations that treat this subject seriously. Not all organic farmers follow the best practices.
  • Reduce the use of virgin paper when you can. Print less, specially if it is only temporary. Try to only buy physical books for the ones you really like and want to keep, leaving the rest for digital. Physical magazines are a waste.
    • You can also be creative with used paper
  • Support local or smaller businesses that are doing the right thing.
  • Volunteer or donate to charities that support the cause
  • Vote for politicians that value and care for the environment (ex, green party 😅)
  • Go outside, explore the world. Nature is beautiful! 🌲
  • Treat animals with respect. Give them love! They need your help! 🦊
  • Spread awareness! 🙏🏽

It's easy to ignore what goes around in the world. I know, but please be mindful. For every action we do, for each purchase we make, we may be severely affecting others and ultimately ourselves. We should be striving to live in harmony, without damaging the most beautiful thing we’ve got... planet earth!
It is all about reducing our footprint, so other species and nature can thrive too. They have the same right to live in peace as we do. We all need each other!
Habits take time to form, but as with anything, the rewards are worth fighting for! Remember every little change is important. With time, changes stick and new habits are created. Eventually it will all fall into place. The healthier the environment, the healthier you will be. Let’s please stop acting like we are not responsible for the planet. Destruction won’t go away, unless we do something about it now.
Do it for the animals, for other species, but specially for your children aka the next generation. We do it together!

You have my gratitude for reading so far. If you have been doing this for a while, my gratitude expands even further :)
Remember, the next generations won't forget us (for better or for worse)!
Greta Thunberg has a message for you!

Also don’t forget to treat all human beings with respect. Help them overcome their issues, even strangers. The happier everyone is, the better we become. Nobody deserves less!

If you need help with this or any other issue, feel free to add me on steam.

Feel free to suggest new ideas, or report dead links. I aim to keep this up to date.
Thanks for reading!

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Go visit the other giveaways. Credits to them:
You Are Not Alone
Positive Thread
My battle with lyme, an awareness thread (CLOSED)

Ended Giveaways

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Boundless JMM72 Level 1
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team JMM72 Level 1
Shoppe Keep 2 - Online co-op open world first person resource management RPG JMM72 Level 1
Warfront Defenders: Westerplatte JMM72 Level 1
Planar Conquest JMM72 Level 1
Axis Football 2018 JMM72 Level 1
Simcity 4 Deluxe Edition Akylen Level 1
Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble thenthomwaslike Level 3
Aven Colony Akylen Level 2
Girlfriend Rescue - save the earth edition D3D Level 2
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ Akylen Level 3
Nioh: Complete Edition Akylen Level 3
Frozen Synapse Prime APION10 Level 1
The Surge Akylen Level 2 [hidden]
Black The Fall Akylen Level 1
Earth Overclocked canis39 Level 1
Scrap Garden canis39 Level 1
Earth Space Colonies darktribble Level 3
Pillars of Eternity LeonFowl Level 3
Farm Expert 2017 Battlezone Level 1
Farm Expert 2017 Battlezone Level 5
Protect the LEAVES F.B. Level 0

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