Today I can celebrate 12 years of service for Gabe and I finally reached level 7 at SG (110 on Steam ;) ). Normaly I would decide to make a train, but its so common. Tell my why you joined the steam & steamgift community. Because of friends? You want to play CS 1.6 (oldschool :P) or DotA? What was your reason? I will add everyone who tells me his story to my whitelist and create a giveaway for Batmanβ„’: Arkham Origins Blackgate - Deluxe Edition. If you already own it, feel free to tell us your story anyway :) Have a nice day!

edith say: Decided to make a private giveaway because it would took me to much time to whitelist everyone! :D

8 years ago*

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I was a xbox guy for a really long time and I didn't hear about steam until about 3 years ago. It just happened that it was in the middle of the summer sale. I was instantly hooked. All the games I wanted on Xbox but couldn't get because they were $40-60. I bought all kinds of games and was like a kid in a candy store.

8 years ago

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No special story, joined because I'm a miserable introvert who wants to play games and interact with humans sometimes.
Congrats on your milestones. :3

8 years ago

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The Orange box was my first leg into the coffin. Shortly after installing, I realized I could import my keys for the original Half Life (and expansions), and also CoD4. It wasn't too longer after and I purchased CoD: MW2, and then discovered bundles. Its been pretty downhill from there.

8 years ago

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Steam displays that I joined it in April 2012 and I've got no idea about why or how did that happen. I started playing TF2 in the beginning of may, so this is most likely the reason. I remember that I didn't like TF2 at first, so I just stopped using Steam for a while later. After a year, in April 2013, I became a beta tester for Loadout. This game was what really dragged me into Steam, I was playing it daily. At that time I wouldn't have even thought about buying games on Steam. Today I have 181.

8 years ago

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Hmm nice giveaway,

Btw, I want to share a story that happened in 2013, when I do not know about steam because Im not a hardcore gamer and just playing casual online gaming also MOBA games such as Warcraft or DOTA which the server is local and located in my country, just to relax and meet some new friends, and a day my friend told me about DOTA 2 has been released and Im very happy because Im playing DOTA 1 in Warcraft as well and I asked about how the server, player or developer to him. And he said bla bla bla and he said a lot of answers but now I only remember about valve and steam and I did not know them. Then lucky me he wanted to give steam id which has been invited by his friend to play DOTA 2 because he told me DOTA 2 is not free (DOTA 2 be free to play, if I am not mistaken in 2014) and I just accept it without knowing why is not free , So after I received the id given by my friend I still dont know about what the steam that, and I learned about two months (to enjoy playing DOTA 2 as well), the steam as a place to sell a lot of the original game and of which I concluded as I play DOTA I know about the original game can be purchased online and after that I knew a lot of shops that sell a lot of games in my city sell isnt particularly original game but theyre selling pirated games. And because there is DOTA 2 in steam I often buy the original game because finally I know a lot of the gains and after that i feel like enlightened

sorry for bad English and i siill learn about that language, Thank you

8 years ago

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Thanks to an Indie Humble Bundle i found out Steam. Then a summer sales came and i was trapped... I like to collect badges :)

Gratz for your new level!

8 years ago

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I joined steam from buying the Orange Box. Played TF2 for 7 years, and never looked back. Looked beyond that shooter for more games and found this site and its awesome community!

8 years ago

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A friend bought a super meat boy pack just to get a shirt and gave me the game because he just own it

8 years ago

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I don't remember when or why I made my steam account all I know is that it is 8 years old. I joined steamgifts for a chance to win games to games that friend play in the hopes of not being a loner online.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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For me it was Portal 2 that got me to Steam in the first place. I discovered that game by accident a few weeks after its release and instantly loved the concept. So I created a Steam account some time after that and that's where it started. I kept using Steam as a platform to talk to people and to grab games for good prices. After a few years on Steam I discovered steamgifts, also more of less by accident, because I found it in a friend's browser history (think what you want now :D). I also created an account in here and well, here I am. Nothing much of a special story. And I never cared that much about CS, so hate me all you want. Also, DotA is that kind of game I'd never play to be honest.

Congrats to SG level 7 and Steam level 12 ^^

8 years ago

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me and because i wanted payday....and skullgirla

8 years ago

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After I`ve read all the stories I decided to make a private giveaway instead of whitelist everyone. Would took me to much time, but some people are whitelisted anyway because I liked their story! :)


8 years ago

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I joined Steam because I liked the plattform and games, and my brother was there too.
So I began playing CSGO with him :D
And then I found out about SG.. the fact that strangers gifting strangers was interessting, and soon it turned out that there is a lovely community behind ^_^

8 years ago

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I wanted to play TF2, but then I completely forgot about it's existance. Steam became just junk in my computer, but I still kept it.
One day, I stumbled onto Humble Bundle during the Origin Bundle. I spent my above average and started playing those games.
I got addicted to buying bundles from them and look at me now! In specific, look at the lack of stuff I've done! :D
Also, I stopped pirating after buying the bundle, since games could be aquired for a cheap price.

8 years ago

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buyed Portal 2 and registered (almost 6 years)

8 years ago*

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I joined Steam 2 years ago, my friend bought copy and invited me to play Castle Crashers.

8 years ago*

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I think I used steam for the first time with crusaders of Might and Magic in 2006. Bought a boxed copy. Didn't like and sold it to a second hand store, not understanding how steam works. Oops.

8 years ago

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I played Warface and my friend told me about Steam. It was the end of 2014 (but I had registered account since 2010 and had 0 games on it). He said that I can take games that given away for free, farm trading cards, sell them and buy games. Now I have more than 700 games in library, almost $70 steam wallet and around 700 trading cards to sell).
Other friend on Steam told me about Steamgifts after 2 month of my "service for Gabe")). he Said that I can win games here for free)).

8 years ago

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I bought (2004) the physical version of 'Half-Life 2', and I was directed to Steam for updates.

8 years ago

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Sad but true I joined because I saw this was a giveaway site for games. So of course I had to join since I'm a hoarder. It took me a while though to get in since it is required your account had at least $100 value in games first. I was never a PC gamer so I never bought any games on steam.

8 years ago

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In 2012 i got a copy of the orange box in a local store for 1€(the bax was broken, but hopefulΓ±ly the code wasn't used)
I did't knew what steam was until that

8 years ago

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Gaming CD's are hugely overpriced here, steam made life easy

8 years ago

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I have 5 years of service. Never heard of this Steam thing until Civilization V came out and it forced me to make an account. Luckily I only bought a few games since then and am totally not an addict

8 years ago

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I bought the first Humble Indie Bundle, mostly for World of Goo, and then I saw that "Humble Indie Bundle #1 Steam Key". What the hell is Steam?
Joined the service and I used only for HB activations until I got Portal in a freebie promo - starting my interest in buying directly from the store.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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