Hey guys,

as time goes by we grow older. And as much as I hate to admit it, I'm losing interest in video games. I'm 30 years old right now and whilst I always enjoy a good time in the Darkest Dungeon or CS:GO, I can't pull all-nighters anymore or keep playing games for hours and hours straight like I used to when I was.. well.. like.. 18?

Most of the time, I'm too tired from work and can't be bothered to play games after getting off work. Which could be understandable, but even at the weekends, I prefer to do other stuff.

How does this apply to you? Do you feel the same? My golden age was back in the 90s, playing NES and SNES all day long. I kinda miss those times.

All the best,

6 years ago

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Do you feel the same?

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Nah man, I'll play games until I die.
There's some truth to your theory, I'll give you that.
I already stopped playing games.

Tbh I'm a bit bored with them too, but I play them cuz I bought them!!

6 years ago

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i lost my interest too since championship manager 01/02. still buying though.

6 years ago

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I'd say that I have genuine advice here.

18 here and I've started feeling the slump too. I should say, used to feel that too.
I had a period of over-exposure. To counter that, I went to different hobbies. Went out with people, watched movies and TV. Over a time, I started getting the urge to play games. But I didn't start then, otherwise I'd have lost interest in it again. So, what I did was wait for a while and start gaming when I found a really good game that everyone liked. For me that was Wolfenstein: The New Order and as of now, I have beaten that game, a few more others and now I'm grinding on GTA 5 Online, because I haven't gotten into that sort of a grind for a long time and the absence of it for 10 years has become a resurging interest for me.

People say that video games are all magical and shit. That they transport you to new locations, new stories and they'll never get boring. That's complete and utter horseshit. The best games out there usually manage to do that, but the thing is that too much of a good thing isn't good either. You won't get your dopamine fix and your brain is unstimulated. If you had your favourite foods all the time, you'd grow sick of them at some point. Now's the moment that you can either choose to solely binge on one hobby, then the next and then the next, as a cycle. Or you also have a choice of moderately doing everything together. To me, it's a mixture of both those methods.

So, long story short... take a break, find something else to entertain you and don't come back to fill an urge, come back with a bang to keep you in there. Like any good stories, you need to start them off good :)

(Also, I've noticed that I personally also "don't want to play games" but once I "force" myself to start playing something, I'll get into it and I really have a good time.)

6 years ago

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I've felt the same way for a while, changed my habits and am currently doing stuff I haven't done before.
It seems you've been overexposed to video games (just like I was), go watch movies, read some books, do some sort of physical workout (if you aren't doing any already) and the will to play video games will eventually come back.
Hit me up if you wanna talk, I'm always in the mood to chat with someone who sees stuff like I do :P

6 years ago

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I'm at the point where I don't play games alone anymore well I never was a type to play singleplayer games but now the games are just a "way" to chat with friends lol

6 years ago

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My big issue is not so much loosing interest in games, as lacking time. I gave up on Online Multiplayer games quite some time ago, as I would have time to play them so infrequently that when I came back everyone I had been playing with had massively leveled up / moved on etc. Other single player games, I have the issue of coming back to the game, an not remembering where I am up too, or what I was supposed to be doing next, so I have resorted to trying to stick to a single complex game, and a few casual games at any one time.

6 years ago

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39 year old here and father of a 2 year old girl. I've played games for most of my life, starting with my uncle's spectrum back in the early 80s.

My interest in gaming comes and goes and sometimes I don't play anything for a long time (for example on my late 20s when I moved to Barcelona) but eventually I start playing again.

I don't get hyped about new releases, I don't care much for AAA games and I am not into multiplayer except locally, but there is always something I want to play. Also, the people around me are not into gaming so it is a very lonely activity for me at the moment.

If I stop enjoying it I'll stop playing but I guess I'm on the will play games until I die camp :)

6 years ago

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Nah, same age, love them as much as ever. Some people just lose their passion in their hobbies, happens with all sorts of stuff not just gaming.

6 years ago

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I went through that phase too during my mid-late 20s (there were a few years where I didn't play a single game), but now in my early 30s they've become appealing again. That said, I don't do long gaming sessions anymore, normally only playing for between 1-2 hours at a time.

6 years ago

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I can absolutely see you point. What I do is I try to play coop games, less competitive games, more PVE games, where the friendship and cooperation add another layer of fun, much better then being competitive, at least for me. Whether it is Killing Floor 2, Arma 3 or Project Zomboid or Don't starve together, anything with coop creates great fun and good memories/experiences. So that's my way of enjoying games now. With occasional competitive of course in the form of Overwatch or Rising Storm 2.

But I much much prefer coop, I breath COOP! :)

6 years ago

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You're mostly right but it's usually possible to find 1-2 hours to unwind with a game you like. Though, I admit that it's difficult to "pull" 3+ hrs straight... :)

6 years ago

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Exactly what I'm feeling right now, but to me it just feels as if I'm not living life enough. Go to college 4-6 hours/day, come back, eat, waste some time on internet and videogames for a good couple of hours, and hardly ever going out for a beer or anything.
Frankly, I started messing around in the kitchen and it brought to me more happiness than a game would've done. And lately, games rather started making me feel depressed as I prefer playing competitive (or multiplayer in general) games. Losing a match/round of anything while the teammates are being toxic, it's not quite pleasant. Hell, i can easily get over a lost or anything, but when it is caused by the toxicity, well shit, that makes me pretty blue (IF I WAS GREEN I WOULD DIE) -- Ehhemm -- Anyways, yah, this year I'm kinda gonna give up on games, or at least play 'em ~2h/day rather than 4-8h...
Surprinsingly, I feel as if time passes much slower when you do anything besides playing videogames, that's why I got into cooking.
Plus points: Women tend to be more attracted to men that can cook. ^^'

6 years ago

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I'm 18 and I'm already bored with video games. I have 2k+ games and I only play CS:GO with my friends. Also I'm bored with netflix (I can't watch anything anymore).
I study more than 10 hours everyday and sleep. These is my days since February!

6 years ago

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Yeah, get a life and give me your steam account.

6 years ago

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It comes and goes in phases for me but I can see what you mean.

My other problem is I end up getting hooked on 1 game sometimes and I get burned out but then I never end up trying a ton of my other games :(

6 years ago

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Nearly the same story as you but in my case i work in home so i got some spare time to play games when i want to but here problems arrive ... I think the single players games are not that good as they was back days (dlcs , uninished games and products that was made only to make cash grab)...There are now to many games released every day you get bored very fast and jump to another game since you can when you own many of them back in the days you got 2-3 games on PC and you played them all the time. I always love multiplayer fps games i started playing mp games since Quake I then UT99 , Q3A , and COD1 / COD2 and then the problems with multiplayer games arrive much more people could afford internet-connection which leads to much larger players base (younger players) who flame , harrash you in matches that was time when i realised its time to quit multiplayer games.I still remember Quake 1 (QWTF mod) matches where people was polite to each others you know 95% players from community (Im still in touch with old QWTF players) clans where competed each other without toxic crap. Now good luck to play 3 matches in a row in any competive multiplayer game for example CSGO / League of Legends / DOTA 2 without meeting somebody who **** your mother or guy who have bad day so why not troll your game so you can have a bad day too :)

Quintessence of games this days is here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1ZtBCpo0eU

"When I was your age we rocket jumped all the way to school uphill, both ways... IN BOILING LAVA"

6 years ago*

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Same here, which is why I spend much time on casual games etc. which doesn't require MP, because MP games usually requires much more dedication.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I think as we get older other things take priority in our lives. And, if there are other obligations you should be doing it's difficult, at least for me, to enjoy a game if I know I'm procrastinating. I still enjoy games, but its not something I can do for hours like when I was younger. More of a social thing now, I like to play multi games with a buddy of mine and local multi games with friends. There's nothing wrong with your interests changing, maybe take a break from gaming for a while and see if something draws you back in. No need to force it, if you aren't having fun then there's no point.

6 years ago

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I have the same issue but i still play coop games with my wife. However, i bought a raspberry pi 3 and a zero a while ago. I rekindled my interest when i built my rpi 0 into a gameboy shell with a lipo battery for portable gaming.

6 years ago

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I've found that I've never really lost interest in my hobbies as I've grown, but rather that my perspectives and the ways in which I enjoy them has changed.

For example, as a teen I used to play competitive team sports. As an adult, I've shifted towards more individual sports with a greater focus on personal development as opposed to being focused on crushing my opponents and "being the best". I don't really miss my competitive past as I feel so much healthier and better adjusted with my current mindset. I do still enjoy team sports, but these days it is more from an analytical/managerial angle -- so like in terms of video games instead of playing the most realistic in-game sim like MLB the Show I will be more inclined to play a full management sim like Out of the Park Baseball.

It's not unusual to have changing tastes in games as you, yourself, change as a person. I don't think you will ever completely lose your interest in gaming, but rather you just need to accept that you probably will enjoy games better now if you relate to them in a different way then you did when you were younger.

6 years ago

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Tastes change, responsibilities change, time changes. It's a conundrum.

I'm over 50 and I still love playing. Once in a while I muster up an all-day or all-night streak, but it's rare - I don't hobble around on a cane, or anything, but I have learned/earned some healthy appreciation of going to bed properly and not being exhausted all the time.

I don't play multiplayer, but then there really wasn't any when I was starting up (first games: Nethack, just as it moved over from being Rogue and Hack; first commercial purchase was King's Quest III when it was new). Maybe I would have, but I like exploring and story more than combat. Not a raiding type. I miss having space for long sprawling RPGs, though, I miss that a lot.

6 years ago

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The 3+ year long forced break that made me be away from playing pc games (stuck on mobile games later in those forced years) ive been unable to feed my gaming addiction, it has burned me out, im older, unfed, messed up inside from that break...i dont feel as much enjoyment, fun or entertainment as i used to, if at all....its horrible... il be 25 later this year but...il still play em as much i can, nothing there is to spend my time on....tv doesnt show cartoons anymore :( so games it is....

6 years ago

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Dude, you haven't even played Crusader Kings.

6 years ago

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I'm 33 and I feel almost exactly the same but I'm not loosing interest on games. I have no time to play. With 2 daughters and some personal proyects my time to play is too short. With luck, I play The Long Dark for an hour before sleep, or 1 or 2 matches on DBD.
At weekends, I can play a bit more if no other things fills the day. Like, prepare my bike to sold, fix something on the house, visit some familiar, etc.

Can be that you don't find that game that catch your attention?

6 years ago

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I'm nearly 50 with a full-time and often exhausting job, and I love video games. But you gotta take breaks, I think, or any hobby gets old. I went through many periods of taking off years at a time, only to come back and discover all kinds of great titles to pick and choose from.

So take some time away. You'll know when it's right to come back -- when playing gives you joy again. :)

6 years ago

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Ditto chap!

6 years ago

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