No problem, hopefully it will get the intended message through
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Happens everyday, sadly there is nothing we can do.
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Solutions, real solutions i want. I already concluded war is not healthy for people.
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You just proved my point below... (posted a minute after yours)
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i'm sorry, but who is behind this? (not you, behind the organization)
this feels specially targeted.
by my book everyone who needs to hide who are they are up to something. from both sides...
(you can Blacklist me all you want for saying what i think)
if i come on too strong it's probably because i'm tried. had a long day. and not over yet
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And they're really not hiding that they're running this campaign.
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I only know that it's a non-profit organisation. They have some sensitivity for video games, since they partnered with devs of This war of mine to create a charity DLC. They also worked with Humble.
May I ask you what you mean by "specially targeted" ?
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everyone who needs to hide who are they are up to something
Some years ago, there was a dictator in my country that would torture and kill you just for being communist or not being a supporter of the dictatorship.
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wow i just read the wikipeadia article about him.. this is just cruel.. how can a single person be so cruel... i dont like the planet i am living on :(
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you are right. Sadly we can hardly do anything about this as a single person :/
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"War does not determine who is right - only who is left." - Bertrand Russell
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Come on, are you really believing that fighters from country 1 act differently that fighters from country 2 ? are you living in a black-and-white world ?
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And Stalinist Russia lol...yeah both sides did real well. Might be nice to not keep running in the same circles...How about you guys vote (is that even a thing with a lifelong dic...tator as leader?) for someone other than Putin or his lackies who hand the job back after a short break. Talk about who the fasicsts of the world are after you straighten yourselves out then maybe you can "help" other countries.
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Aha ha you can change the names. Same place with less land, though the reabsorption into big brother Russia is attemtping to fix that eh. And you are right back to that point 60 years ago with little variation (and also back to 151 years ago And I suppose NATO is the New ottoman empire) ...funny you say "look at history" I not only look but I see and most are blind to the parallels. We have more interesting wild cards now though.
In a few years or less you'll be singing tyrants' and old. It will all be Novyy Russkiy Imperiya eventually, right? >_>
On a semi related and interestingly predictive note you should check out the PC Game Empire Earth has a russian campaign set in the timeframe of well right about now actually lol... fun game if you like RTS, little slow to start as it starts at cavemen and works to space age :)
Don't get so caught up in nationlism please? won't matter eventually.
Edit: Also find it funny (as in so sad it's laughable) that when it's convenient you take pride and detach yourselves from history when it's not useful in puffing yourselves up. By the way it was way awesome how your grandmothers (great-grand maybe) sniped the heck out of Nazi's but what has Russia done lately....oh right Georgia, Crimea and whatever else they feel they can walk into and take just like the good old days just slimier and sneakier since the leader is a KGB Spook.
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I actually happen t live in Hungary so I sadly know and see thet everyday anti immigrant propaganda that is going on with it (trust me, Im ashamed that this is the kind of government people voted here)
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It's " dangerous " to say something adverse about refugees because you then get a high chance to get branded as racist or extreme right fascists but I'm still gonna say it: because some people are really in total denial about the refugees problem in Europe.
Some refugees are escaping war violence and real danger to their lives (mostly by Islamic nutters and terrorists like ISIS, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, etc) and those refugees we need to harbor asap BUT a lot of refugees are no more than economic refugees; " gold diggers ". Those need to be send back to their country asap.
So from that perspective I find that the Hungarian goverment (elected by a mayority of the people of Hungary) has made the right and IMHO very brave decisions.
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The problem with that brave decision that they are treating everyone in the country as a child. They never ever said that, that too many immigrants could negatively affect a country's productivity, as it takes a hard toll on the social system (which is already crumpling in Hungary) - but they made giant ads about "If you come into Hungary, you have to honour our culture" while we all know that 90++ % of immigrants are into the EU, not Hungary. Also, these giant ads were in HUNGARIAN. I guess not so many immigrants can read them. They were rallying the population of the country against immigrants instead of proper reasoning. Sadly out current government is expert at toying with people's feelings, while clouding their minds. Trust me, it's terrifying - the most uneducated, stupid, simple people who are ready to blame literally anyone for them to fail in life - and now they have a target. Radicals were already hunting immigrants at the borders. Terrorizing them. Beating up a hungarian young man who happened to be half... cuban, maybe - they just told him to get back to his country and beaten his girlfriend up so hard, she almost lost a tooth. Then beaten up the said male and his friend.
So, while it can be seen a few country away that Hungary is making a good thing, maybe it's doing. But with terrible communication, and misguidence of the populance of the country and using every single international concern to create pseudo-reasonings for another breaking of laws or modifying them, to suit their needs. ( For example nuclear plant expansion - turns out there was an Environmental impact assessment that was denied to be exist - because it was against the pact with Russia, that would net hundreds of billion forints (1+ billion dollars) of an agreement - plenty to steal from. So, plans fucked. Next move? New law. If you want to access any public info about spendings, agreements and financial data you have to pay. In the 100.000$ region. So, noone got money to question their shady ways, so everything will still fine, they think.)
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Immigration also leads to problems like increased violence, rape, crime, threat of terrorism and the growth of Islam. All of them are good, non-racist reasons for being against immigration. I believe that Europe will one day be the place from which people will be fleeing once the problems have gotten completely out of control.
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Talking about "growth of Islam" in the same list as "increased violence, rape, crime, threat of terrorism" while claiming to be against immigration for "good, non-racist reasons" is a joke, right ?
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I would say that nowadays it rather is "dangerous" to say something nice about refugees (at least here in Central-East Europe) since one who does that immediately earns a brand of a stupid human rights activist. Majority of people here, or at least the vocal one, is at this moment indeed racist and I am pretty sad about it. I for myself believe that we can solve these troubles without resorting to racial stereotypes and discriminating people just because of a religion or the color of their skin.
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There, I made a hashtag, now we can go back to our normal lives and still feel better about ourselves.
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More like joking + some cynicism, remove the serious part :P
It's just my initial reaction whenever I see some online petitions being involved.
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After all he's not wrong, our petitions\hashtags\clicks will solve nothing.
War creates jobs, money, it's basically a business.
I think there's nothing the pope\some charity foundation\the internet can do about that.
Comment has been collapsed. Not the best one I could find to explain it. War doesn't do jack all for the general economy or people who are involved in costs everyone but a very small few profiteers who keep up the myth.
Edit: Found the idea to explain the flawed logic in the war is money idea (not that you yourself hold it but that you've heard it; not meaning to attack just enlighten :) - "Destruction is not profit" in the shortest terms.
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War can be good or bad depending on what side your on and also the outcome and no not all ware is good war,but not all war is bad either.
Sometimes the only way to settle things is just to duke it out.
Without war life as we know it would be very different as the course of history would have been changed and we would not exist,so tell me how ware and history has done no good for anyone involved.Sure war is a terrible thing but it is part of life just as much as good and bad,without either neither would exist.
Anyhow those are just my thoughts on war...but i must say if your going to proclaim to enlighten someone you forget some things..
One not all wars have been good but they can do good in the end,you can no proclaim all wars are bad just because some are.
Second war can be good for an economy,World War II if it was not for that who knows how long we would have been in the depression we put a lot people to work building war machines.Then after the war instead just sitting around wondering about how to employe all those who are coming back,we decided to start building highways/interstates and that kept them point is not all wars are bad or end bad and just leave destruction behind.
Sometimes war takes out the bad and allows the good to progress,sometimes war just ends in a complete mess,but most of the time war serves a good purpose but it gets lost in the "war"..War also took down Hitler,and saved millions in the process.Yes there have been a lot wars that ended up being pointless if you just look at the destruction left behind,but life and the choices we make are not always the best we are human so we will make bad choices no matter what side we are on,sometimes good intentions do more damage then bad and same for bad intentions sometimes end up being good.
All i am saying is war has no clear winner or losers just what is left left behind and what happens after that,but not all things that start out bad means it will never end in a good way.War does not always leave madness behind and can be good for people and a Nation/Country
Just a quick note these are just my thoughts and what i are still free to think as you want and i am not trying to change anyone mind just sharing what i think.Agree or not that is okay,just do not tell my my ideas and what i think is irrelevant because you do not agree with them.I am not stating facts just my opinion on the matter.
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Sorry for the broad sweeping statement. Not enlighten just expand maybe (bad habit from lack of practice in talking with others for a while) I can tone it down, yeah, but he made a single point easy to swat at. I do agree with a lot of your points of course. Just wars are far and few between though and so much spin you don't always know if it was one until the dust settles or sometimes you never know (and of course victors do their best to write or rewrite the history). War took Hitler down but left Stalin in power :/
All in all like anything; if you get out with your life you're left to decide what to make of even the worst outcomes and what you can take away from it to enrich yourself (even the most traumatic terrible things; what doesn't kill you...). Challenges and conflicts can lead to growth as much as it hurts, sure. Just it'd be better to not be so wasteful of people, the planet, and ideas. As you say sometimes you have to duke it out though so I may very well say an idea is irrelevant and fight a bit not because I don't agree but because it's wanting or in the way of trying something new. Usually I like to give and take though. Cooperation gets us farther than war despite the seeming gains in technology, economics and so on :) I like Alexander the Great honestly, absorbed and brought people in through a balance of aggression and conciliation. We are people of our times though and it'd be great to actually move beyond base violence and terror to move forward ideally, ya know?.
EDIT: Your comment further down anticipated much of my reply lol Touché . Not living in fear shouldn't mean you always have to fight though. Knowing you have the ability to do so is good though, I agree.
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I see the message and I understand it, I think what we need is a game like this, to go alongside this war of mine, to create a deeper understanding of what happens in war, I think people don't see this war of mine for its message, but for the fun of it. and as much as we are helpless in the sense that we cant stop it, we sure as hell can give people and understanding of it.
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I'm preordering that. I wish to see soldier gameplay thou. I will be so happy when I idle it for cards, I wish I could craft my badge right now so I have :searchfordad: emoticon.
Solid 8/8.1 just gr8 dont h8 don8
dont h8 4 real this is a joke
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There is no simple answer or simple solution if there was things like this would have ended a very long time ago.
Yes it is part of life and yes it is sad in way it happens but it just how things are,there will never be world peace as there will always be good and bad that just the balance of things,without good you would not have bad and without bad you would have good.People also need to learn to fight back instead they are so worried about staying alive that in the end they slowly die being a slave or what not.
I would rather die fighting then live my life in fear as that is not living,that just existing.
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I don't get why you are posting this, if it's to raise peoples awareness about war or some other reason.
The topic title feels like you want to make a point about how war games are wrong but seeing your most played game is CSGO I guess that isn't the fact, so please enlighten me.
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Your Steam library :
-CS : S
-CoD 4 Modern Warfare
-Day of defeat
You play war games, and then you are like "war is bad !!!". Can you explain it ? (Since you played CS:GO for more than 250 hours, I guess you like game about killing people)
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didnt know that playing fps games means that you should be insensitive toward real life happenings, so thats a very stupid conclusion
Its like saying "if you play need for speed then you have no ground to condemn people who are speeding on the road since you are essentially doing the same thing in video games"
there is a big difference between playing a game and between actually supporting war as such or the invading of other countries, dont you think?
The fact that you put Warframe into this category too made me chuckle since that game is a scifi hack and slash, nothing to do with war in general
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Now I feel better because having watched this video surely helps the situation...
Sorry, but I am pissed by those postings, because everyone is behaving like "oh, so bad, I will help". And in the next second everybody forgets it.
inb4 hate.
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but the everyday nightmare
Before you turn your head away and say "oh, its just another one of those sob story video to get peoples sympathy for countries", please remember that the bigggest victims of war sometimes are those whose voice can hardly be heard...
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