I told myself that I wouldn't get like this, but as of recent I've become more of a game collector rather than a game player. My backlog is infinitely expanding and I hate to see so many games unplayed, but life gets in the way and all that jazz. So I'm curious, how keen are you on finishing the games you own? I've always had this unrealistic ideology that for how much I spent on a game, I'd like to get an hour per $1, and sometimes it happens since I never buy games full price, but it rarely does. So I'm curious how do you guys go about clearing your backlog, or if there's a large chunk of games sitting in your steam library crying to be played and you just turn blind eye like I do..

1 decade ago*

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My backlog is quite huge, but i plan to play through every game atleast once. I bought most games for around 1-5$, so i have to play all those games for atleast 5-10 hours to be satisfied that i bought them :D

1 decade ago

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a bit because i have to study... :(

1 decade ago

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I have a huge backlog and I try to play the games "as well as I can". Let's see how my motivation holds up in two or three weeks time. So far I have completed: Spec Ops - the Line, Dishonored, Deus Ex and Max Payne 3 recently(ish). Maybe I'll see this through. :)

1 decade ago

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I don't feel obligated. I bought the game so I could play it whenever I wanted (within reason, such as the boundaries of life, etc.), not so I would be contractually obligated or some such nonsense, to play it. My wife gives me hell for spending $50-75 over the Steam winter sale and getting something like $400 worth of games, and then only playing Skyrim. Well, Skyrim is the one I want to play. I got the others because I knew I would want to play them at some point. (She does the same thing with her Xbox; she has over a dozen games and only ever plays Rockband 3.)

1 decade ago

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Quite a majority of games I bought for Steam were games I pirated a few years ago, and I finally decided to live up to my promise and buy the games to support the companies. So those games more or less would have 0-a few hours on them. Then there are those games that I buy because they were on sale, or a friend told me to get it(also 0-a few hours on them) :S

Lastly, the games I felt I NEEDED to get...mainly pre-orders for some reason. Don't ask why.

FYI, I currently have no more pirated games since I recently bought the last one on the list: Battlefield 2. :D So proud of myself. But so sad for my checking account at the same time. :S

1 decade ago

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today i feel that pirating some games is like downloading a demo in the past :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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As long as the game doesn't suck I plan on playing it someday, but I don't really feel obligated to play most games within a certain time period of purchase/etc. My backlog has hundreds of games in it so it would take a lot of free time to catch up =p

1 decade ago

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Not obligated at all. In fact, I rarely play my games.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Interesting to see people's varying methods for completing their backlog or lack thereof. I just sat down for a few hours and beat The Darkness II. Phew it feels good to make some progress, and it was a very enjoyable game as well. Now on to Spec Ops!

1 decade ago

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I must play and finish all my games before I buy any new games!! <Goes out and buy new game>

1 decade ago

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I'm finding myself in the same boat you are, I've had to start cracking down on myself and resisting purchases because I know I've got a ton of games to get through, and don't need to keep adding to the backlog. Temptation is a harsh mistress.

1 decade ago

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WTF you PLAY games?! What's wrong with you guys? :P

1 decade ago

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I paid heaps of $$$'s for Hitman AB, not played it much yet1

1 decade ago

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I've never felt an obligation to a game. I play games for fun instead.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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yup. it's either that or i played at least 5mins of some then never touched again.

1 decade ago

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Started collecting achievements recently. Certainly gives a nice incentive to finish all the bleeding games.

1 decade ago

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Pretty much what this guy said.

1 decade ago

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I don't feel obligated myself, but every evening Gabe Newell comes to my house and stares at me menacingly untill I start playing something. It's very importunate of him.

1 decade ago

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Oh man. I haven't played (as in, haven't even booted up) the majority of the games I own. I spend 80% of my time playing 20% of my games.

1 decade ago

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I buy tons of games as they come out but I never feel obligated to play them. I don't play many video games anymore because my time is limited but I still dont devote my limited spare time to games. I play them when I want to. If you feel like you're wasting money, stop buying new games. Go to consoles and just Gamefly them. My advice is to stop being such a jew trying to maximize your earnings/fun potential because by doing that you're ruining your own fun making all those games you bought worthless.

1 decade ago

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You might edit that comment. It's a little racist.

1 decade ago

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It has happened where i won games often, which sometimes led me to stop playing something to play something else, but eventually i play all these games, specially SP story driven ones (The Witcher 2 was a prime example), for the time being though, i'm switching between Osu! and LoL/DotA2, i'm going to finish Bioshock once i get an assured rest, and then go for the heavy RTS games i have in the backlog (Reign, King Arthur if i can get it to work without lagging so hard, and Supreme Commander 2, which i'm waiting for a friend to get as well in order to do some MP).

When it comes to purchasing games, i have preordered 3 games so far: BF3 (still on the fence on whether or not that was a good call, considering the DLC invasion that came shortly after); Red Orchestra 2 (Definitely not happy with that one); and Auction House simulator (Diablo III). From these experiences, i try to really think through what i'm going to get, and have no problem waiting for the game to settle in or be bashed/optimized/critiqued, so i guess i cannot consider myself to be a game hoarder.

1 decade ago

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I usually feel driven to finish games if I've gotten halfway, but I don't always feel obligated to start them. My backlog is pretty sizable, but that just means that I have plenty of options when it comes time to play the next game. I can narrow it to specific genres or settings, and still be left with several options. Its a good problem to have.

1 decade ago

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So far all my games are games that I would play for fun without inducement.. except maybe one. But I'll probably beat that as well. I have a completionist problem ._.

1 decade ago

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I don't like to use the word obligated, but if I win something or someone gifts me something, I do really like to do my best to play the game, as I do very much appreciate gifts

1 decade ago

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If I won a game on here, then I feel a certain obligation to play the game, because if I don't play it, then I know someone else could of won it who would of played it. So I try hard to play every game I won, and give those games top priority.

I also only try to enter giveaways for games that I know I will want to play, if I do win that giveaway. There are certain types of games that I don't enjoy, and I don't enter those giveaways, even if those are popular games.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by venomblade.