Hello fellow steamgifters :)
Short story long: I woke up this morning, scratched my head, drank some coffee, ate a.... fuck it, you don't give a shit about that.

I was thinking - steamgifts kinda sucks. Ok, don't kill me just yet. First listen and then do whatever you want. I mean - there are a lot of people who enter giveaways, but hardly play anything at all. Isn't it possible to create a system similar to contributor that checks how many hours you played last two weeks? then I could give something to guys who really play games not just collects them. I don't know about you, but endless "thank you's" doesn't mean anything to me - if you don't play game you won, you don't appreciate it. (I'm sorry, I used to be young and stupid. In the past I actually entered one giveaway, I wasn't interested in and won. and haven't played that one. Won't happen again, I promise :))

If this has been discussed before and it isn't possible, I'm sorry.

Do you feel appreciated? Do you think similar system would be nice? Any other ideas? Discuss! :)

1 decade ago*

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Not a good idea in my opinion. Lots of people have huge backlogs.

You could argue that if you have a backlog, you shouldn't enter. But yeah. I dunno.

1 decade ago

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I have a huge backlog, but my job ends in two weeks so I'll have lots of time on my hands :(

1 decade ago

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I didn't even read it D:

1 decade ago

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To be fair, not everyone has the time or ability to play the games, but does want them. Example, me. My computer couldn't run most of my Steam games (though that gets solved when I replace it tomorrow), and I have about 500 games I need to play, and not nearly enough time for all of them.

Also, I notice you haven't played one of your own wins.

1 decade ago

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I'm also currently really busy with my studies, so I have barely any time to play games. Call me immoral if you will, but I'm kind of collecting games to wait for times when I will have time to play. I don't buy/win games I'll absolutely never play, I just store them in my library, to be there waiting until I have time to actually play them :)

1 decade ago

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That's like me right now. I play ~30-40 hours a week when I have free time, but when I have classes, I only have enough time to play 3 hours a week or so.

1 decade ago

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You sound just like me :D. Currently I only have something like 2-4 hours of playtime tops most of the days, but whenever I get even one completely free day... Oh boy I might even play for 10 hours straight, completely enjoying the free time that's so scarce for me :P

1 decade ago

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My thoughts exactly... I have error messages + the graphics are too OP for the games I win on this site :|

1 decade ago

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What if someone goes on a two week trip, thus can't play? What if someone has work to do and plays only on weekends/ hour or two a day?
Your system is flawed.
I appreciate though how polite you are in suggesting your idea and I understand, but there are some factors even a system won't be able to check or perfect.

1 decade ago

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what about people that play non-steam games a lot? my steam rating is consistently low because ive been playing a lot of retail games lately, and even when i do play games that are on steam, i just run the exe a lot of the time.

1 decade ago

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Dude many of steamgifters are over 20, they work, they have life. Personally I still have unplayed games I purchased like a year ago.

1 decade ago

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I've had some for 10 years that are still waiting...

1 decade ago

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^ This. I have games left from the last Summer Sales that I haven't played yet...

1 decade ago

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I have them from last WINTER sale....

1 decade ago

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Me too XD (Risen when will I play you? ç_ç)

1 decade ago

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Not a fan of this. I play Steam games, non Steam PC games, and console games. And I don't always have time to play games. That doesn't mean that if I win something, I WON'T play it, because I will, but... backlogs, time, and all.

TL;DR: Bad idea.

1 decade ago

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You don't have to be able to enter all giveaways. For example - there are a lot of giveways for only couple of people that contributed hundreds of dollars. Why not give a better odds on some giveways to someone who uses steam a lot, if creator wishes so?

1 decade ago

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stupid idea i won game about 4 months ago and only played couple weeks ago.

1 decade ago

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I need to get more space on my pc, if I have that, I can play the games I won more.

1 decade ago

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That's another problem I have. After getting a SSD, I won't go back to running my OS or games off a regular HDD... and it's getting full.

1 decade ago

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Personally i don't understand why you care so much if the games you gift will be played, it's their loss. I don't stalk people i gifted to looking if they played the games they won in my giveaways lol. Only time i'd care is if i give a game to rl friends and they don't even try it, happened a few times!

1 decade ago

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why I care? because there are a lot of people who can't afford games. And if someone wins the game and don't even want to play it - what's the point? It's a waste.

1 decade ago

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Make private giveaways for them then.

1 decade ago

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If I tell you I have -500$, would you know that and make a private giveaway for just the poor ones?

Maybe I'm lying...

1 decade ago

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Stopped reading at "steamgifts kinda sucks"

1 decade ago

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i think that it should be good that the users that have won less giveaways will take a little "priority" to the giveaways compared to others.

1 decade ago

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Ok, I have another question:
Do you only enter giveaways that you are really interested in or enter everything if you see that odds of winning are quite high?

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I dont bother entering for anything i wouldnt play

1 decade ago

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Only in those that I am interested.

1 decade ago

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I enter giveaways I am interested and try to choose the ones I odds of winning (in the ones I am interested)

1 decade ago

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From my point of view, your proposition is not good. Why so?

I have played 0.9 hrs these last 2 weeks and that's not because i am collector of games. It's just lack of time to play games which - honestly saying - I would love to play a lot more. I suppose there are lots of people who just can't afford spending so much time to play games while they can just try to win some desired games on Steamgifts and then play the game someday.

So, sorry but I don't like your idea. It sucks*

*WTF; y u say sg suck?

1 decade ago

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Worst idea ever. This summer I used to play about 5-6h a day. But now I hardly have any time to play at all, so does this mean that I don't appreciate games or that I am a collector? No. It means that I have other duties to take care of.
Also how about people who already finished all their games? Who just have singleplayer games, do you want them to play that game over and over again just so they might have the chance to win another game? I don't think so.

This idea is something like what Raptr is trying to do with their rewards, but there you actually know you'll win, here it's just a matter of luck.

1 decade ago

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I think it's a good idea. Better than contribution as an entry criterion, IMO. While it's not a guarantee of anything (people might play a lot but still enter for games they're not really interested in) I think it's not a bad criterion.

One downside I can see is people who can't afford many games and have finished all their games and aren't playing because of that will not be able to win.

1 decade ago

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Be right back, just handing in my notice at work so I have more time to play games and win giveaways. Only joking, I'm unemployed :(

1 decade ago

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I see someone who won a lot of games here but he plays only one or two Steam games he already own. People winning just for collecting a game is a real problem, but your suggestion isn't the solution.

1 decade ago

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Some people enter games they want, but don't have enough time to play em all. I, for example, have barely enough time to play the games I bought myself. It's still nice to row the games you'd like to play one day up so you can play em as soon as you finish some others first.

1 decade ago

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I was really thinking to people with even more than 300 steam games in their own library but with 0 or almost 0 hours for all but one, two or three or four games...

1 decade ago

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Poeple Works, people study, people have family, not all the day playing games...

1 decade ago

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I disagree with this.
I give away games and if the winner wants to play it when he wins or in the leap year is his choice.
People have lifes outside steamgifts and play time should not be a measure of how much people contribute to this community.

No I don´t feel appreciated, u didn´t invited me to a romantic date. No I think the present day system it´s nice, I would only change little things about bundle games. No other ideas.

1 decade ago

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Related, please read this thread.

1 decade ago

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there also are people who don't have a lot of free time and don't want to spend the little time they have all on a video game but just like 1 or 2 hours by example.

1 decade ago

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I hate the idea, but listen why....

Look at my situation. I am disabled. I am in pain from the second I wake until the second I wake up again the next day and the more I do in my day (even gaming) the worse it gets. I have to try and survive with the little work I get doing coding/web development and when I do have work, I cannot play games in the same day. Right now, and since I got on Steam (I know it says 2 years but I opened the account back then and never really used until this years summer sale) I have had a steady project to work on so any time I can sit on the computer has to go towards that project until its finished. It's not a lot of money but to me its very important. While I have this project going, I do have some extra money, but no extra time, so, I am accumulating games but not to "collect" them even tho I do love my collection, no, my purpose is to make sure that when I am out of work and broke, but can start gaming again, I want to have a great collection of games waiting. I have no idea how long it will be until I can buy games again when this ends.

As far as the giveaways I enter. I never try to win a game that I won't play.

With the exception of some bundled packages, every game I have on my account, I want to play and plan to some day, when I can.

I know my situation is special but there has to be other people out there that have life come before gaming, but hope to get back to gaming ASAP.

I agree, the people that just collect games so their account can have more than the next guys are just twits but lets not allow the twits to ruin it for the rest of us.

1 decade ago

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Not a good idea, you want to giveaway the game, then do it, who gives a shit if the winner gonna play it or not as long as we won fairly enough!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by crylol.