Hello everybody

With family and job I don't get to play tons of big 100 hours AAA-titles anymore. So I got much pickier about which big games to play. But also I enjoy little games much more, meaning games that I can play in between or that I can beat within 2 or 3 evenings. That's why I decided to start a curator page for just these kind of games. If you're interested, feel free to take a look (or even follow me) here.

Of course this kind of advertisement would be dull (maybe it is even so ;) ) if I wouldn't have some GAs for you, so here you go with a little train of bundled games:
This way to the train
(Disclaimer: These games don't correspond with the games of my curator page.)

And as a bonus I have a copy of Figment
Bedtime Digital Games (the creators of the game) provided me with a key I can give away, so others can enjoy the game as well. So I gladly give it away here to someone of you. All you have to do is answer three little + easy questions about my review of the game. Here is your link to the question:
This way to the Figment-GA

If you have recommendations for other games I should have an eye on and maybe (when I have the time) could test, I always enjoy those. Or things that make me laugh of course. :)

PS: Being a gamer with little time means also to be a SG-User with little time, so please forgive me, if I may not be so fast with responding to your comments.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Cool Idea :D Thanx i follow you now :D

6 years ago

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Bump. Very nice ride. Thanks

6 years ago

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Bump and thank you!

6 years ago

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bump! & thanks for the train

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump :)

6 years ago

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Thanks for the ride Gibor :)

6 years ago

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I like little games, like Moonlight and Qora

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for these two suggestions. They look like just the treasure games I search for. Added both therefore to my wishlist. :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I suggest Mandagon, it's free, can be beaten in one hour but is still an amazing little game.

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I didn't have that one on my list so far, but now I do. 😃

6 years ago

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Great idea for a group. I'm definitely in the same boat and get a lot out of turn based games which you can take your time with and stop and start as required.

6 years ago

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Turn based games are great. I'm just not that great at stopping myself from making "just another turn" 😆

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you very much !

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thanks and bumps :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank You ! Bump !

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6 years ago

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Thanks for the train, Gibor! Some funny for you, sir.

Some recommendations that should fit your criteria:

  • Punch Club

  • The Last Door

  • Spacechem

  • Toribash (Free)

  • Aquaria

  • LOOM

  • Grim Fandango

  • Pirates! Gold

  • Spelunky

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the laugh! This brightened up my morning. 😃

And thank you for your suggestions. The last door and Grim Fandango I have on my list already and I hope to play it sometime soon. Loom I've never heard of, but now it's on my wishlist. :)
The other suggestions though all look like games, that take up a lot of time, looking at the HLTB-ratings and the playtimes of the reviews. Are those all suitable for short instances (like 15-30 minutes) in between?

6 years ago

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They are all good for short sessions, I think. Some of them are better at that than others, though, especially when you're only playing for 30 minutes tops.

Punch Club is a turn-based goofy boxing sim. You can get to a stopping point pretty easily, and there are fast forward functions available in a lot of places so you're not just watching repetitive animations and eating into your time. I think you could manage an in-game day within 30 minutes, maybe even as multiple in-game days. With the way the game works, it's well-suited to just kind of leaving it open between actions while you do other stuff in another window (which definitely accounts for a lot of my play-time).

Spacechem is a tricky one, since it's a really challenging logic puzzle game. If you get the hang of it you can probably solve harder puzzles under 30 minutes, but sometimes it can take trial and error to make it work. It also has fast-forwarding, coincidentally, so you don't have to waste time watching to see what your setup is doing every single time. Though you will need to slow it down for troubleshooting, often enough.

Toribash is basically a fighting game where you take simultaneous turns with your opponent commanding individual muscle groups on a ragdoll. That sounds more complicated than it is, I promise. There is no story at all, you just compete. Matches should not take very long at all, just a few minutes. However, depending on what room you're playing in and how many other players there are you may have to burn a lot of your 30 minutes waiting for your match. Every match is one-on-one with the winner going on to fight whoever has been in the queue the longest, and everyone spectates until it's their turn. I'd say that in a crowded room you could go through the whole process once in 30 minutes, but probably not twice. In a smaller room (or if you just have a winning streak), you could get many matches done in that time.

Aquaria is probably the toughest game to make satisfying progress in within 30 minutes. It's sort of a swimming metroidvania kind of game. You can probably make it to your next checkpoint in that span most of the time, but I'd have some concerns about forgetting what you were doing by the next time you play.

Pirates! Gold is a classic, sort of a sandbox pirate simulator, and can go on as long as you're able to. I've had many sessions where I lost the game in less than 30 minutes. I'm honestly unsure if there's any actual victory condition, I think the game loop just kind of goes on until you fail or get bored of your success and retire (I always failed before anything like that happened, but I had fun doing it). IIRC there are quests that you can do, but I'm not aware of an ending beyond a simple readout of what you accomplished. It would be very, very easy to lose track of time playing it if you're not careful, because of that. But I think that with discipline you could definitely get to a stopping point and quit out within a 30 minute span.

Spelunky is essentially a platformer with roguelike design. It's meant to be played over and over. You will die often, and the levels are procedurally generated so they're different every time. I would honestly be surprised if a single run ever lasted a whole 30 minutes, but then again I've never been very good at it.

6 years ago*

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Thanks for your very detailed answer. I'll keep those in mind, although I'm not so sure if they're the right games for my curator page (in general these are games that have some kind of ending, which doesn't take too long to get there). But some of those sound very interesting nonetheless (and it's not like I never play other games, I'm just very limited about how many and how long it takes me to complete them) and I'll keep them in mind (especially Punch Club, Toribash and Pirates) when I want to play something bigger.
I really appreciate your effort, so again: thanks a lot!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump, Thanks 🙂

6 years ago

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