Hello everybody

With family and job I don't get to play tons of big 100 hours AAA-titles anymore. So I got much pickier about which big games to play. But also I enjoy little games much more, meaning games that I can play in between or that I can beat within 2 or 3 evenings. That's why I decided to start a curator page for just these kind of games. If you're interested, feel free to take a look (or even follow me) here.

Of course this kind of advertisement would be dull (maybe it is even so ;) ) if I wouldn't have some GAs for you, so here you go with a little train of bundled games:
This way to the train
(Disclaimer: These games don't correspond with the games of my curator page.)

And as a bonus I have a copy of Figment
Bedtime Digital Games (the creators of the game) provided me with a key I can give away, so others can enjoy the game as well. So I gladly give it away here to someone of you. All you have to do is answer three little + easy questions about my review of the game. Here is your link to the question:
This way to the Figment-GA

If you have recommendations for other games I should have an eye on and maybe (when I have the time) could test, I always enjoy those. Or things that make me laugh of course. :)

PS: Being a gamer with little time means also to be a SG-User with little time, so please forgive me, if I may not be so fast with responding to your comments.

6 years ago

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Thank you and bump :D

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thanks for the ride on your train.
I follow your curator page now, because sometimes I'm just looking for some short relaxing games. :-)

6 years ago

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I wanted to recommend Machinarium and others games by Amanita, but saw that you already curated them, great choice :) Also I recommend World of Goo, fun gameplay, doesn't take many time and have very small system requirements (it's old game, sorry, almost didn't play games that came out in recent years). And, of course, thank you for the train.

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your suggestion. Yeah, the Amanita games are perfect for people with me. I hope I get to play the newest one (Chuchel) sometime soon as well.
Wolr dof Goo I only heard about so far. I have t on my wishlist thanks to several suggestions of users, so this must really be a good one to try out at some point.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Her Story
Thomas Was Alone
One Finger Death Punch
Pony Island
Epistory - Typing Chronicles

Those are some of my recommendations, and thanks for the train!

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your recommendations. Some of those I already knew and two (Pony Island and Refunct) I played already (and also wrote a review) and both I found great. But I would have missed out on One Finger Death Punch, Dropsy and Epistory, so thanks a lot!

6 years ago

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Thanks so much for the giveaways and great reviews Gibor!

6 years ago

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Thanks for the feedback!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump! Thank you so much for all the giveaways. :>
I think, you should check CHUCHEL.

6 years ago*

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I do think so too, I just didn't have the chance yet. But it's pretty far up high on my wishlist. πŸ˜ƒ

6 years ago

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Bump. I like the idea of your curator page. I often find myself 'playing' visual novels when time is particularly short; most are fairly short and easy to jump into for a few minutes here and there.

Deep Space Waifu and XXZ (there's a free version) were a short bit of fun, too.

6 years ago

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Thanks for your feedback and your suggestions. I don't play games, that focus on sexuality like Deep Space Waifu, so this is not really something I will play. But thanks for the suggestion anyways. XXZ I couldn't find in the steam library. Maybe it's not available where I live?

6 years ago

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Oh, sure. XXZ is a casual match-3 zombie game, but it's focused on sexuality, too.

Completely unrelated to sexuality, I just finished reviewing My Lovely Daughter, which might interest you. It takes a handful of hours to finish and has a very simple gameplay loop, but I thought it was very well made with a compelling story and well-written script. It is rather depressing, though. Still, you might like to check it out. :)

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for this suggestion. I've never heard of this before but it sounds interesting. I've put it on my wishlist.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your suggestions.
Antichamber actually is already ready for being one of the next titles to play, so you can expect a review about this one somewhere in the not so far future (whatever this means... πŸ˜†),
I didn't knew about Lifeless Planet and never heard of Qbeh-1 or Verde station or the four later ones (I'll definitely take a look at Fingerbones and then I probably know, if the others suit my style) so thanks a lot for these. Spirit of Xanadu I own, but didn't have on my list, so thanks for this one too. Naissance I didn't knew about before either, but with this one, somebody else was faster than you. ;).

6 years ago

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Qbeh-1 is $0.99 for the next few days.

6 years ago

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I saw that, bit at the moment I just buy games on steam, when I really plan to play them soon. Otherwise I get a lot of my games like many others through bundles and SG, so I'll skip it for now. And it probably won't be the last time, it is for sale. ;) But thanks for bringing it to my attention!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump, thank you

6 years ago

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Recommendation: Risk of Rain - awesome rogue-like with great soundtrack. It only requires 20-50 minutes for a playthrough, but probably needs about 20 hours to master and complete. I had a lot of fun playing it in 1 hour bursts.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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bump :)

6 years ago

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I recommend A bloody knight -- basically, Dark Souls in 2D. Old school charm.

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your suggestion. So far I didn't dare to try out Dark Souls, because I fear for the life of my gamepad πŸ˜†. I'm not too patient with these kind of games, so I fear, I would get frustrated to much. So I'm not sure if I have, what it takes to play a 2D Dark Souls... πŸ˜¨πŸ˜†
But seeing that most users have beaten it in around 5 hours makes it seem more reasonable to me so I keep it in mind for sure!

6 years ago

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You're welcome. You don't have to mash buttons like Dark Souls -- your gamepad is safe.
It gets very challenging, so be prepared for hardship before being rewarded.

6 years ago

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Oh it's not the button mashing I'm worried of, but my anger management... πŸ˜†

6 years ago

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bump !

6 years ago

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Bump! πŸ‘

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I was about to say roguelite but you said you wasn't a fan in your Figment GA. So why not a roguelike? xD
Joke aside, I think Desktop Dungeons is not a frustrating one. Because the game is divided in small missions and you can upgrade stuff between each missions. The gameplay is like Runestone Keeper (which I love too) or Dungelot : Shattered Lands (not the best one of this subgenre): a mix of roguelike and puzzle.

Steam store description perfectly summarize it:
"Classic roguelike play re-imagined as a unique single-screen puzzle game sort of thing! "
"Fight your way through fantasy dungeons in 10 minutes or less. We’re busy people too."

This game is really good short sessions ;)
DLC doesn't add anything valuable (it's more a "pay us coffee")

6 years ago*

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Thanks a lot for your suggestions. Desktop Dungeons was recommended by someone else as well and you two have convinced me, that this could be a roguelike worth trying out. I have it on my list now. And Runestone Keeper doesn't look to bad either, I'll keep that in mind as well.

6 years ago

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I'm happy to have convinced you ^^
But careful, if I recommend Desktop Dungeon for you because it has a smooth difficulty curve, in Runestone Keeper it's super difficult from the beginning, and it's a bit more roguelike than puzzle (= more random way to die, and you'll learn nearly everything by die & retry).
On contrary, Destop Dungeons really want to show to the player how to play. And among all the stuff you will unlock between each mission, you can also find real puzzles in order to learn new tips (or just for the challenge).
Only consider Runestone Keeper after Desktop Dungeons, and if you are good at it. Otherwise, you may suffer the same frustration that you encountered in other roguelikes.

(I've mentioned Runestone Keeper and Dungelot as examples of this subgenre, in case you already tried or looked at it. My real recommendation is for Desktop Dungeons, because the reasons aforementioned.)

6 years ago

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Oh, thats very good to know, thanks a lot!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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