We rolled out a few important updates to the site today.

  1. The first major change is the way contributor values are calculated. In short, the update limits giveaways that might have originated from a bundle to 20% of your total value (Note: Giveaways created prior to a bundle always receive full value). Please review the threads from earlier in the week for the full details. Keep in mind, we'll continue to improve this system as time goes on.

  2. There's no longer a restriction on what games can be given away, assuming they're not guest passes or beta keys. Anything found in the drop down menu when creating a giveaway is allowed. If you're gifting a game from a bundle, please review that bundle's terms of service to ensure you have permission to do so. If you believe a giveaway needs to be removed, please use the report button. There's no reason to post accusations in the comments, and users doing so may be suspended for inappropriate behavior. We'll review reported giveaways, and remove them if necessary. The new system will ensure contributor values are not overly inflated by bundle games.

Thanks to everyone in the community for all the feedback the past week, and I believe we created a system that's fair for everyone. It still leaves room for improvement, and there are a number of great suggestions in the previous thread we'll be exploring in the coming weeks.

1 decade ago*

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I have a problem up games to valor 50 but only have 30 points

1 decade ago

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You probably aren't valorous enough.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thanks :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Good system, but can you at least allow cents to be added when it comes to a bundle game? When a game is worth $10 normally and was once in a bundle you don't get any VC of it because it's rounded down. Giving 50cents for it would at least still give us some VC for the game.

1 decade ago

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learn to read - bundle game gives you CV. Even can give you full CV. But you need to give away non-bundle games as well to receive it.

1 decade ago

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Suggestion: If you want to cut down on a LOT of bundle questions, if the user creates a giveaway that is on the bundle list (has an asterisk), when it says stop and review, there should be a big red square at the end that says this is a bundle game, this is how much CV you will get. Just so there is less confusion. That way people know.

Yes, they SHOULD come here and read up on how SG works. People SHOULD do a lot of things. We could all make the world a better place by quitting gaming and doing some community service. We could but we don't because most people are selfish and lazy. So don't fault others for the same. Rather, work to facilitate the information so things to more smoothly for others. Unless of course that is not your intention to begin with.

1 decade ago

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Domo ariago mr roboto

1 decade ago

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I didn't get any Value for the last two Games i gave away. Although they were Bundle Games, i thought i would get at least 20% of the Points they are worth. Am i wrong?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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That 20% bonus is granted to the value of non bundled games you giveaway. (This isn't that right too) Anyway, cv will never go higher than 30 with 100% bundles game giveaways. (Unless the rules are changed)

1 decade ago

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Well, as I understood under the link up in the main post your bundled CV can be 20% of your full CV, unless this 20% is less than $30.

1 decade ago

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edit: ah never mind, now i understand...

1 decade ago

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You can receive contributor value for your bundle list contributions up to 20% of your non-bundle contributions.
The first $25 of contributor value is exempt from this rule.

That's why you will cap out at $30 giving only bundled games.

1 decade ago

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I am fairly new to the Steamgifts community and I am not 100% sure what brought on this new format for calculating contributor value in regards to bundle games, but I would like to express my opinion on the matter.

My assumption is that it was implemented to reward those members who contribute games that were purchased at full price on steam while diminishing the value of bundle games as much less money would have been spent to acquire them.

If this is the case then the system works, however, it can be flawed in some cases as anyone is still free to purchase games marked as bundle games for full price and then gift them, yet not receive full contributor credit for them. I personally feel that this new system only diminishes the worth of the bundle games and may deter people from gifting bundle games all together. If the game works and is a legit key, I feel it should not matter how the key was acquired, the game works none the less and the person receiving it will get the same enjoyment out of the game either way.

As for those who gift full price games, they have the same opportunity to gift bundle games so it is not like people who only gift bundle game will surpass their value. I personally do not put too much emphasis or worry into my contributor value but feel that any game being gifted should be given at least some value. Under the current system if a member only ever contributes bundle games their value will never exceed $30.

I feel the gifting of all games, no matter their origin should be encouraged to help promote and grow the community, not be punished or diminished. Just my thoughts, either way I am happy to be part of this great community.

1 decade ago

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If I'm not mistaken, the reason bundle games are value that way is to prevent people to abuse it to get high CV. The system is not capable of identify wether a game is from a bundle or tradeable one, thus you will recieve bundle CV nevertheless. There are few moderators for SG and they cant monitor it manually either.

It is a status-quo that works.

Lots of ppl tried to think of a way to change it, and a lot of discussions were made, none came with a better solution.

1 decade ago

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First of all it's not a "new" solution - it's over 1.5 year old. And before that you were not able to give bundle games at all on SG.

Ofc you can buy bundle game at full price, but as system is dealt in face-to-face matter - GA creator contacts you personally and SG is not involved into process of trading game - SG has no way to determine which GA was from a cheap-ass bundle and which was from full-price purchase. And making a difference between these two would be easily exploitable. Someone gives you bundle key, but asks you to mark it as full price gift to get full contrib.

Also there is a huge diffenece between bundles and normal sales. in a bundle you can get 100$+ worth of games for paying like 1$. The 90% Sales occur very rarely on steam. Also big steam sales (and other sales / price errors) that give I believe at least 95% discount count as bundle games as well.

And there is a huge difference between usual 80% sale on steam and 99% sale from bundle (100$ CV for 1$ bundle). It may seem like only 19% difference, but actual difference is much bigger. Let's say you have 10$ to spend on games. A game worth 10$ goes on 80% sale so it costs 2$. Spending your 10$ you can buy 5 games and get 50$ CV. Now if you would spend these 10$ to buy 10 bundles, you would get games worth 10*100=1000$ CV. Which is 20 times more than buying 80% sale game!

1 decade ago

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It can be abused though. Many people here give games just to get CV to enter groups or giveaways based on high CV. Now the problem isn't bundle games themselves, but more the fact that they are 'pay what you want'. Imagine someone paying $1 for 5 games which are otherwise worth $10 each. That person can get $50 worth of CV while having spent $1. Now if someone buys 10 of these bundles, they get $500 CV. If it was that easy to get CV, contributor giveaways would be worthless, and it wouldn't be fair to those who did not buy these bundles to get $500 CV. Of course no one buys games at full price. But out of the bundles, you don't get 'pay $1 to get all games;. Your argument has been posted many times, but you have to look at all sides of the equation :)

1 decade ago

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A few days ago create a giveaway of "Arena Wars II" (x3) (I created it before the bundle) and my Account Value don't increase ¬ ¬


1 decade ago

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Well Met!

1 decade ago

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You might have created before it got added to the bundle list, but not before it actually appeared in a bundle - which is the time what matters. Mods cannot be here 24/7 updating the bundle list, you know :P

1 decade ago

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I create before appeared in the bundle, I create around 12:00-1:00 am in my country, bundle appeared around 1:00-3:00 pm (don't remember exactly) in same day.

1 decade ago

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it's not hour that matters - it's day that matters. Especially as many games that are gonna be bundled got announced by bundle itself beforehand. Generally if you just created GA 1-2h before game get bundled - bad luck. if you created it 1 day before you'd be fine.

1 decade ago

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So I should get credit for my puppygames bundle I created like last week since the HiB weekly is supposedly their complete set of games.

1 decade ago

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yes you should :> posted it to you on PM ;p

1 decade ago

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Sweet. Wasn't really sure on this. So I should get credit on my prime world defenders than too since that was made before the bundle. Thanks zelg

1 decade ago

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:(, thanks for answer.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This is incorrect. At least for me.
I have $30 contributor value, then I made a King Arthur Collection giveaway ($50) and a Mafia II giveaway ($30). And it didn't recognized it.
Then I read that I had to make a giveaway that is not from a bundle, or at least one that it's not marked with a * sign at the end of the name.
So I did a Anomaly Mobile Campaign giveaway ($5)... And my contributor value went up to $36... What?
If it is 20% of the value that I did, then it should be $50 + $30 that's $80 and it's equal to $16 (20%) and then adding up the $5 of the other giveaway.
That should give me $50 in total of contributor value, and I have $36.. I made 4 giveaways and it only counted 4. Please I want this fixed if it's not too much trouble.

Thanks a lot for reading. Cheers and have a good christmas eve and happy new year :).

EDIT: My bad, but it's still incorrect, a minor error. The King Arthur DID added up, it gave me $10 more contributor value. But Mafia II didn't added, it should give me $6 and that should give me a total of $40/$41 adding the Anomaly giveaway.

1 decade ago

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No, 20% of the value of the non-bundled games value. So 20% of $5 (Anomaly) is $1. Hence, $30 + $5 + $1 = $36.

1 decade ago

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No, its perfectly correct for you

You were at 30$ with 2 copies of The Ship ($25+ 20% ($5)). At that point your total was $40, but your counting value was $30. King Arthur Collection added $50 to total, but nothing to counting value as your maximum from bundles is already maxed out. Same with Mafia II.

Then you made a $5 non bundle giveaway, raising your non bundle value to 30$ + 20% ($6) to $36.

That means you still have $89 "blacklisted" Value from bundles

1 decade ago

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Might just be a bug, but did anyone else have a random CV drop? Mine just dropped from like 101 to 71.

1 decade ago

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Yep, my cv dropped from 140 to 131???

1 decade ago

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Probably your Trine Complete

1 decade ago

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When a game's price drops in Steam store your CV drops with it. Or what Khune said - Trine compete had some shenenigans due to Steam changing it's store page

1 decade ago

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Mhm the store price drop makes sense, though seems in this situation it's just a bug as Trine Complete is still 24.99

1 decade ago

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when did trine complete marked with asterisk ?

i created a giveaway 5 days ago (and back then i cheched and it had no asterisk) that ends in 2 days, will it be calculated as full value or not?

1 decade ago

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Trine Complete was in bundle.

1 decade ago

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It was not. But both games were in bundles, with the first one free on several occasions. When HIB 9 appeared with Trine 2 complete in it, the whole franchise was added to the bundle list to prevent possible exploits.

1 decade ago

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Good question. Does the CV go off the value of the day the GA was created, or off the value of the GA when it ended?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I can't understand how it works...

I've given this games:

Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition $29.99

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition $19.99

FTL: Faster Than Light $9.99

Worms Reloaded $19.99

A total of 79,96$, that gave me $30.00 value... I know that it has to be less because of the bundles but I can't get the formula...

Can anyone explain me how it works with my example, please?


1 decade ago

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It's been explained at least 10 times in this thread. Please go read it.

1 decade ago

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Long story short: the maximum amount of CV for Bundled game is 30$. Once you reach it, don't create giveaways of bundled game.

1 decade ago

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You can get more than $30 CV for bundled games but you have to give away non-bundled games too. Assuming it has not changed since the last time I looked, after the first $30 it was on a 4-to-1 ratio, so for every $4 of non-bundle games you give you can have $1 of bundled games count towards CV as normal value. Another way to think of it is that the value of your giveaways can be a maximum of 20% bundled games in order to get full CV credit for the bundled ones.

1 decade ago

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Thanks Nevermore and Shadowen.

MegaGiga, I've been reading everything, but as you can see, it's very confusing because everyone tells something different about it.

Nevermore told me that the most you can get is 30$ while giving bundle games, but Shadowen explained something slightly different.

Now I get it :)


1 decade ago

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Can I create a giveaway from humble bundle for 1 game? I have a gift key link I want to give away.

1 decade ago

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Of course you can.

1 decade ago

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I think the humble bundle weekly two tribes is missing from the list

1 decade ago

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I don't understand how it's work
I gave away -
Terraria - 10$
Magicka - 10$
Trine - 10$
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising - 20$
The Ship - 20$
Wargame: European Escalation - 20$
World of Goo - 10$
they all togther worth 100$
and i got value - 41.99$

1 decade ago

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Quoting MegaGiga from 5 days ago:

"It's been explained at least 10 times in this thread. Please go read it."

1 decade ago

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Magicka - bundled countless times (it was even avaiable for free)

Trine - bundled 3 times

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising - bundled in HB

The Ship - The game was avaiable for free for a loooong time

Wargame: European Escalation - Bundled in HB weekly

World of Goo - Bundled 2 times

So all the games mentioned by me above were in bundles, so they give you 25$ CV + 20% extra as a bonus. Terreria is the only game you gave away that was not in bundle, so it gives you 9.99CV + 20% bonus = 11.99$.


Seems to me system is working totally fine for you.

1 decade ago

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What happened with serious sam complete?

1 decade ago

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From BundleList:

Regional Pricing Exploit - Serious Sam Complete Pack

Serious Sam Complete Pack (Jul 17, 2013)

Long story short - if you buy it from Russian store or from hundreds of russian traders during 90% sale (and there's been plenty of those) it costs you 3.75$. 3.75$ for 95CV is 96% sale and all sales above 95% may be considered exploitable/abusable - hence get on bundle list.

1 decade ago

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I've got a great idea for a future change concerning the CV/bundling of games especially concerning very small regional pricing differences (note that a pricing error doesn't qualify for this):

When a game is to be bundled/asterisk'd under the current rules due to a regional price 'exploit' instead it becomes double asterisk'd.
Games with a double asterisk (**) can be given away at full CV once. Any further giveaways of them will only give bundled contributor value.

Please stop punishing everyone instead of a handful of fishy people. This double asterisk system punishes only those, that actually ABUSE the Russian pricing. Even if users buy a single copy at -96% instead of -95% off from a Russian trader and give that copy away here - then that is a great thing, not an abuse.

1 decade ago

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payday was in a bundle???

1 decade ago

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Has been explained already in the other thread you complained about your loss of $20 epeen.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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lol this so dame kindddđ

1 decade ago

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This is a good solution, but less giveaways.

1 decade ago

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less bundle giveaways

1 decade ago

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I'd suspect that 'less bundle GAs' = 'less GAs altogether too'

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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