Steam Web Integration






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7 years ago*

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Love the script, but it sucks I have to redo my configuration after each update. Why not save those settings within Tampermonkey?

5 years ago

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Yeah good idea. Perhaps you can make an issue on github.

5 years ago

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Sorry I haven't read all pages on here but on Fanatical page bundles games are showing as owned when they are not (example) Excalibur Games Indie Bundle all green ticked but I don't own 2 of them [Laser Disco Defenders] & [Hyper Sentinel]

5 years ago

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Try clearing storage of the userscript and make sure you are logged into steam on web with the right account.

5 years ago

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When you say clear storage of userscript can you explain that further? apologies if it's right in front of me

also forgot to mention which browser I am using

Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Shows I own this game when I don't

5 years ago*

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If you hover over the icons, you can see it is the appid of the first game. This happens because humble bundle only updates the link and description and not the underlying HTML elements. Therefore, my script doesn't detect any change and the link stays "already checked". I'm not sure if I can get around this.

5 years ago

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You mean Bundlestars/Fanatical yeah? and yeah all appid 524250

Thanks for replies

5 years ago

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Any idea why its not working recently ?

5 years ago

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What do you mean? It's working fine here

5 years ago

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I fixed it its working now.

5 years ago*

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After the version 1.8.0 (or 1.8.1?), the script consume so much CPU resource and time to load a page which has so many link. For example, using Endless Scrolling function of ESGST with Steam Web Integration, the PC will be lagging.

5 years ago

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another example:
you go there and you can see so many steam store link with bundles, and your PC will be lagging.

5 years ago

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Oh, I find the old version in greasyfork, 1.7.7, I have better experience for the ESGST steamgift case now.

5 years ago

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Script suddenly stopped working yesterday (May 27th 2019). Even a re-install doesn't help. It stopped checking links, no more symbols are shown. I think it has something to do with an ESGST update, but this is just my gut feeling.
I'm running version 1.8.6.

5 years ago

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It's working fine here! Maybe it's because you blacklisted me? ;)

5 years ago

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1.8.6 is working, but it consume so much resource to loading a page which has so many steam link, i suggest you try to use version 1.7.7

5 years ago

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I also use ESGST, but i use the script version.

5 years ago

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Steam Web Integration V1.8.7 released!
Now supports low confidence metric and had dedicated settings page

5 years ago

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Not working now

5 years ago

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Update to 1.8.8.
1.8.7 broke the script, no icons displayed.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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[37] const defaults = `{"prefix":false,"boxed":FALSE,......... - off black boxed

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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You go to here to change your settings!

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Those are indiegala store links.

4 years ago

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I was using Royalgamers old script .
I just updated to to 1.88 and no change.
Maybe the indiegala tables on reddit just don't work ,Fanatical tables work on reddit.

Maybe i'm confusing it with another script i have installed ,i'll have to check.

Anyway ,
I didn't realise you had taken over the upkeep of this script.
Thanks !

I presume it's a good idea to update to this new 1.88 version ?

4 years ago*

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Royalgamer06 is my old username.
The reason it is not working for that page, as @seNs666 already said, is because those are links to indiegala.
The script only works for links that contain the game's appid, usually steam store links (

4 years ago

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Oh cheers man ,thanks for the clarification ,didn't realise it was you ,nice to hear you're still around.
Sometimes it 's good to have a name change ,too many idiots on the internet these days causing problems
for ridiculous reasons .
All the best !
Thanks for your work .

4 years ago*

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Yeah, no problem. Too bad you still blacklist me, though.

4 years ago

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what #? ,sorry just noticed this.
No reason for ,me to do that ,lol.

It can only have been a mistake , i have done it before when clicking on the steam profile buttons .
My browser can load really slow sometimes due to my 3g connection. and if i click on things too soon i get a totally different result :)
Anyway ,fixed ,thanks for pointing it out.
I'm wondering now ,how many others i've done that to without realising :P

4 years ago

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Maybe there should be a confirmation after clicking it.

4 years ago

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Yeh , i think that's a good idea.

Same as the whitelist button ,they're all together in the same place.

It would also make people think before pressing that button :)

4 years ago*

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Version 1.9.0

  • Added a DLC icon (Closes #9)
  • DLC icon description will also show whether you own the base game or not
  • Default setting will now be loading for missing settings
  • "Game or DLC" in descriptions will now be either "Game" or "DLC" , provided the DLC icon is enabled
4 years ago

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I usually edit the colours for cards/ not interested etc e.g I edit these manually and I.m doing it wrong, there is an option to set colours by user:lol. as obviously after each update those I set reverted to what you set.

4 years ago*

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You go to here to change your settings! It shouldn't be reset after an update.

4 years ago

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I'm saying I used to manually edit your script(each time you updated script it overwrote the edits) not realising there was an easier way in the settings (i didn't realise there was setting for it or rather forgot it got an update to have settings))

4 years ago

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the update ruin the layout(right side)

4 years ago

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That's because I detected images now too. Maybe I should make those optional.

4 years ago

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I'm not sure what happened, but this script runs slow as molasses in the giveaways section of Steamgifts now. It takes well over a minute to load the icons on each page of giveaways. In the discussions (aka bundle threads) and on other sites it's working perfectly, though.

Seems like it just started with this latest update. I removed the old version entirely before installing the new one, and I run a very barebones ESGST (discussion settings mostly), and even removing ESGST doesn't fix the issue.

EDIT: Is there any way to simply disable it from accessing the giveaways pages, as I use it primarily for the bundle threads and off-site anyway?

4 years ago

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Good idea. I will make a site blacklist setting. Next update is also gonna focus on performance.

4 years ago

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Thanks for considering my idea and I look forward to the update.
Thanks for such a great script as well.

4 years ago

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Please disregard the performance issue. I spent some time and narrowed it down to an old giveaway filter script I had installed and didn't realize it (thought it was part of ESGST). I removed that script and the performance of your script is fine again.


4 years ago

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I saw it become slow after the "low confidence metric" was added... Disabled that checkbox and it's fast again. YMMV :)

4 years ago

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It was an older script I had installed causing some sort of conflict. Removing it fixed the issue.

4 years ago

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Try the new version (1.9.1)

4 years ago

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Yep, it's working great now, thank you!
I also like the option to include/exclude image links as well.

4 years ago

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Added attributes option (toggle images/links)

I added that option, check it out: here

4 years ago

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Yeah, sorry, I wasn't as clear as I could have been.
I meant to say I really like that you've added that option. :)

4 years ago

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Right, sorry, I read it as I would...

4 years ago

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No worries, and thank you again.

I've replaced RaChart Enhancer with your script because it's useful on so many other sites, and tell others about it as often as I get the chance. Your updates are certainly appreciated.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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I've ran this for months and had all the icon options set to false so it only showed a red X or a green checkmark if I owned the game or not. If I set the DLC option to false, it turns off the red X/green check. Is there a way to set it to only have that again or am I required to have the DLC set to true?

4 years ago

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This must be a bug. I'll look into it.

4 years ago

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This will be fixed in the next version. In the meanwhile, if you want to fix it yourself, change this line:
if (dlc[appID]) {
to this:
if (dlc && dlc[appID]) {

4 years ago

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Version 1.9.1

  • Optimized and refactored code
  • Added attributes option (toggle images/links)
  • Added stylesheet
  • Bugfixes
4 years ago

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Update broke it for me:

Syntax error @ "Steam Web Integration"!
JSHINT output:

ja@eval line 1 > Function:64:82
create@eval line 1 > Function:75:419
e@eval line 1 > Function:16:354
run@eval line 1 > Function:16:468
anonymous/<@eval line 1 > Function:77:221
anonymous/<@eval line 1 > Function:77:194
anonymous/<@eval line 1 > Function:77:231
TM_back@eval line 1 > Function:78:3
anonymous@eval line 1 > Function:78:10

4 years ago

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That error is not very informative. Maybe try to reinstall the script?

4 years ago

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Sorry, the copy left out another error which was suppose to be there too:
SyntaxError: invalid regexp group

The trace for it doesn't give much useful info, but I tracked it down to this line:
const appID = parseInt(attrVal.match(/(?<=apps?\/)[0-9]+/g)[0], 10);

I tried reinstalling, but it made no difference.

4 years ago

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Seems regex lookbehinds are not supported by firefox yet. I guess I'll have to find another solution. Thanks for reporting.

4 years ago

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Thanks, sorry for forgetting to mention the browser I use. It's indeed Firefox.

4 years ago

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Fixed with V1.9.2

4 years ago

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Working now!

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Version 1.9.2

  • Fixed RegEx crash for FireFox users
4 years ago

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Version 1.9.3

  • Made loading steam userdata more robust
4 years ago

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Didn't expect that from you revad.

4 years ago

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how so?

4 years ago

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So, I am using the script for a while now and I changed some stuff myself, like some of the icons and such but I can't figure out how to get rid of the icon for unowned games, I don't want to see it on every game I don't own, could you either tell me how to remove it, else maybe add an option to not see it like you have with the cards and such!?
Besides that I also have the problem that since the newest update (I never update because it ruins my changes) I see the icon behind every name + every picture for the giveaway, is there a way to change that so I only see it at the old place, so besides the name? Now I see it double and that's annoying.

4 years ago*

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The original script was meant just for game ownership indication. From there a lot of bells and whistles got added and these have been optional.
If you dont want to detect images, just change your settings to only check "href" attributes.

4 years ago

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Thanks, I changed it and now it works only on links again!

Guess I can't easily change it so it doesn't show unowned games? I don't know much about coding, I did notice if I delete the picture out of the script, or delete the unownedColor + unownedIcon from the list, the whole script stops working haha so that was a bad idea.

Thanks again for the script though, am very happy with it, Steamgifts (and outside of it) is so much easier to use with this!

4 years ago

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How to do this?
And the is so lag and slow when I turn both endless scrolling(ESGST) and this script on.
Browsing a long game list on encounter the same situation too.
Is it normal? Any fix?
Also, thanks for making this fantastic script!!! πŸ˜ΊπŸ‘πŸ½

[EDIT] Sorry, I just saw the settings right now. It's strange the settings doesn's show up on some websites. πŸ€”

4 years ago*

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There is only 1 page for settings: here

4 years ago

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When running version 1.9.4 - when I now go to the settings page all that is displayed is the message : "Steam Web Integration not installed! Please make sure it is installed correctly and enabled, then refresh the page." This message persists through clearing, tamper monkey factory resets for the script, and deleting an reinstalling.

Is there something I'm missing or is this perhaps a recently introduced feature? 😁

4 years ago*

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Looks like a feature.

4 years ago

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OK - thanks for confirming it wasn't just me. I'll toss it over on GitHub as something to investigate as a potential problem.

4 years ago

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Revadike saw the bug submission on GitHub and has released 1.9.5 in response.

This issue seems to have been corrected, 😁

4 years ago

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Yup should be all good now. My domain name had changed. The script was still checking for the old domain name.

4 years ago

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Hi, is there a way to add a function if the game has achievements or not? Thanks.

4 years ago

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