The winning quote will be decided by the amount of comments added to their quote thread.

Plus I'll make sure winner is cool with Game chosen. I'm willing to put up 60 bones to the game agreed upon.

Please +1 to quote you like. The people vote.

Any questions they will be answered.

and why? I'm a writer and I like like fun. Why Dec 29th? because I will have Lots of games to gift then plus it gives time for people to vote.

Let the fun commence.

Edit: oh and to be fair I'll say who won and people get to vote on that too . . or not. What ever's fair.

winner has been chosen by a landslide and sonic generations was the game. Too

Edit. yet again. Oh and everyone wins for I'll do a private giveaway to winner and in case of a tie the same! Win.

  Note on EDit: the choosing of the game might be hard here but we'll see how it goes lots of time to think on it.

Edit edit: you guys rock, fyi a reply = vote not new submission b/c. . . why not.

Edit to edit: Also Heads up to winner I now have an important event that week now so I'll be out in the wilderness for like a week but will be back on the 5th. Might put in a third place winner too. . . something like fun, as long as people learn how to find how to unlock 2nd place. You guys are awesome.

1 decade ago*

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Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years. Author Unknown

1 decade ago

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I made this for my graduation quote:

In the morals of music, don't be sharp or flat; just be your natural self.

1 decade ago

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If life is short...

Does that mean death is tall...?

1 decade ago

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Statistics Canada is hiring mathematicians. Three recent graduates are invited for an interview: one has a degree in pure mathematics, another one in applied math, and the third one obtained his B.Sc. in statistics.

All three are asked the same question: "What is one third plus two thirds?"

The pure mathematician: "It's one."

The applied mathematician takes out his pocket calculator, punches in the numbers, and replies: "It's 0.999999999."

The statistician: "What do you want it to be?"

1 decade ago

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If I don't survive, tell my wife, .... "Hello".

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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One from 3 of my favorite things in the world.

"Dr. Horrible: And sometimes there's a third, even deeper level, and that one is the same as the top surface one. Like with pie."
Okay, fine, Dr. Horrible gets another quote, this one by random bystanders "We do the weird stuff!"

"Alliance Commander: "Seems odd you'd name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of."
Mal: "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one." "

This one's getting a few extras too actually.. You know what, screw what I said about one from three of my favorite things.
This won't do actually, otherwise I'd have at least 20 quotes from Firefly alone, go watch Firefly. Just remember, Start with Serenity, that's the first one, and the last one is Serenity. Make sure you remember that. I guess I'll try to show only a 'few' quotes from Firefly.

"Mal: "Cut her down."
Villager: "The girl is a witch."
Mal: "Yeah, but she's our witch-" (cocks gun, points it at him) "-so cut her the hell down.""

"Book: "If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." " (One of my two favorite from Book, the other one is about rosemary.)

"River: "Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logistics - doesn't make sense." (she's marked up the bible, crossed out passages)" (So true.)

"Zoe: "Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?
Book: "Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.""

I am very bad at this limiting of quotes thing...

"Jayne: (wearing {The most awesome} homemade hat) "How's it sit? Pretty cunning, don'tchya think?"
Wash: "A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything.""

"Mal: "But she does have an oddness to her. And I ain't just talking about her proficiency with firearms. Girl knows things. Things she shouldn't. Things she couldn't."
Jayne: "Wha-...are you-are you sayin' she's a witch?"
Wash: (sarcastically) "Yes, Jayne. She's a witch. She has had congress with the beast."
Jayne: "She's in Congress?"
Wash: (amazed) "How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious."" (I like how they still have Congress in the future...)

"Zoe: "Sir, I don't disagree on any particular point. It's a time of war, we would've never left a man stranded."
Mal: "Maybe that's why we lost."" (Not funny at all, but it shows you how Mal has changed since the earlier episodes.)

I know I said from three things, but I'll skip the Civ Tech Quotes, otherwise I'll go completely overboard with these things. But yeah, go watch Dr. Horrible and Firefly.

1 decade ago

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"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car."

1 decade ago

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+1 "Vrooom vroom!"

1 decade ago

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"Don't knock masturbation- it's sex with someone I love" -Woody Allen

1 decade ago

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"Is it just me, or is it unfair that any quote that ends up appearing after page 1 of this post gets neglected?"

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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That was awesome. I plus 1 this reply.

1 decade ago

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"Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll probably end up working for one." - Bill Gates

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Quagmire: Hey there, Gorgeous, how old are you?
Connie: Sixteen.
Quagmire: Eighteen?
Connie: Mom!
Quagmire: I Like where this is goin’!
-Family Guy

1 decade ago

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"A brazilian guy playing MMORPGs:
Hi, I am brazilia--
You are disconnected from the server
tries to log in again

You are banned from the server"

1 decade ago

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"That's not what the Empire would have done, Commander. What the Empire would have done was build a super-colossal Yuuzhan Vong -- killing battle machine. They would have called it the Nova Colossus or the Galaxy Destructor or the Nostril of Palpatine or something equally grandiose. They would have spent billions of credits, employed thousands of contractors and subcontractors, and equipped it with the latest in death-dealing technology. And you know what would have happened? It wouldn't have worked. They'd forget to bolt down a metal plate over an access hatch leading to the main reactors, or some other mistake, and a hotshot enemy pilot would drop a bomb down there and blow the whole thing up. Now that's what the Empire would have done." - Han Solo

"This all reminds me of that remark by Eric Schmit of Google. "If you have something you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place." Yeah, because only BAD people have something to hide. On the other hand, maybe you just don't WANT people to know you get off on Ranma erotica. Or you're like me, searching for information on chemical weapon delivery systems, the politics of Eastern Europe and the history of rocketry in the same week and don't feel like explaining to people that this is all related to your job as an internet comedian." - sfdebris

1 decade ago

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"Do a Barrel Roll!"

1 decade ago

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"Who's General Failure & why is he reading my disk?"

"Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."

"The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it."

"Most people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them."

"All people have the right to stupidity but some abuse the privilege."

I'd post more for more chances, but thanks for holding this~ Hopefully someone finds these as amusing. :3 or laughably true....

1 decade ago

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In the morals of music, don't be sharp or flat; just be your natural self.

1 decade ago

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"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by a horrible cunt... me."

"You're on thin fucking ice my pedigree chums, and I shall be under it when it breaks. Now, fuck off."

-Brick Top

1 decade ago

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"Your face, your ass, whats the difference?"

  • D. Nukem
1 decade ago

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"Remember - no Russian"

1 decade ago

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"They say you think morals are pictures on walls and scruples is money in Russia." -Sabrina

"Always remember you're unique... just like everyone else."

"Good judgment comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes of bad judgment."

1 decade ago

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"Gentlemen" ! - Spy

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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And I came in here thinking there would be for 'original' quotes. *sigh

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by schalart.