It's here

  • Botanicula
  • Machinarium
  • Samorost 2

Above average

  • Kooky (movie)
  • Windosill

"Pay $5 or more and you’ll get a Steam key in addition to DRM-free direct downloads."

1 decade ago*

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First Humble I'm skipping. $5 for Steam keys? $8 average? Um, no

1 decade ago

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WTF is... Botanicula
Is actually looking good :O

1 decade ago

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Huh, it indeed does look great. But I'll rather wait for that sale.

1 decade ago

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"Pay $5 or more and you’ll get a Steam key"

1 decade ago

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I PAID $4.99. WTF

1 decade ago

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Yeah man. Sparing $5 for three products + service while adding up with the donations for a non-profit organization is surely an outrage of the largest caliber, specially when their main focus on this is to keep idiots away from downright taking a large sum of their key stock.

How dare those greedy thieves! They should be more like the all-mighty Activision, and charge $60 for one shitty product plus charge extra for anything on top. Those are the real heroes we clearly deserve.

1 decade ago

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Awesome bundle <3<3<3
Wanted Botanicula ever since I saw it on that gog stream and Samorost 2 is a huge plus!
Want want want!!

1 decade ago

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+1 :D

1 decade ago

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I guess people forgot that indie bundles are all about helping charity and devs and not just a cool thing that gives you more steam icons for a minimum price. People are freaking out about steam keys being $5? FFS, it's still 50% cheaper than the pre-order. And after all, if you care about playing a game, get a DRM-free copy for < than $5.

1 decade ago

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KOOOOOOOOKY!!! I was looking for that movie a while ago. Couldn't find it. Great bundle!!

1 decade ago

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If you get this "bundle" be sure to send 100% of the money to charity, I'm sure they'll get the message...

1 decade ago

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+1 ...same idea !

1 decade ago

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+1 Did 4.99 all to charity!

1 decade ago

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Pay what you want for Botanicula and save the rainforest.

Fuck that.

You can save the rainforest better by using tree-less paper.

Plus I'm against the whole "you can't actually pay what you want to get Steam copies but instead have to pay what we want you to pay even though this is supposed to be pay what you want" thing.

1 decade ago

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And again: This is a pay what you want bundle. You can get the games for as little as $0.01.
You just don't get Steam keys in that case. How is that not 'pay what you want' ??

1 decade ago

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Because I WANT Steam keys, but they're not letting me pay what I want for them.

1 decade ago

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The bastards. How dare they.
It's a pay-what-you-want thing, not a get-what-you-want.

1 decade ago

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People are actually complaining about not getting DRM with their $0.01 purchase. It's just unbelievable.

1 decade ago

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But no, actually my main complaint was the save the rainforest shtick.

1 decade ago

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Sure it was.

1 decade ago

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I can't believe that like 90% of the persons in this thread seem to think that 5$ (for Steam keys mind you, you can still get the games DRM-free if you pay less) is overpriced for three games, including a game that was released TODAY with a retail price of 10$. I know that the other two were in other bundles, but come on, that's still 50% off the retail price even if you buy it just for Botanicula!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You have to understand, bundles make these games worthless. Those games, for now, are worth 1-2$ each. Thats why as a developer, NEVER go into indie bundles. In my opinion, it just damages the reputation.

1 decade ago

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Nope, since the Steam keys are at $5 this time I doubt people are gonna be selling the keys for $1-$2 any time soon.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I love how people are all like "$5 for Steam keys! I thought this was pay what you want!" when of course they can still get it for 1 cent, just not the Steam keys, those are bonuses, like the pay above the average games are bonuses and they are over $8 at the moment but I don't hear people going "Pay over the average for bonuses!? I thought this was pay what you want!".

1 decade ago

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I remember so many other bundle threads where people would proclaim, 'wow this is the worst bundle yet, way worse than humble bundle's offerings'

Well now its my turn to exclaim a mighty 'meh'

This is the weakest bundle yet in my opinion. None of the games interest me, and I'm definitely passing. I'm open to someone explaining why these games might be worth a play, but I just don't see it

1 decade ago

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Man the average is high, I guess due to it being $5 for Steam keys this time. Well I already have Machinarium and Samorost 2 (previous Humble Bundles of course) so that only leaves Botanicula and the above average bonuses. Well the average was around $8.70 - $8.80, I went and paid $10.

Also people complaining about $5 for Steam keys, just wait until HumbleBrony and Notch start donating and watch the average then.

EDIT: Note to self, donate a bit more to HumbleBrony.

1 decade ago

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And they've already made more money than Be Mine 2. Will no doubt beat Indie Gala 3 soon.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for info :)

1 decade ago

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Lame, 1 new game for paying the minimum + 2 games from previous bundles, and 1 new game and a movie for beating the average. If it wasn't priced so high I still might buy it, but honestly point&click games aren't really my thing anyway. This may be the first HIB that I pass on.

1 decade ago

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for me this is 2 new games and a movie (i got samarost 2 and machinarium through hib1 and hib2), and without an opportunity to donate to eff. still bought it with most of my money going to the charity though. hopefully they'll find something to add onto it that i like even more than what's already in there.

1 decade ago

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Botanicula has 52 YES FIFTY TWO achievements.

1 decade ago

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I'm reading all those complaints and only one thing comes to my mind:

1 decade ago

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Meh, I don't really want any of the games anyway. Not even as steam-library stuffers; what's the point in owning gmaes I'll never play?

When they were $1 minimum I bought copies for two friends of mine who don't have any debit/credit accounts due to...economic reasons I'm not really at liberty to discuss for them. But as much as I love my friends, I can't afford to drop $10 (or $15 for the inflated beat-the-average price) every time an indie bundle comes out, especially now that they seem to come out every week.

Guess I'm joining the "only numbered humble bundles" bandwagon.

Edit: Just keep in mind that a price raise changes what these bundles compete against. When it's suddenly $5 minimum for Steam copies and $8 total, it has to compete with all the other things I can get on Steam for $5, including somewhat dated (but still great) AAA titles I never got around to. I got Borderlands for $5, for christ's sake - and I feel like if I'm gonna spend that much money on said friends as well as myself, I have to ask myself what else I could buy for that much money that might be equally fun or even more fun. For slightly more than this bundle costs, I could buy the entire Mount & Blade series.

1 decade ago

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Warning! Please note that orders under $5.00 are not eligible to redeem Steam keys. If you are planning on adding your Humble Bundle games to your Steam library, please increase your order amount.

DAFUQ?? ...

a short explanation fromHiB's staff :

// it's unlikely that we'll keep the same 5$ minimum in future bundles
it's a special case here since this game was released today, and it just wouldn't be financially viable for the developers if we didn't impose a minimum

1 decade ago

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This explanation seems to me like a very great thing indeed. If this is true and they stand for it, this could mean that a) the 5$ minimum is not going to be regular (I'm only complaining of that because it really inflates the average price, but it's still a good deal for me) and b) we might get some newer titles in future bundles too, although probably with this minimum for Steam keys.

Another thought for people who are baffled by this 5$ or no Steam thingy; the first HIB did not even include Steam games. It was only DRM free versions, as DRM is something they and the charities (EFF, remember?) did not support. Still, they made over a million with it, and it was way after the bundle ended when the buyers got some keys for their games on Steam, as an unexpected bonus. I, for the life of me, can't understand why so many people only see the Steam keys in these bundles lately. A game is as good a game on a platform, as it is DRM free.

1 decade ago

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can't understand why so many people only see the Steam keys in these bundles lately. A game is as good a game on a platform, as it is DRM free.

I (personally) collect them! And Steam is a perfect place for that , instead of flapping random .exe's all over my pc and eventually gets lost.

1 decade ago

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As a collector, I'd really prefer to have hard copies of all of my games. But some games are digital-only, and I'm a little poor at the moment, so cheap Steam sales are the way to go. Steam's a good way to keep a collection going and keeping it organized within the digital realm. I still have a few GoG and Telltale games here and there, but I try to keep the number of locations I download from to a minimum. It's harder to gather it all together and keep track of it all when you've got a bajillion files all over from two bajillion sites to catalog.

1 decade ago

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Really I think part of the think behind Steam keys is that it allows auto-updating of the games, with the DRM free versions if they update it you have to manually go and re-download it, assuming you even know there's an update, and assuming the updated version is even available through Humble Bundle (eg. the Christmas update for Binding of Isaac isn't available if you play the DRM free version).

However I suspect this is only a minor part of the reasoning and that most people don't think of this when they think about wanting Steam keys.

1 decade ago

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I don't see why they just didn't make it Beat The Average instead of a dirtcheap $3 game ($1 on sale).

1 decade ago

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Not a special case, it's called an EXPERIMENTATION...

1 decade ago

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Maybe this sounds a little paranoid, maybe I've spent too much time dealing with companies that hate their customers, but the fact that they say it's "unlikely" instead of a definitive statement makes me think that maybe they're just testing the waters to see if they can get away with it in the future and/or to see how much additional revenue it brings.

1 decade ago

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Why a bundle for a just released game? And I already have 3 of those games. I hate when I have a game and they put it again in a bundle.

1 decade ago

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For those who don't want to see the film, but are only looking for windosill : pay $5 for the bundle, and get windosill directly through steam.

1 decade ago

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Already have Machinarium and Samorost 2, I will pass on this, not willing to pay 5$ for one game.

By the way, these games are coming from Czech Republic, I feel proud now. :D

1 decade ago

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Steam keys are now $5...? Well, for a normal bundle with games I don't already own/been in older bundles that might be fair but this one is just... meh. :(

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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then you should exclude that 1 game, not all of them for the $1 minimum keys

1 decade ago

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Simply make it beat the average, problem solved. Now you beat the average (+$4) to get a game that cost $3 or $1 on sale.

1 decade ago

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$3 or $1 on sale? What? Botanicula is $10 on GOG.

1 decade ago

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I remember bying Hib2, receiving extra Hib1 keys. I remember bying Hib3, receiving extra Hib2 keys. Just to say thanks to participate in the incredible kewl format they invented. NOW they are screwing their own format.... (games already in previous bundles + 5$ dollar minimum for steam keys????????!!!! + an insane $ 8,72 bta) I'll guess the format just died RIP HIB

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Jeps, but I'm not THAT cheap ;-). And if not on steam I will never play it, and second not really my cup of tea. Also notice the sales going up way slower then the previous bundles. Would they make the 400k mark?

1 decade ago

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That beat the average price is something VERY similar to the overall average people paid for the very firs Humble Bundle. You know, the one that didn't even promise such things as a Steam key (it was a bonus added later).

Granted, I liked it better when I could nab these for 4 or 6 bucks, but 8-9$ is way far from being "insane" for me.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bluex.