Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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White Eye (2019)

Israeli short drama film. Someone on Twitter sent me google drive links to some of the Oscar nominated shorts I'm still missing. So I guess The Present wasn't my last one. So... this is the last one from the Best Live Action Short Film category and I they're all fantastic. I can't choose. This one is great. It could win. But so could ever other nominee in this category. I highly recommend you watch this if you can find it. If you can't, I can send you the google drive link.

3 years ago

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Opera (2020)

Korean-American animated short film. This one is so unique, I truly have never seen anything like it before. It's delicate, complicated (in the best sense of the word) and just really fascinating. Highly recommended!

3 years ago

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Seven Psychopaths (2012)

British dark comedy crime film. Such an entertaining movie. Very good story, great cast. If you liked In Bruges this one feels similar. So pretty sure you'd like this one, too. So if you're in the mood for a good dark comedy I can definitely recommend this.

3 years ago

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Hunger Ward (2020)

American documentary film. This is a really difficult watch. The film deals with the ongoing famine in Yemen and the efforts of two hospitals to combat the resultant child malnutrition. There are seriously malnutritioned children, dying kids, some already dead. I can't recommend it. It's painful to watch. It's heartbreaking. But if you're watching this, it'll probably be your first confrontation with all of what's going on in Yemen at the moment.

3 years ago

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The Man Who Sold His Skin (2020)

Tunisian satirical drama film. Really good movie! That ending! Great cinematography, fascinating story, very good performances. Might actually be one of my favourite movies from last year. It's also the one I think has the most potential to get a Hollywood adaption. Not that I would like that (or even watch it), but it just feels that way. Oscar-nominated with a great story, but still a bit underappreciated. Falls right into that "potential Hollywood remake" category. I can definitely highly recommend this movie!

And with that I've watched all of this year's nominated movies. Now we'll just have to wait till sunday (or monday morning for me here in Germany.)

3 years ago

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The Babysitter Killer Queen (sequel to the babysitter). Not to high brow which was fine. I was looking for a easy to digest movie to put on during work.

3 years ago

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The Legend of Hell House (1973)

British supernatural horror film. Surprisingly creepy, partly because of a very good cast surrounding the legendary Roddy McDowall, partly because of convincing practical effects, a great soundtrack and much more. Overall a great eerie atmosphere, which makes this movie scarier than a lot of jumpscare-fests that come out these days. The ending isn't as good as the rest of the movie, but overall it's still much better than I expected.

3 years ago

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Dredd (2012)

A documentary on American crime and the excessive lengths the American Justice System will go through to bring criminals to justice in a post-apoc setting. It is so much better than that Stallone movie in every way.

3 years ago

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True! Karl Urban just plays that role so well, making Stallone's Judge Dredd look campy as fuck.

3 years ago

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Mortal Kombat - 7/10

3 years ago

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The Tall Guy (1989)

British romantic comedy film. Great cast (Jeff Goldblum, Emma Thompson, Rowan Atkinson), good comedy, but overall kind of forgettable. If you wanna shut off your brain for a 90 minutes and still enjoy what you're watching, this is the movie for you. So overall I'd say it is worth watching, but don't expect a masterpiece.

3 years ago

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Mortal Kombat (2021)

Aside from Kano's hilarious lines, pretty forgettable movie. Felt more like a prologue to an actual MK movie.


3 years ago

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Bright (2017)

American urban fantasy action film. Rewatch. Still pretty good and entertaining.

3 years ago

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Are we talking in theaters or just any movie that's new to us? I'm gonna assume COVID nullifies the theater qualifier regardless so for me it's...

Nobody (2021)
I'm a bit biased... okay a LOT biased because I am a massive Bob Odenkirk fan. I've been following his career for around 20 years now; I made everyone I knew watch his sketch comedy show "Mr. Show" which aired on HBO in the mid-90's, I kept an eye on the shows he was helping to create for Adult Swim on Cartoon Network even if they weren't my cup of tea, I just wanted to see his appearances. He made a few movies as director but none of them ever really got beyond cult status as far as success goes, although it blows my mind that my straigh-laced uncle's favorite movie is Let's Go To Prison and that's one of his. But when he made his first appearance on Breaking Bad I went absolutely apeshit! Me and my brother both, who had gotten me in to watching BB after midway through the first season. Mr. Odenkirk comes in halfway through season 2 more or less. And then after that he started getting the respect he had always deserved, he started getting better roles as an actor and was phenomenal in Season One of Fargo on FX. And I absolutely loved him and how great he was in BB. And then Better Caul Saul gets announced and I thought it was a joke and maybe it even was at one point but again, mind blown. And then when it came out and it arguably surpassed Breaking Bad... I don't know why I'm still surprised at all that anything this man does he does incredibly well.
This is another project that casts him as a character who is unlike any other he's ever played and he pulls it off to perfection.
Anyway I will post a brief wiki synopsis at the bottom cuz I'm tired from typing all that and need to lay down and dream about my man crush not really I'm going to far but basically this is a lot like John Wick, a retired badass wanted to have a normal life and family until the assholes of the world leave him with no alternative other than to give them the good fucking them up that they deserve. Unlike Wick where John W seems to dodge every bullet and punch, Bob's character in Nobody takes an equal or greater beating from a lot of the people he fights but the thing that makes him a badass is that he never stays down, he keeps getting back up until he wins no matter how much pain is inflicted on him. In fact he makes choices that result in him getting hurt when he could easily have ended things in much less sporting ways, and he doesn't stop until the people in his way hurt way more than they've hurt him.

From google or wikipedia...
Hutch Mansell fails to defend himself or his family when two thieves break into his suburban home one night. The aftermath of the incident soon strikes a match to his long-simmering rage. In a barrage of fists, gunfire and squealing tires, Hutch must now save his wife and son from a dangerous adversary -- and ensure that he will never be underestimated again."

It's a fun movie, it's a guy movie but hey I don't care I'll take Big Trouble in Little China over Chinatown nine times out of ten,.


3 years ago

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The Devil's Advocate (1997)

American supernatural horror thriller film. Starts out as a law thriller. Almost an hour into the movie there are the first hints that this is a horror movie. And over the runtime of the movie it comes together as a truly great mix of genres. Everyone involved delivering amazing performances really helps it, too. The ending is great. The actual ending is, too. And the real ending as well. Overall just a great movie!

3 years ago

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Mortal Kombat 2021

Meh. Not a bad action movie but not exactally a good one either. Effects were not bad but still not as good as they could have been and you can TELL the fights were choreographed.

4/10 from me. And that's being generous.

3 years ago

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Without a Clue (1988)

British comedy film. Great cast (Sir Michael Caine as Sherlock Holmes and Sir Ben Kingsley as Dr. Watson). They play very well off each other. "It is based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's characters from the Sherlock Holmes stories but in this version Sherlock Holmes is an actor hired by Doctor Watson to play the part of the brilliant detective, so that Watson can maintain his reputation as a doctor." Very fun and entertaining movie. Recommended!

3 years ago

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La llorona (2019)

Guatemalan horror film. It's a slow burner, but unless you're really impatient that's not a bad thing. The second half is a bit faster paced than the first one, but still not super fast. Still slow and not that scary, but has a nice, eerie atmosphere throughout the whole movie.

3 years ago

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Sightseers (2012)

British dark comedy film. A couple goes on a trip and kills people randomly. That's pretty much it. The story is interesting. Good cast. Most of it isn't really funny, though. So... can't recommend. I really thought with Edgar Wright as an Executive Producer this movie would be better.

3 years ago

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My Dinner with Andre (1981)

American comedy-drama film. Some of you might've read some of my older reviews and know how much I love single-location movies. Everything in this movie pretty much happens at a table in a restaurant. It's just so fascinating, but I can't put my finger on why. It's almost two hours long and it's just two guys talking to each other, so it might not be for everyone, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's just great for what it is! Honestly I wished this was longer.

3 years ago*

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Waterloo (1970)

Soviet-italian epic period war film. Around 20000 extras. It's just phenomenal seeing so many people on such a breathtaking scale. Especially in the last half hour you begin to comprehend how many people there are in the movie you're watching. When maybe a thousand soldiers on horses advance towards the enemy and the camera zooms out and you see 10, 15 formations of soldiers, each at least a hundred, maybe 200 people strong. Everybody is real, they obviously got no CGI to work with. And seeing a few thousand soldiers in one scene doesn't even stand out in this movie. It's the dream of everyone who loves real time strategy games. How do you even begin, as a director, to coordinate all those extras? Filming this must've been chaos. If you only heard about Napoleon and the Battle of Waterloo from school, you seriously gotta watch the movie. It's very historically accurate and with stunning battle scenes and a great cast delivering great performances (Orson Welles as Louis XVIII, Christopher Plummer as the Duke of Wellington and Rod Steiger masterfully as Napoleon himself) you really can't miss this one (even though it was kind of a failure when it was released). Oh, and if all that didn't convince you yet, this is the movie that inspired Peter Jackson to make Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit movies. (You know, huge battle scenes. Albeit with a lot more CGI in Peter Jackson's work.) Overall this is a great movie and it remains the movie with the highest number of costumed extras in any film. Probably won't ever change. I mean who's using 20 thousand extras these days?

3 years ago

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My Name Is Bruce (2007)

American comedy horror film. Hilarious! And so meta. If you're a fan of Bruce Campbell's movies, you'll definitely appreciate this one. Full of references to everything Bruce Campbell. In return that means if you don't know Bruce Campbell or aren't a fan, you probably won't like this, since 75% of the movie is gonna go over your head.

3 years ago

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I don't know if you know about this but seeing all your reviews, maybe is a site for you. It's a neat way to log watched films and rate and review them for others to see.

3 years ago

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Yeah, I know about letterboxd, but I wouldn't know where to start. Too lazy to log the 1400+ movies I've watched since the beginning of 2018, never mind the countless ones before where I don't even remember if I watched half of them.
But thanks for your reply.

3 years ago

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Fair enough, I get that :)

3 years ago

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Batman Assault on Arkham.

You know, it was actually really good. Should have been a Suicide Squad title, though but it still works.


3 years ago

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Der Goldene Handschuh (2019)

German-French horror drama film. Watched this one yesterday. It's based on real events about a german serial killer in 1970's Hamburg. Pretty heavy film; I mean it's about a repulsive heavy alcoholic psychopath who sits in this dirty little pub called Der Goldene Handschuh (aka The Golden Glove) all the time and drinks and drinks and drinks and sometimes he takes old drunkard women up to his apartment where he rapes and afterwards kills them, dismembers them and hides the bodyparts behind his wall. That said, the performances are great, especially the one by the lead actor who was 22 when they shot this movie (keep in mind, the real guy was around 40 during the events depicted). The movie looks as gritty as it has to be, the locations (mostly the pub that still stands to this day and has barely changed since then) and the guy's apartment were recreated pretty perfectly (as you can see during the end credits when they show the real deal). One word that comes to mind when you watch the movie is "filth" and it gets stuck in your brain during the whole duration of it. So yeah, overall this was a great movie. Definitely one of the best german movies of recent years, albeit (like you might've guessed by now) not for everyone.

3 years ago*

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The King - 7/10

3 years ago

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The Man in the White Suit (1951)

British satirical science fiction comedy film. Very entertaining movie with a great Alec Guinness in the lead. Here's a review from imdb user cogs who was able to put my thougths into words better than I could.

""Man in the White Suit" is perhaps, along with "Kind Hearts and Coronets," the pinnacle of the Ealing film. It's a very sophisticated and subtle comedy/farce that takes a dig at a number of the cultural institutions that characterise northern England. It's not so much a satire directed at capitalism but an opprobrium of the suspicious relationship between capital and labour and the broader unworkable relationship of commercial achievement with scientific progress. The success of the film resides in the subtlety with which these issues are explored and the even-handedness by which they are dealt with. At a more basic level the film is an excellent example of a farce as the frustration, misinterpretation and exaggerated comedy are delivered with a breath-taking pace. Very well written, even better direction and uniformly spot-on performances make this one of the great British films of the 1950s."

Definitely a movie I can recommend.

3 years ago

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