Part I is here and covers off-topic subjects. I really should have kept that thread, which is more lighthearted, for my Cake Day, but it's too late for this now. So here's Part II. Most of the polls listed here are about SteamGifts, with a few exceptions that are not totally off topic. I'll sandwich the more controversial polls between less offensive ones to make things easier to consume ;-)

  • 57% don't know what Steam Desktop Authenticator is, and the majority of them (80%) do sell Steam Trading cards. Are you guys actually using your phones to approve market transactions, or are you waiting 2 weeks?
  • 68% of people have no issue idling a game that they won for cards, even if it's an expensive AAA game. 15% use Idle Master blacklist feature to avoid this, and a similar number never heard of Idle Master (which was later discontinued anyway).
  • 70% of people still activate bad games for the cards. Only 13% would give such keys away.
  • 47% of people tend to keep keys for meaningful giveaways, most of those who do this (72%) had a least one key/gift become ungiftable before they got to creating the GA.
  • 19% paid between $5 to $10 at least once for a single game to give on this site. 15% never bought a game specifically for a giveaway and only give leftover keys.

Ok, enough with the pleasantries...

  • 58% of users check if they pass the rules of SGTools giveaways of games they're not interested in, and then don't enter the GA. Which is normally perfectly acceptable, but isn't a good idea in this thread (I thought the text in bold is hard to miss, turns out I was wrong).
  • When faced with a winner who has 20 wins, 0 comments (i.e. a winner who never, not once, bothered to thank any GA creator), 29% of people would blacklist the winner, but more than twice as many users just move on
  • 73% think that a "polite & grateful user who never broke the rules but has a private profile and 30 times more wins than gibs" should not be blacklisted or whitelisted (at least not for these "achievements").
  • 59% never blacklisted anyone or were blacklisted for writing "Thanks" (or something similar) on a giveaway. Or at least that's what they think about not being blacklisted, because 13% actually do blacklist for this reason.
  • 66% think that serving a suspension for unactivated wins does not absolve users and is not acceptable, as it puts all burden on giveaway creators and Support to endlessly submit and then reject reroll requests.
  • Similarly, 63% think that people who don't activate their games and don't have the keys anymore (e.g. if they regifted them), should buy new keys (or trade for them) before getting any new giveaway keys
  • 66% would like SG to have automatic re-gifting detection.
  • If you entered a GA and was then blacklisted, most people (56%) believe you should still be allowed to win. I changed my mind on this and agree with them.
  • 73% think it's acceptable to give away Steam keys from Humble and play the DRM-free copy.

That wasn't so bad, was it?

  • 30% of users think the 1000 user limit for whitelists is too low. 47% think it's fine as it is.
  • 70% believed that when a giveaway they created is about to end with less than 5 entries, the best solution is to just let it end, lose the CV. Granted, posting it in the perpetual I-need-5-entries-for-a-giveaway thread wasn't an option when I created the poll. I'm pretty sure the results would have been different today.
  • 76% of people here want some kind of in-line image support in the forum (rather than have the images always appear collapsed at the bottom of the post). I was planning to write some screenshot-illustratd guides about a few things related to this site, and an illustrated post about coffee, but I shelved these ideas for now as they're just no fun to write or read without inline images.
  • When it comes to how polls work on this forum, the most popular enhancement (28%) people want to see is to allow voting for multiple options (checkboxes instead of radio buttons). Forbidding the use of "potato" is far less popular than I (or Dan Quayle) would have expected, at 14% of votes.
  • Only 7% of voters never want to search their own forum post. 44% need it sometimes, and 30% need it frequently. I needed it just a second ago.
  • 52% would not be interested in an option to include multiple games in a giveaway, letting the winner choose one. 38% would.
  • 59% would be interested in having an [x] I'm not a robot validation in GAs. 20% would prefer to help the bots get a fair chance.
  • 60% would like to see Steam's "Not Interested" tagging synched with SteamGifts hidden games list. 22% actually admit they would like to enter GAs for games their not interested in. Steam trading cards are probably responsible for this.
  • 75% would not be interested in an option to create special giveaways with keys that they're uncertain would work, where a successful activation granted the GA creator with half the CV, and an unsuccessful one does not get them a "Not Received" mark. 21% would like to have this option more than the alternative - letting the ninjas have the key.
  • 58% would like to have an option to limit giveaways only to people who have the game on their wishlist. Unfortunately this isn't possible even with SGTools.
  • 51% would be interested in a unified game client (like this mockup) that also works with Origin, Uplay and GOG, and 4% (including me) would actually be willing to pay for one.
  • 55% never hid or deleted a game from their Steam library.
  • 52% see a single giveaway in a train as a "Wagon". 23% voted for "Car". The rest were divided between "Carriage" and a "Station".

A poll is also included with this thread and is related to your experience with links in Part I of the thread (the one about Off Topic subjects). Please vote truthfully :-)


7 years ago*

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How did you use the links included in the previous thread ("Things I learned....Off-Topic subjects")?

View Results
I didn't visit that thread yet. I saw Part II (this thread) first
I saw that thread, but didn't click any of the links
I clicked the links and most of them opened as old threads (which I accepted without looking further)
I clicked the links and most of them opened as giveaways (which I accepted without looking further)
I clicked the links and about half opened as threads, and half opened as giveaways (which I accepted without looking further)
I checked the source code and figured that each link is actually two links - a numrical string links to a thread, while "%" sign links to a giveaway
Dan Quayle told me the thread was boobi(e) trapped, so I got the hell out of Dodge


7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Some of the results were really interesting. Thanks for the summary (and the GAs).

7 years ago

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I checked the source code and figured that each link is actually two links - a numerical string links to a thread, while "%" sign links to a giveaway.

That was the closest to true for me, though it wasn't that I checked the source code-- after clicked and came up with one thread and one giveaway, I went back and came to realize that there were two links each by mousing over it and seeing the URLs in the corner of my browser.

Also, this is 100% a bump.

7 years ago

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Have another bump!

7 years ago

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I must consider this one of the most interesting threads ever. This pretty much answers LOTS of questions that lots of users made since I joined here... Well done Yirg!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Vote addendum: I saw sgtools in the source for each link and decided not to at all, for that reason. I will be the holdout!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump for analyzing data set...

7 years ago

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All this info on these both threads, and their subthreads, and the links on these is making me a little dizzy...

7 years ago

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Thanks for the statistics and giveaways

7 years ago

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Thank you :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump! :>

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Ha, I love data like this, thanks for sharing! :D

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot for all those interesting statistics! That was nice to read ;)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I learnt a lot of things. Thank you and bump :)

7 years ago

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Bump and thanks! :)

7 years ago

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